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1、六年级英语同步教育人教四年制【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容Unit One Fun story Unit Two Lesson 7Lesson 8二. 本周重点及难点(一) Fun story:趣味故事1. 译文:Mimi , Micky和他们的小伙伴正在进行社会实践活动。他们将自制的标语牌摆放在各个公共场所,提醒人们行为要文明。然而,可笑的是,Micky刚刚将No littering !的标语牌插在花池旁边,就在吃香蕉时将香蕉皮随手乱丢,结果引来了小伙伴们的纷纷指责。Mimi , Micky and their classmates are going on a social studi

2、es field trip . Mimi , Micky和同学们正在进行社会实践活动。They come to a hospital . The rabbit puts her sign in front of the hospital . She wants to tell people , “ Be quiet . ” 他们来到一家医院,小兔将标示牌放在医院门前。她想告诉人们:“保持安静。”They come to a busy street . The dog holds up his sign to tell people , “ No crossing ! ” Mimi holds

3、up a sign to tell people , “ Look out ! ” 他们来到一条繁忙的街道上。小狗举起他的标示牌告诉人们“禁止穿行!”Mimi举起标示牌告诉人们“要当心!”They come to a beautiful park . The panda holds up his sign to tell people , “ keep off the grass . ” Micky points to his sign to tell people , “ No littering . ” 他们来到一个漂亮的公园,熊猫举着他的标示牌告诉人们,“勿践踏草地。”Micky指着他的

4、标示牌告诉人们,“禁止乱扔东西。”Micky feels hungry . He eats a banana . Then he throws the banana skin on the ground . Micky感到饿了。他吃了一个香蕉。然后他将香蕉皮扔在了地上。What is wrong with Micky ? What are his classmates doing now ?Micky怎么啦?他的同学们在做什么?2. 重点词语及表达:(1)in front of与in the front of的区别: in front of在的前面 例:There are some trees

5、 in front of the house . 那房子前面有几棵树。 in the front of 在内部的前面 例:He sits in the front of the class . 他坐在全班的前面。(2)a busy street 繁忙的街道 i i: (3)hold up 举起 u (4)point to 指着 i (5)banana skin 香蕉皮 i (6)No crossing 禁止穿越(二)Unit Two Lesson 7 Lesson 81. 重点词语及表达:(1)e-mail ei A. 名词 电子邮件 例:send an e-mail 发电子邮件 read a

6、n e-mail 看电子邮件 Im sending an e-mail to Lucy . 我正在给Lucy发电子邮件。B. 动词 发电子邮件 例:Please e-mail me back . 请给我回电子邮件。 Im e-mailing Lucy now . 我正在给Lucy发电子邮件。(2)bring i A. 带来,拿来例:Bring me the basket . = Bring the basket to me . 把篮子带给我。 Take the book to the next room , and bring the newspaper here . 把这本书拿到隔壁的房间去

7、,把那张报纸带到这儿来。注:bring与take方向相反,take是拿走,带走。 bring out = take out拿出B. 使(人)来到;把引来:What brings you here today ? 今天是什么风把你吹来了?(3)daily 形容词;每日的;每周日的;日常的 ei a daily paper 日报 daily life 日常生活名词:日报 China Daily中国日报(4)end结束 School ends at five . 5:00放学。 e (5)go to school 去上学(6)in the morning 在早晨(7)in the evening 在

8、晚上(8)have(9)get up 起床(10)have classes 上课(11)go home回家(12)watch TV 看电视(13)go to bed 上床睡觉2. 语法:一般现在时(非单数第三人称)肯定句:主语+动词原形+其他例:I get up at 6:30 . 我6:30起床。 We go home at 5:00 . 我们5:00回家。 They often watch TV in the evening . 他们经常晚上看电视。否定句:在主语后加dont I dont get up at 6:30 . We dont go home at 5:00 . They do

9、nt often watch TV in the evening . 注:dont一定要加在主语后,时间副词之前。一般疑问句:句首加Do ?Do you get up at 6:30 ? Do you go home at 5:00 ?Do they often watch TV in the evening ?3. 译文:Lesson 7Gao Wei:What are you doing , Li Yan ? 李燕你在干什么?Li Yan:Im reading an e-mail from Lucy . Shes my new friend . 我在看露茜发来的电子邮件。她是我的新朋友。G

10、ao Wei:Can I read it ? 我能看一下吗?Li Yan:Sure ! 当然可以!Hi Li Yan , My name is Lucy . Im from New Zealand . Im twelve . Let me tell you something about my daily life . 你好,李燕。我叫露茜。我是新西兰人。我12岁。让我来讲讲我的日常生活。I get up at seven every morning . I go to school at twenty past eight . School begins at nine . I have c

11、lasses from 9:00 to 11:30 . I bring a lunch box to school . 我每天早晨7:00起床。我8:20去上学。9:00学校开始上课。我9:00至11:30上课。我把午餐盒饭带到学校。School ends at three . I get home at about half past three . 3:00放学。3:30我到家。Then I do my homework . I have dinner at about seven . After dinner , I watch TV . I go to bed at 9:00 . 然后

12、我写作业。大约7:00我吃晚饭。晚饭后,我看电视。我9:00上床睡觉。How about you ? Please e-mail me back . 你呢?请给我回电子邮件。Best wishes , 祝好,Lucy 露茜【模拟试题】一. 语音:判断划线部分发音,相同画“”,不同画“”1. clean lead( ) 2. end then( )3. half wall( ) 4. dinner wish( )5. from come( ) 6. let every( )7. daily wait( ) 8. ground out( )9. busy under( )10. sign spit

13、( )二. 看图补全句子:(我的一日生活)1. I at 6:15 in the .2. I at 6:40 every day . 3. After , I .4. We from 8:00 to 11:30 . 5. I at 12:10 . 6. I my classmates at 4:30 . 7. I at 5:30 p.m .8. We at 6:20 . 9. I at 7:30 . 10. I at 9:45 . 三. 按要求改写句子:1. We often make things in class . (否) 2. They always go shopping on Sundays .(?) 3. Im cleaning the classroom .(用often改写) 四. 补全对话:A:Hi , Peter ! Youre early today . B:Yes . I come to school early every day . A:What do you get up weekdays ? seven oclock ?B:No , thats late . I at 6:30 .A:Oh , but I usually at seven . I live my school . I can lunch at home . D



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