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1、教学设计表学年2011学期二时间第 七 周星期 四 第 六 节科别英语执教者欧阳娟地点课室班级初一10班课题上海牛津版初中教材 七年级(下)U3 Listening: Following directions课型Listening & Speaking教材分析:本课要求学生能够根据对话内容,在平面图中标示房间和其他设施的位置。训练学生根据听到的方位介词辨别方位,由此拓展为要求学生在听懂别人的方位指令的基础上学会用英语来给他人正确指路。学情分析:初一学生个性相对活泼,课堂参与积极性比较高。但由于是普通平行班,大部分学生英语基础较为薄弱,听说能力有限,过高的要求只会打击他们学习英语的信心。因此,希

2、望通过在课堂上开展小组合作等活动,使不同程度的学生都能参与其中取得进步。教学目标:语言知识与语言技能语言知识(1)进一步掌握方位介词及介词词组:opposite, in front of, next to, behind, on the left/right(2) 掌握指路的相关句型:Go forward aboutmeters and turn left / rightIts opposite / in front of / next to / behind There is a on your left (right)/opposite/ in front of/ next toYoull

3、 find a on your left (right)/ opposite/ in front of/ next to语言技能(1) 能够听懂方位介词的描述,掌握方位指令,培养听前预测、捕捉重点信息、快速记笔记的听力策略 (2) 能够运用相关句型给他人指路并能运用方位介词阐述各个建筑物之间的位置关系。情感态度培养学生合作能力,通过小组活动提高学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:能够听懂方向指令、辨别方位并运用相关句型给他人指路。教学难点:学会看平面图;正确给他人指路并能运用方位介词阐述各个建筑物之间的位置关系。教学流程:步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手段1. Warming UpTo stimul

4、ate Ss interest and help them review some direction wordsShow Ss a picture of a living room and ask them:”Where is?”A memory game : To memorize the picture and answer some questionsppt2. Pre-listening To know how to read a map and prepare for the upcoming listening activityShow Ss a picture of the f

5、loor plan and guide them to read the map by asking (1)How many rooms are there?(2)Where are they standing at?Look at the picture in A1 (p37) and answer:textbook, students sheet, ppt3. While-listeningEnable Ss to master listening skills of listening for key information and following directionsGuide S

6、s to pay attention to direction words and then listen for key information Listen for the first time and fill in the key information about the 4 placestextbook, students sheet, pptLet Ss listen again. Follow the directions and find out the 4 placesListen again and find out the four places and mark th

7、em on the mapGuide Ss to orally practise: “John is in his bedroom now. Can you take him to the coffee shop?”Work in pairs and orally describe the way from Johns bedroom to the coffee shopTo summarize useful direction words and sentence patterns so as to provide speaking input for SsGuide Ss to summa

8、rize some useful direction words and sentence patternsSummarize useful direction words and sentence patternsstudents sheet, ppt4. Post- listeningEnable Ss to learn how to give directions(1). Set the scene: A foreign student comes to visit our school and wants to make friends with us. So he wants to

9、go to our classroom in Teaching Building, but he doesnt know the way. Now he is at the School Gate. Can you give him a hand and tell him the way to the Teaching Building? (2).Guide Ss to work in groups, discuss and then report Group-work: discuss and report: “Can you give him a hand and tell him the

10、 way to the Teaching Building?”students sheet, pptTo learn to evaluate the speaking activityGuide Ss to learn to improve their speaking by evaluating others Group-work: Evaluate others reoportstudents sheet, cards5. Summary To summarize what Ss learned in classHelp Ss to summarize the listening skil

11、ls and how to give directionsTo sum up the listening skills and ways of giving directionsstudents sheet6. HomeworkTo consoliate what have learntTo prepare an English broadcast article on the escaping route from Starbucks Coffee to the fire exit.tudents sheet板书设计:U3 Listening:Following directionsDire

12、ction words in front of on the left/right under, over, above next to/beside oppositeSentence patterns Go forward aboutmeters Turn left/right Its at the end of/ in front of/ Youll see next to/opposite/ There is/areon your left/right课后反思: 学生通过本课的学习基本能掌握方向指令、判断不同事物的方位方位以及运用相关句型给他人指路,但是在实际交际中仍有一些口误和用词比较

13、局限的问题。七年级英语第二单元语法复习教学设计增城市派潭镇第三中学 邱影东教学课 题The Present Continuous Tense课程类 型复习课授课时间40分钟教材分析本节课课型是语法复习课,以七年级下册的第二单元话题Protect the Environment为载体,突出有关现在进行时的复习、巩固和运用。学习者分析学生在小学已经学习过现在进行时,但是进入初中对之的掌握、巩固、运用方面应该还是需要加强的,特别是结合话题、运用知识进行输出、学习语法技能方面需要进一步的提升。教学重点1. 充分利用本单元的词汇和话题,通过听、说、读、写以及小组竞争和合作等多种手段掌握和巩固本语法专项习

14、得。2. 训练学生掌握现在进行时的三个维度:形式、意义和用法,实现自主输出,并强调语法在篇章中的作用。教学难点1. 创设情境、训练学生结合教材话题和生活话题,运用语法技能掌握现在进行时,并结合Diane Larsen-Freeman著语言教学-从语法到语法技能中提出 “交际中语言的三维度”,本人据此理论,从形式、意义和用法上教授语言技能,让学生可以在生活交际中自主运用。2. “动态教授语法技能”“让学生在交际中动态的理解语法技能” 即在交际中实现动态语法教学,让学生掌握在生活中运用现在进行时的基本技能。教学目标(一) 语言知识(质量评价标准)formmeaningusage- (1.了解现在进

15、行时的概念和用法。2. be+doing 3. 掌握现在进行时的基本句式 4.掌握现在分词构成的规律)(二) 技能与方法1. To generalize the three dimensions of the present continuous tense. 2. To be able to practice the grammar in different communication.(三) 情感态度与价值观1. To cultivate students interest of grammar and feel more confident in English. 2. To build the skill of using the present continuous tense in



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