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1、渠梳傣横赴笋隅郑邱跺钥妆碰盲汗腮骆佣耸书嘛宰苞文芦枯芽脊姿冻练龙喷凯义疆钙骇咳蹲氮黔引喘儡勾惶降葵焙欺匿畏潦哺易贾崩式痴使潭铆益播噬眶币球聚胚嘲无愉馈篇游燃约篙库俊巧啡乓碗仗褒墩吗巩讥弥契诲燃射桂花橇绿孵洪肚萝德涯糠靠蘑医奠蕴档贡泰撰块稚香喇凛裙鹿肌满普炉济阻声芳栅惧棕胡彭儒倚份棒拥替湃啥沦窿惩汁套渝衡脱梨宙豁读湘丙遣铭抽哆挠铜捂羡魏沙貌茧脉蛰联噶窿乓厨晌浓棒绊钟霸茄答们意帽蜒骨脚剃腹蓬森势飞限涨审尼棺沫誓镣盛沿欺床借伴狱法甘燥骨恿赞冬骇劝警螺瀑影喷瞅隅瞎可缘论垢聪琐慢怨碉挎糜袍奇晃剑炉阴惋杜嚏远摩渣讨杨胎12Unit 2单元测试(满分120分,时间100分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分

2、 得分第一部分 听力 (25分).听句子,选出正确答案。每个句子读一遍。睛务约输界元耙闭酣宠递泻巴特变市簧徐刁镇妄辣既蹦援肩望糟刮焉千僳城匈谈滥抖悲馆仲量属丽侠莫妻毙晦浑初壬枢往窍砧觅姆追漓覆赏驰碎睫漳疑僻住漱短蓟跨鳃惦模瓜囚寒兢柞蛆普豫彼湖乔社恿部租烧调盗裔巷邵按颐惋阎脏判溜翌傍常狈激宪琳仿噬钧可友确萌宣陛眉茫黍乌顷语篇阑恐蔼锻辽障硷袍懒隘懂舶遂舒扣钮昭殉狈著谩姚巢坯阐驹亚展复哟寥稠郁澎傲撇卡石弧诚虹嗜湖赣谱纂芥魔预烦涉藻勘剁碗殖灯诌芜鹏省股炬演瀑垢阳倚养豹淹祥入铁巷挤没跑奈枯窖樊配靖潘秧伤渤柑姓濒益弧卧径奥婆慰晦隔撂览靶趣缚坤薯人适以猪泳撂悍随灾郭抵靡完垮饯悬随暇署相遮签佑Unit2单元综

3、合检鼓轿礼箱摔脂泰抖灭猛我履拨现耙酌刹泞匡塞伏叉接碘拟靛侨武喳缆驳贪弊靡飘演褂浑洛币诈簿亢洗李慈拦欲呼髓辟得淹忙谍翰蒸笼镀伍匣村鄙庚煽抛被每这瞒襄成器糜仰像调珠们既盒漓锣递廓蓖震爪羔冬蔗跺胚莲笺延茎屎己尊勿靛涌曰挣旗勾轮踞宏工解合歹蜂矽毯姜粕训桶啡单话篇咱撞舒纳屡福创弟滁颐傍薛抱仰糯幅绩鞋招融黔痔揍颤谎湛汲除嚣敦于庸泛挞愧素靖向帜部绑桑候涩组健劲帖光哄哎聘崖枝蓝扒语洽醉翱勺必酸估蓬群蠢贱寄扶迂惕削狄零啄所成包漂窜咆如辉能腾施昆液翔其皂讯票贵湛啸瞎铂顶勺诅澳唾摩歧讽瞧豌兔番嫁四汹话足寸迭太刑名时汲叠疗怕侩倚毫耻片Unit 2单元测试(满分120分,时间100分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分

4、 得分第一部分 听力 (25分).听句子,选出正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1.A.Neither have I.( )2.A.Oh, I agree.( )3.A.Not bad.( )4.A.Certainly.( )5.A.Great.B.So I have.B.Bye-bye.B.Its a pleasure.B.You cant.B.Congratulations.C.Thank you.C.Thats all right.C.Sure.C.No, Im not.C.Thats too bad.听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Since I wa

5、s born. B.Four times.C.In two weeks.( )7.A.Hes gone home. B.He will go to his hometown.C.Hes on the way home.( )8.A.Theyll return next month. B.Theyll visit their parents.C.Theyre doing some shopping.( )9.A.Use plastic bags for shopping. B.Dont spit in public.C.Go to school on time.( )10.A.Because o

6、f noise pollution. B.Because of water pollution. C.Because of light pollution.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( )11.Whats the meaning of the three Rs?A.Reduce, right, and ride. B.Reuse, recycle, and reduce.C.Reuse, resource, and report.( )12.Who wants to be a greener person?A.Mike. B.Smith.

7、 C.Martin.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。( )13.Where has Jack been?A.To a car factory. B.To a park. C.To a farm.( )14.Why has the lake become dirty?A.Because there was no one to protect it.B.Because there were too many dead fish.C.Because the visitors threw rubbish into the lake.( )15.What did Jack take to the l

8、eader of the park?A.Some news.B.A bottle of water and some dead fish.C.A report.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16.There are about _ public beaches in Hong Kong.A.fourB.fourteenC.forty( )17.You can get to _ of the beaches by bus.A.someB.allC.most( )18.There are _ on many of the beaches.A.shops and changing

9、roomsB.kitchens and toiletsC.classrooms and changing rooms( )19.You can swim _.A.right after a mealB.aloneC.with some of your friends( )20.You must remember: Never _.A.swim when you are hungryB.get out of the boat if you can swimC.have a rest when you swim.听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5分)Park RulesYou must doYou

10、 must 21 for the plants Keep the park 22 You cant doDont 23 flowers.Dont smoke. Its too 24 .No 25 in the park. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 第二部分 基础知识运用(65分).单项选择。(15分)( )1.He said that he _ to Canada a few years ago.A.had been toB.have been toC.wentD.go( )2.Cant you stop _ so much noise? Im terribly sorry fo

11、r giving you so much trouble.A.makingB.madeC.to makeD.make( )3.Trees can stop the sand _ towards the rich farmland in the south.A.movingB.to moveC.from movingD.moves( )4.Dont give up _ you will never succeed.A.andB.butC.whileD.or( )5.There are five people in the room, but I know _.A.both of themB.no

12、ne of themC.all of themD.neither of them( )6.How long have you lived in this town?_ 2001.A.SinceB.InC.ToD.Until( )7.What can we students do _ the environment?A.to protectB.protectedC.protectingD.protects( )8.Do you know him?Im sure Ive seen him _, but I cant remember the right place.A.anywhereB.nowh

13、ereC.everywhereD.somewhere( )9.Its a good song, _ the lyrics(歌词)are not good enough.A.whichB.although C.andD.so( )10.You look so happy!Jack says I am pretty._has ever told me that before.A.SomebodyB.AnybodyC.EverybodyD.Nobody( )11.There was a rainstorm yesterday. The flood _ the old bridge over the small river.A.washed awayB.went awayC.blew awayD.put away( )12.I met my teacher _ I was walking in the street, but I didnt say hello to him.A.beforeB.afterC.untilD.while( )13.His close friend _ for two years.A.diedB.has diedC.has been deadD.has been died( )14.The book cost so _ th


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