新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 7 What does he look like教学设计

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《新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 7 What does he look like教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 7 What does he look like教学设计(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 7 What does he look like? Section A (3a-4)【教材依据】 Go for it!七年级下第7单元,第2课时【授课对象】 通过第一个课时的学习,学生对长相的描述有了初步的认识。【教学目标】通过本课的学习,使学生能够较熟练运用所学的英语知识描述一个人,尤其是外貌。1.语言知识目标:(1)掌握本课的重点词汇。(2)能正确使用恰当的语句表述一个人的外貌,爱好等。2.情感态度目标: (1)培养学生的审美意识,提高学生审美观。【教学重点】1.重点单词、词组:captain,team,popular,bit,joke,never,stop,brown,per

2、son,a little bit, love to do, stop doing; 2.重点句型:He/She is He/She has3.话题:the description of a person【教学难点】如何恰当的描述一个人。【教学过程】Procedures & ActivitiesTeaching Procedures & ActivitiesLearning Procedures & ActivitiesTeaching AimsI. I. New words teaching1. Lets talkHelp Ss learn the new words by talking.G

3、reet Ss.Help Ss learn new words by talking sth. about their teacher.Talk with Ss about some stars:Ask some of the Ss favorite stars. Tell Ss teachers favorite star : Beckham and Li Yong. Help Ss learn new words by talking about the stars.2. Lets chooseAsk Ss to describe the new teacher, and then fin

4、ish a passage about the teacher.1 Have an interaction with the teacher, answering some questions and learn the new words.2. Choose and finish a passage about the teacher.通过轻松的free-talk,学习新单词,词组及了解相关的一些单词,词组。II. Passage learning1. Lets listen.Ask Ss to listen and match.2. Lets read.Ask Ss to read and

5、 fill in a chart:Nameheightbuildhair other characters(其他特点)Wang LinMaryXu QianMike3. Lets repeat.Ask Ss to listen and repeat.4. Lets describe.Ask Ss to read and retell.1. Listen and match. 2. Read and fill in a chart.3. Listen and repeat.4. Read and retell.1. 通过听,完成配对任务。2. 通过阅读,使学生更好的掌握文章内容。3. 通过跟读,

6、进一步学习文章内容。4. 通过复述,掌握本课重点知识。III. GuessingLets guess.Ask Ss to describe someone in the class. Ask other classmates to guess who he/she is describing. 1. Get ready for the guessing game.2. Describe one of the classmates.3. Guess,1. 使学生通过说,输出所学内容。IV. HomeworkLevel A: Write an article about your friend.

7、Level B: Make sentences by using the words and the phrases as follows:the captain of; popular; a little bit; tell jokes; never; stop Finish the homework.巩固上课所学的知识。1、选词填空。person, never , the captain of , a little bit , tell jokes , blonde , popularThis is Miss Zhang. She is of medium build. She is of

8、 medium height. She has big eyes. Her favorite host is Li Yong. Li Yong is very _. He is_thin. He is a humorous(幽默的) _.He loves to _ and_stops talking. Miss Zhangs favorite sports star is Beckham. Beckham is _ a football team. He has short_hair.2、阅读P43,3a, 填空。Nameheightbuildhair other characters(其他特

9、点)Wang LinMaryXu QianMike课 后 反 思我感到非常的幸运,作为一名年轻的教师,能有机会在县公开课中展现自己。教学是永无止境的,我希望自己能够在每一次的教学实践里都能得到些许进步。这次的公开课我学到了很多的东西。现反思如下:优点:1. 教学目的较明确,通过本堂课的学习,基本上达到了预设的教学目标.2. 上课时面带微笑,较有亲和力。学生没有陌生感,乐于参与到课堂活动中来。3. 导入自然,学生很快进入角色。由于借班上课,因此我以他们的英语老师作为导入点,引出生词。学生很熟悉,易于引出生词,并且使学生容易记住,边学边用。4. 能很好的对学生的回答作出评价,尊重学生。缺点:1. 上课的时候与学生的眼神交流还不够到位,有个别手势不够美观。2. 由于初次上这么大型的课,又是借班上课,深怕自己上不好,因此表现的不够自信。3. 由于没有充分备学生,个别指令语较难,学生一下子听不懂,陷于冷场。4. 在阅读前听的这个环节中,我本意是让学生看屏幕,然后进行听的操练。结果由于自己一时疏忽,没有提醒学生,致使有些学生在听的过程中,低头看书。自我反思有助于改造和提升教师的教学经验,经验+反思=成长。我希望自己不断地在教学实践中积累经验,在教学反思中健康成长。



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