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1、2021年公共英语二级写作冲刺试题及答案(4)_写作指导2.用你自己的语言来表达,可以改写对话中的句子,但不可以照抄原句。注意:词数80词左右。Tom:I know you travel a lot.Have you ever met any backpackers?Alice:Yes,I have.Tom:Some tourists call themselves backpackers while others dont.But what exactly is a backpacker?Alice:It just means people who travel around in a ba

2、ckpack.I used to do that when l was younger.Tom:Really?Are backpackers all young people?Alice:N0,they are of different ages,old and young,male and female.But the majority of them are young peoplehey would like to go out and see the world before they go to college,or settle down.Tom:Some backpackers

3、think they are somehow different from other touristshey would say,Im not a tourist,Im a traveler;,0rIm not a tourist,Im a backpacker;.What do you think?Alice:Some backpackers strongly identify themselves as a munity other than tourists,and think they are better than tourists in some wayhey would go

4、to a place and only talk to other backpackers.But Im not really sure I can agree with that.Tom:which country are backpackers from,the United States?Alice:They are of different nationality.But people in some countries,say,Canada,do love to travel beRer.Tom:Well,good luck with your next travel!Alice:T

5、hanks!参考范文Generally speaking, backpackers are tourists travelling with a backpack. There are backpackers of different ages and,different countries. And young people makes up the majority because they have a strong sense of curiosity a- bout the world and would like to see more. Some of them have a s

6、trong sense of munity and see themselves as different from other tourists. Some even look down upon other tourists and tend to municate inside their own group while travelling, but this is not true of all backpackers.写作指导本对话讨论的是背包客backpackers;。在理解对话的根底上,要学会提取、归纳并将原文的相关信息重新表达出来。最好先简单下个定义,范文, 然后根据对话中谈到的背包客的年龄、性别、国家进展简单描绘。最后再将对话中提到的背包客的特点提出来,即他们希望将自己区别于其他游客。



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