新课标(新目标)初中英语九年级《Unit9 When was it invented》精品教案

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1、新课标(新目标)初中英语九年级Unit9 When was it invented?精品教案Section B 3a-4b 教学目标知识目标:1、掌握本课的新单词,进一步巩固被动语态 2、阅读3a能力目标:能用目标语言谈论重要发明的历史,并能运用被动语态进行写作情感目标:通过学习本节课,开拓学生的思路,培养学生的创新精神,为成为未来的发明家打下基础重点与难点重点:掌握所学单词,巩固句型及培养学生的阅读能力和写作能力难点:如何用被动语态谈论一些重要发明的历史教学过程.warmup1. Check the new words on P72.a. Read and correct the proun

2、ciation in groups.b. Have a dictation.2. Pre-read(预读)Task: Talk about the inventionsa. Make conversations about the inventions you know.参考句型:Who was/were invented by?It was /they were invented by .When was/were invented?It was /they were invented in .What is/are used for?It is /they are used for .b.

3、 Make conversations according to the chart.ChartFour big inventionsWhenWhoBe used forPapermaking techniquemaking paperGunpowderCompassPrinting method.While-readTask 1. Read 3a fast , answer the two questions and fill the answers in the chart. a. When was tea invented?b. Who was tea invented by?Task

4、2. Read 3a carefully and fill in the chartChart The history of _WhenWhoHowIt was invented _.When Shen Nong was _,some leaves _,_there and _a pleasant smell.Then _ was invented.Task 3.a. Read again, find out the difficult points and places you don t understand. Then talk about them in groups.b. Teach

5、er s explanation :1.by accident 2.according to 3.fall into 4.in this wayTask 4. Read after the tape,then read by yourself. Post-Read Retell 3a according to the chart. ProductionsTask 1. a.write an article using the notes in 3b. b.write an article according to the Chart.Task 2. Have an invention comp

6、etitionIntroduce your invention like this:1. What is it?2. What is it used for?3. If you use it,how will it help you?. Summary (总结)1. Sum up what you have learned today. 2. Sum up how to describe the history of inventions. Homework1.Recite 3a2.Write another passage.3.Preview Self-check.教师寄语:It is very important to have new ideas, so hold on to your ideas,one day they may just come true!Please remember:Where theres a will,there is a way. (有志者,事竟成)


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