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1、CHANGE HISTORYCHANGE DESCRIPTIONEFF. DATEPREPARED BYAPPROVED BYDEPT.REVANEW RELEASE Add named rulesUpdate 5.1. AddFor the series and parallel Battery capacity and cell balance check, when first make sample and first mass production, update cycle life require, and add appearance check require12/11/10

2、/15/10/31/07/11/刘斌刘斌刘斌刘斌陈光辉陈光辉陈光辉陈光辉TETETETE04CONFIDENTIALITYTOP CONFIDENTIAL ()CONFIDENTIAL ( ) INTERNAL ONLYDISTRIBUTION()MFG()QA()R&D()FNC()PMC()PME()SRC()HR&A()S&M()PRJ()IE()TE()BCU ( ) OTHERISSUENO.:1. Purpose (目的)规范本公司产品新产品设计验证测试项目、测试条件及判定标准Standardize the new product design verification test

3、item、test condition and criteria.2. Scope (范围)适用于本公司新研发的所有型号电池产品Applicable to all the new battery products3. Definition (定义)设计验证:对产品的电池功能,可靠性,安全性进行验证,确保产品符合设计要求 Design verification: verify the batteries protect function, reliability, safety whether meet the spec definition make sure thebatteries mee

4、t design requirement.4. Responsibility (职责权限)4.1 R&D (研发部):编制新产品设计计划,计划输入输出/输出,完成客户产品的定义,输出产品 规格书,新样品样板制作,设计转移,新零件/模具承认,编制产品规格书Prepares the new product design planning, design input/output, Provide the product definition and specification basing on customers request. sample making, design transfer,

5、the new Parts/molds verification, establishment product specification4.2 PRJ (项目工程部):和客户沟通产品的需求,编制及执行品质控制计划,跟踪项目研发,负责安 排样品试制,产品试产至量产全过程,对项目成不及项目过程中的风险进行 控制,跟踪过程问题至解决。Communicate with customer, understand customers requirement. Prepare and implement quality control flow chart (QCFC).Track the entire

6、process of project from R&D, sample building, pilot production to volume production. Control the project costs and risks. Follow up all the issues until solved.4.3 S&M (市场营销部):负责新项目立项,客户报价,售后服务,客户信息反馈。In charge of the new project definition, customer quotation, aftersales service, customer feedback.

7、4.4 QA (品质部):负责新产品样品FAE与产品质量管理Be responsible for new producfs quali ty management and FAE.4.5 TE (测试工程部):负责产品测试设备,产品验证,可靠性验证测试,提供测试报告。Be responsible for test equipment, product verification, reliability test, and summit test report.5. Instruction (作业指引)5.1 Test time:(测试时机)5.1.1 Proto type阶段,RD负责样品测试

8、验证及报告At proto type step, RD is in charge of test verification and report5.1.2对于多串并电池,第一次制样及第一次量产时,项目部需送3PCS到实验 室进行容量及压差测试。For the series and parallel battery, when first made sample and first mass production, prj need send 3pcs samplesTo lab do the capacity and cell balancecheck.5.1.3产品进入EVT阶段,实验室负责

9、完成设计验证At EVT step, laboratory. is in charge of complete design verification5.1.3项目部负责提供样品给实验室Project is in charge of provide the test samples to laboratory5.2Design change (设计变更)如接下来设计有变更,R&D需针对变更项目及有影响项目重新测试,项目部 需重新送样至实验室,实验室针对变更项目进行再次验证测试When the product design changed in next step, R&D must retes

10、t the affected items by the change retested, and PRJ need to apply for afresh test. According to the change lab will do the related test5.3 Sample quantity :(测试数量)根据测试标准,每一项测试需要测试验证3pcs,如有特殊要求,可以根据需要适当 调整测试数量. For the test criteria, for each test item need 3pcs sample to verification. if there have

11、special requests, it canadjust the test quantity by need5.4Test item (测试项目)5.4.1参考附件二Reference the attachment two5.4.2当客户有特殊要求时,各项目的测试方法及判定条件按客户要求;The test method and criteria shall been in accord with the customer demand.5.4.3当实验室无法进行相关测试时,由项目部统一申请外送给有资质的供应商测试;When it cant be test by lab, prj shall

12、 apply for testing by the professional vendor.5.5样品测试完成后,测试人员须参照QSI025FM015A完成设计验证报告,再将 测试报告交由实验室工程师及TE经理审批存档,并影印一份副本或者以邮件 形式发给相关人员。After finished the test, tester should follow QSI025FM015A finished the report and submit to reliability engineerand TE Manager for approving, lastly make a copy of rep

13、ort or send report to the correlative persons.5.6可靠性测试的品质目标是零不合格。当测试不合格时,立即通知测试/项目/研 发/品质部门等相关部门,组成FA分析小组一同对不合格进行原因分析,并 制定纠正预防措施,且此批产品按照QEP023M不合格品控制程序 处理;若 该批次产品已出货给客户,须立即通知客户The target of reliability test is zero reject rate, if fail, immediately notify TE/PRJ/QA Related department, createFA Group

14、 to analyze the root cause then take corrective and preventive action, this product shall be handled according toQEP023 , If this product had been shipped, we shall inform customer Immediately6 Named rules (测试报告命名规格)测试命名为测试类型+机种名称+发行日期+流水号,测试类型有设计验证(DT),可靠测试(RT),抽样测试(OT )三种类型例如:8708可靠性振动测试报告,发行日期为10

15、12,流水号为1则命名为:RTNNB8708Vibration Test Report 101201Test type named + model name + issue date + serial number, test types for design verification (DT), reliabletesting (RT), sampling test (OT) there tapesSuch as: 8708 reliable vibration test, release date for the 1012, serial number 1 is namedRTNNB8708Vibration Test Report 1012017. ATTENTION (注意事项):N/A8. REFERENCE DOCUMENT(参考文件):GB/T182872000UL2054UL1642UN38.3IEC610000042UL6095019. RECORD (相关记录)



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