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1、广西工学院毕业设计(论文)说明书课题名称 C630-1D车床的数控改造 横向进给运动的设计 系 别 机械工程系 专 业 机械工程及其自动化(数控技术) 班 级 机自Y073 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 2011年 1月 10日35摘 要众所周知,制造业是国民经济的基础产业和支柱产业,是推动国家技术进步的力量。我国制造业较落后,想要改变此现状就必须提高制造业装备水平,特别是机床的数控化率。数控机床是属于高新技术集成的机电一体化机械加工设备,受到世界各工业发达国家的高度重视。成为当今世界机械加工设备中最引人注目的产品,但其价格昂贵。因此,普通车床的数控化改造成为热点。本次设计是对普通车床C630-1

2、D的数控化改造。在这个团队主要包括:主传动系统的改造、纵向进给系统的改造、横向进给系统的改造。而我主要是针对横向进给系统进行机械改造。这次毕业设计对设计工作的基本技能的训练,提高了分析和解决工程技术问题的能力,并为进行一般机械的设计创造了一定条件。数控改造主要传动系统的机械改造。由于对经济型数控机床的加工精度要求不高,为简化结构、降低成本。通过控制横进给系统,保证改造后的车床具有定位、直线插补、圆弧插补、暂停等功能。为实现机床所要求的传动效率,采用步进电机经联轴器再传动丝杠;为保证一定的传动精度和平稳性,尽量减小摩擦力,选用滚珠丝杠螺母副。关键词:车床 数控改造 联轴器 滚珠丝杠 Abstra

3、ctAs we all know, manufacturing is the basic of economy industries and pillar industries, is the power to promote the progress of technological of the State. Chinas manufacturing industry has fallen behind,if we want to change this situation we must improve the level of equipment manufacturing indus

4、try, especially in CNC machine tools rate. High-tech CNC machine tools are integrated mechatronics mechanical processing equipment, the worlds industrialized countries are highly valued of it. It has become the worlds most remarkable mechanical processing equipment products, but the price is very ex

5、pensive. Therefore, the lathes Transformation of NC has become a hot. This design is about the common Lathe C630-1D transformation of NC. Main tasks are: the transformation of the main transmission system, the transformation of the vertical feeding system, horizontal feed system reform. While I was

6、mainly aim at the lateral feeding system mechanical transformation. The graduation project on the design of the basic skills training has improved the analysis and the ability to solve engineering problems, and create a certain condition for general mechanical design. NC transformation is mainly a t

7、ransformation of mechanical drive system. Because of the economy less precision CNC machining, it is order to simplify the structure and reduce costs. By controlling the cross-feed system, it ensures the modified lathe with positioning, linear interpolation, circular interpolation, and pause. Requir

8、ed for the realization of the transmission efficiency of machine tool, we should us a stepping motor drive and then screw through the coupling. To ensure a certain degree of driving accuracy and stability and minimize friction, a ball screw pair is needed. Keywords: lathe , NC Transformation , Coupl

9、ing ,Ball Screw 引言.- 1 -1.绪论.- 2 - 1.1数控机床优势概述. .- 3 - 1.1.1数控车床改造的意义. .- 3-1.1.2普通车床数控化改造的优点.- 3 -1.1.3数控化改造的内容.- 5 -1.2车床数控改造的现状与国内背景. - 7 -1.3车床数控改造的必要性与可行性. .- 9 -2.车床数控改造的总体构思与技术方案.- 10-2.1设计任务.- 10 -2.2总体方案的论证. . - 10 -2.3总体改造方案的确定.- 10-2.4机械部分的改造.- 11-2.5横向进给系统设计与计算. - 11 -2.5.1横向进给系统计算.- 11-

10、2.5.2切削力计算. - 11 -2.6滚珠丝杠螺母副的设计、计算和选型.- 12-2.6.1滚珠丝杠螺母副设计. - 12 -2.6.2计算进给牵引力.- 12 -2.6.3计算最大动载荷.- 13 -2.6.4滚珠丝杠螺母副的选型.- 14 -2.6.5传动效率的计算.- 16 -2.6.6刚度验算.- 16-2.6.7稳定性校核.- 16 -2.6.8滚珠丝杠副间隙的消除.- 18 -2.7定滚珠丝杠副支承所用轴承类型和规格.- 19 -2.7.1选择轴承类型.-19 -2.7.2确定轴承内径.- 19-2.7.3选择轴承的规格代号.- 19 -2.7.4轴承所承受的最大轴向载荷.-

11、19 -2.7.5轴承的寿命验算.- 20 -2.8联轴器的选择.- 21 -2.9电机的选择与计算.- 23 -2.9.1等效转动惯量的计算.- 23-2.9.2电机所需的转动力矩计算.- 24 -2.9.3步进电动机的选择.- 28 -2.10横向滚动直线导轨.- 29-2.10.1滑动导轨的特点.- 29 - 2.10.2动导轨的设计.- 30-结论.- 33 -致谢.- 34 -参考文献.- 35-引 言数控机床作为机电一体化的典型产品,在机械制造业中发挥着巨大的作用,很好的解决了现代机械制造中结构复杂,精密,批量小,多变零件的加工问题,且能稳定产品的和、加工质量。大幅度的提高生产效率。但从目前企业面临的情况看,因数控机床间隔较贵,一次性投资较大使企业心有余而力不足。另



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