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1、2019-2020 年八年级上英语Unit 9 When was he born Section B 学案课 题Unit 9 Section B课 型执笔人学习方法归纳法,俩俩对话,小组合作教师寄语A good begi nning is half done.学习目标1. 知识目标:(1) begin /start to (2) at the age of (3) take part in (4)the first to (5) He was also the first Chin ese pia nist in the 70 year history of the petitio n to

2、winthis prize.2. 能力目标:利用本课句型谈论过去的经历。学生自主活动材料Step 1:前置自学(1)Read and remember the words in P104-105 ( 记住 P104-105 中 SectionB 的单词)(2)Read the book from Page 5 to Page 6. Understand the sentences from 1a to 4. Finish the exercisesin activity 1a and 4( 预习课本,读懂1a-4中的句子,完成听力以外的练习)(3 )预习检查Task1 :写出下列词的适当形式。

3、1. 运动员 (形容词) 2.钢琴(复数)3.第一(基数词)4. 观光 ( 名词)5.亚洲 ( 形容词)6.有创造力的(动词)Task2 :翻译下列短语。1. 参加 2.在岁 3.获得一等奖 4. 一位著名的中国小提琴手_5.一位善良可爱的奶奶 6.主修 7.在70年的历史中 8.闲暇时光和某人一起度过Task3 :重点句型体验连词成句1. Li Yun di, famous, pia nist2. Zhou Bicha ng, spe nd, free time, dog3. Guan Yin sha n, start skati ng, four4. Lan gla ng, lear n,

4、 pia no, threeTask4: Discuss the answers in groups and check each other.(小组互相检查答案 )Step 2 :教学过程Task1 :看1a图中人物,在每幅图下面写上一、两个形容词描述这个人物。Task 2 :合作学习仿照1b句式,和同组的伙伴谈论一下图片中的人物。Arthur is a lovi ng gra ndfather .He spe nds all his free time with his gra ndson.Task 3.练习听力完成2a、2b听录音,完成下列表格人名出生日期身份过去经历whe nwhatM

5、idoriLauraTask 4.实践活动两人一组谈论上面表格内容A:Who do you admire?A: Who is Midori?A: Whe n was she born?B: I admire Midori.B: She is a famous violi nst.B: She was born in 1971.A: When did she tour the U.S? B: When she was fourtee n years old.Task 4. Read and fill in the blanks in 3a.Task5. Write an article abou

6、t Laura according to the information in 2b.Step5.当堂检测I. 根据所给的首字母填写所缺的单词:1. At fI was a bit ill. But now I m better.2. Mr Mott had a bad m, he couldn t remember his telephone number.3. It s going to rain. You d better take an uwith you.4. -How long can I kthe book? -For only a week.5. On my way to sc

7、hool I ba cake.6. I can tell you the an swer tthis questi on later.7. Please say it slowly. I dhear you.8. Uncle Wang is going to America. Let s say gto him.9. I m sorry for sthose words to you.10. I enjoy sin En glish.11. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Whenyou leave the office yesterday? ( do )2. Liste n! Who? (l

8、augh)3. They(go) to Macao tomorrow.4. My fatherback soon. ( be )5. Shemany things such as the memory robot, so she was an inven tor . (invent)6. the childre n in the classroom ten mi nu tes ago? ( be )7. Whobest in your class? (sing)8. His brotherto London last week. ( fly)9. After he finished drawi

9、ng , he(take) the painting to his mother.10. He(read) a n ewspaper before work this morning.III. 选择填空:1. Isome apples and the n went out.A. taked B. tookC. tak ingD. take2. A: Do you n eed any help?B: No, I.A. don t B.didn t C.need n t D.cant3. Shehimit, but he didn t listen.t doA. tell , to do B. t

10、ells , doC. told , n ot to do D. told ,didn4. Lily,Lucy s sister ,.A. are both in Grade Two B. both are in Grade TwoC .is in Grade Two D. are all in grade 25. Iborn in Beiji ng.A. am B. is C. was D. werest6. I remember you came to our classthe morningSeptember 1.A. i n , in B. i n , on C. on , in D.

11、 on , of7. There are something importanttoday s newspaper.A. inB. onC. atD. for8. I have to ask my mothersome money to buy the book.A. forB. toC. inD. of9. We met our En glish teacherEn gla ndlunch.A. of , at B. to , for C. in , for D. from , at10. Teachersother schools ofte n visit our school.A. of

12、 B. to C. forD. from11. He does betterswim ming tha n me.A. at B. for C. inD. to12. A:did your father live in that old house?B: For about ten years.A. How long B. How ofte n C. How soo n D. How far13. A:do you go to the theatre?B: Once a week.A. How long B. How ofte n C. How soo n D. How far14. A:wi

13、ll he e back?B: In two hours.A. How long B. How ofte n C. How soon15. A: Must you go home now?B: No, I.A.must n t B.need n t C.D. How fardon t D.cant16. youyour bags just now?A. Did , pack B. Do, pack C. Did , packed D. Do , packed17. They wenta tripHon gzhou last Wedn esday?A. to , to B. on , to C.

14、 to , on D. on , on18. We asked Ann and Joy tothe dialogue.A. act at B. act for C. act up D. act out19. My friend, Tom, stayed in Londonabout two years.A. in B. on C. forD. /20. A: Who came late today?B:m.A. is B. was C. didD. does21. His teacher had Toma positi on once a week.A. writes B. write C.

15、writ ingD. to write22. Would you liketo drink?A. someth ing else B. else someth ing C. other someth ing D. other anything23. She watched her daughterun der the tree.A. play B. plays C. to play D. played24. A: Do you n eed to finish your homework now?B: Yes. IA. needB.have to C.canD.neednt25. They came to Nin gbo.A.


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