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1、新课标人教版初中七年级地理下册期末试题附答案第I卷(选择题 共70分) 一、选择题(共70分) (一)单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 读某日西半球光照示意图,图1,AB为晨昏线回答1,3题: 1(若该日A点正午太阳高度为45?,则该地纬度为 A(66.5?N B(70?N C(67.5?N D(65?N 2(下列四个城市中,与其它三个城市日期不同的是 A(惠灵顿 B(伦敦 C(北京 D(纽约 3(在未来半个月内,下列现象不可能出现的是 A(太阳直射点先北移然后南移 B(悉尼夜长和昼长之差达一年中最大值 图1 C(雅加达正

2、午太阳高度先变大再变小 D(北极圈上出现极昼现象 读经纬网图,图2,完成4,6题: 4(p2与p3 两地的判断 A(p2 在东半球,p3在西半球 B(p2 与p3日期相差一天 C(p2与p3两地在雨季吹的风向相同 D(p2的昼长与p3的夜长相等 图2 5(p1与p2 两地的判断 A(p1 与p2附近产生气候差异的主要原因是大气环流 B(p1地区宜发展技术指向型工业,p2附近地区宜发展廉价劳动力指向型工业 C(p1与p2附近地区农业景观相同 D(p1与p2附近海区洋流成因相同,性质相同 6(有一艘船于2003年12月24日上午17点钟(p1所在地区时)由p1附近港口出发,于2004年1月25日1

3、7点(p4所在地区时)到达p4附近海域,下列说法正确的是 A(沿途海区盐度值先变高再变低 B(船上旗杆正午的影长先变长,然后再变短 C(船在航行途中能接受到太阳的直射 D(船的航行时间是整32天 7(巴黎市区高级住宅区集中在城市西部,低级住宅区集中在城市东部,造成这种现象的主要原因是 A(地形 B(塞纳河的流向 C(风向 D(地质基础 8(读图3,从山峰向下望,将不能看见的点是 A(A点 B(B点 C(C点 adapt to the concept, mode and method of work, establish economic underdeveloped, responsibili

4、ty in my idea, inappropriate spectator. Council formulated the 50 measures, the city at all levels of public security organs or folding not withhold had caught carry out fulfil, especially the windows service units to earnestly honor their commitment. To do it right away, the speed and efficiency of

5、 practical action for the broad masses of the people more satisfied. Inspector detachment to jointly with the police department, 50 measures for the implementation of the carry out a full range of supervision and inspection. To improve the quality of police enforcement and business skills, further e

6、nhance the level of law enforcement. To adhere to the rapid and reliable alarming, trying to make 110 Alarming and fast 1 minute, with good working attitude and norms of law enforcement behavior to the satisfaction of the masses. Is a systems engineering, needs the joint efforts of all the police, i

7、mprove the masses of 110 alarming, investigating and handling cases of satisfaction. To spare no efforts to carry out large reciprocal work, this is we improve group Public security and satisfaction of the golden key. Since the May 2013, the Municipal Public Security Bureau by means of information f

8、or all with the public security organs dealing with, masses visits, found in a timely manner, to rectify the problem, to realize the people a sense of security and satisfaction of successive lifting. The visit must be taken seriously, a bit can not be sloppy, to the problem of finding promptly resol

9、ved, is strictly prohibited for fraud on the surface of the achievements. To return to each individual, trying to make the people from the bottom of 图3 D(D点 读图4回答9,11题。 9(就纬度而言,图中臭氧总量的极小值出现在 A(赤道附近上空 B(北半球中高纬度上空 C(南极上空 D(北冰洋上空 10(就季节而言,图中南北半球臭氧含量的极大值均出现在 A(夏季 B(冬季 C(春季 D(秋季 11(臭氧含量的减少,对地球的影响主要是 A(吸收

10、紫外线能力减弱,导致全球气温下降 B(危害人体健康以及农林牧渔业生产 C(导致海面上升,危害沿海地区 D(扰乱电离层,使无线电短波通讯中断 图5中有四条山脉分析判断12,15题 图4 图5 12(属于长江流域和其它流域的分界的 A.? B.? C.? D.? 13(山脉两侧体现由沿海向内陆的地域分异的是 A.? B.? C.? D.? 14(垂直自然带数目的最多的是 A.? B.? C.? D.? 15(山脉附近地区需要加强水土保持的是 A.? B.? C.? D. ? 读图6完成16,18题。 16(与?自然带更替相似的是 A(? B(? C(? D(? 17(气候形成过程中,受非地带性因素

11、影响较大的是 A(?、?两地 B(?、?两地 C(?、?两地 D(?、?两地 18(?、?、?三地气候 图6 A(类型相同,成因不同 B(类型不同,成因不同 C(类型不同,成因相同 D(类型相同,成因相同 adapt to the concept, mode and method of work, establish economic underdeveloped, responsibility in my idea, inappropriate spectator. Council formulated the 50 measures, the city at all levels of p

12、ublic security organs or folding not withhold had caught carry out fulfil, especially the windows service units to earnestly honor their commitment. To do it right away, the speed and efficiency of practical action for the broad masses of the people more satisfied. Inspector detachment to jointly wi

13、th the police department, 50 measures for the implementation of the carry out a full range of supervision and inspection. To improve the quality of police enforcement and business skills, further enhance the level of law enforcement. To adhere to the rapid and reliable alarming, trying to make 110 A

14、larming and fast 1 minute, with good working attitude and norms of law enforcement behavior to the satisfaction of the masses. Is a systems engineering, needs the joint efforts of all the police, improve the masses of 110 alarming, investigating and handling cases of satisfaction. To spare no effort

15、s to carry out large reciprocal work, this is we improve group Public security and satisfaction of the golden key. Since the May 2013, the Municipal Public Security Bureau by means of information for all with the public security organs dealing with, masses visits, found in a timely manner, to rectif

16、y the problem, to realize the people a sense of security and satisfaction of successive lifting. The visit must be taken seriously, a bit can not be sloppy, to the problem of finding promptly resolved, is strictly prohibited for fraud on the surface of the achievements. To return to each individual, trying to make the



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