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1、.初二上期末单选解析21. New Zealandis _ island and it lies off the eastern coast of Australia.A.aB.anC./D.the【答案】B【考点】冠词【解析】新西兰是一座岛屿,泛指,用不定冠词,island是元音因素开头的,故用an,选择B选项。22. He can write_ than most of his friends.A.betterB.wellC. goodD.best【答案】A【考点】比较级【解析】“比较级+than”的形式,所以选择well的比较级better,选择A选项。23. Tom lives _ t

2、o school of all my classmate.A.the most closeB.the closestC.closerD. close【答案】B【考点】最高级【解析】of all my classmates表示在我所有同学当中. 表示X围,故选择最高级, close的最高级为closest,而形容词最高级前要加the,故选择B选项。24. a dog suddenly appeared and _ Peter while he was walking in the village.A.biteB.bitesC.is bitingD.bit【答案】D【考点】时态【解析】while

3、he was walking in the village是过去进行时,所以判断主句为一般过去时。bite意为“咬”,过去式为bit,故选D选项。25. I saw you and Tom in the library just now. Oh, we _ several visiters around the school.A. were showingB.showedC.are showingD. will show【答案】A【考点】时态【解析】just now 意为“刚刚”,“我刚刚看到你和Tom了”,而第二个说“我们那时候正在带参观者参观学校”,是过去进行时,故选A选项。26. The

4、 old man was very friendly. He offered _ us to the seaside.A. tookB. takingC. takeD. to take【答案】D【考点】动词不定式【解析】offer to do sth. 意为“主动提出做.”,故选D选项。27. Its a good idea _ new word aloud everyday.A. pronounceB. pronouncingC. to pronounceD. pronounced【答案】C【考点】固定搭配【解析】Its a good idea to do 意为“做.是个好主意”。故选C选项

5、。28. Im very tired after a days work.Why not _ music.A. to listen toB. listening toC. listened toD.listen to【答案】D【考点】固定搭配【解析】why not do sth 意为“为什么不做.”故选D选项。29. We can raise money _ the poor children.A. helpB. helpsC. to helpD. helped【答案】C【考点】动词不定式【解析】raise money to do sth. 筹钱做某事,故选C选项。30. If you mee

6、t a new word, you can _ the word in the dictionary.A. look forB. look upC. look afterD. look forward to【答案】B【考点】短语【解析】look for 意为“寻找”,look up意为“查阅(书籍,字典)”, look after 意为“照顾”,look forward to 意为“期待,期盼”。题意“如果你遇到新词,你查阅词典”,故选B选项。31.Whereare you going for the holiday Were not sure. We _ go to Australia.A.

7、 mightB. willC. mustD. /【答案】A【考点】情态动词【解析】题意“你去哪里度假”,回答为“Werenot sure”意为“我们还不确定”,所有后面是“我们可能去澳洲”,故选择might,故选A选项。32. I will wash the car this afternoon.Oh, you _ .your father has already washed it.A. mustntB. cantC. may notD. neednt【答案】D【考点】情态动词【解析】题意“我今天下午洗车”根据回答“你爸爸已经洗过了”所以你不用洗了,故选择neednt表示“不必”,故选D选项。. v


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