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1、M9U1 Other countries, other culturesGrammar and usage: Overview of attributive clauses【Teaching aims】1.To review common knowledge on the attributive clause.2. To develop the ability to use the attributive clause.【Teaching procedures】Step 1 Revision and lead-in Show some photos to the students and as

2、k them to fill in the blanks with proper words.1.Look at the two girls _ sit in the front row. What are they discussing ?2.In this photo, do you think who is the one _ laughs best?3.Oh, the boy_ face is hiding from my camera is_ . How cute!4.This is a photo _ I took in a bar . It was a bar _ there w

3、ere many customers. Guess who is the little girl in the photo?5.The man _ smiled so happily is the girls father. 6.This cute baby _ I really love is my nephew .7.Can you guess the date _ the photo was taken?Step 2 Grammar and usage语法归纳 1. 2.3.在关系词充当主语或宾语的情况下,定语从句该用that 还是which?(1)先行词是 all, everythin

4、g, nothing, anything ,something, much, little, none等不定代词,引导定语从句用_。(2)先行词被any, some, no, every, all ,the very, the only, the last 等词修饰时,引导定语从句用_。(3)先行词既有人又有物时,引导定语从句用 _ 。(4)当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时,引导定语从句用 _。(5)在非限制性定语从句中,引导定语从句用_。(6)当有介词置于关系词前时,引导定语从句用_。4.当整个主句充当先行句时,可用 as 或者 which 引导非限制性定语从句,充当从句的_ 宾语或者表语,其中

5、,_引导的定语从句可放在句首,句中,句末, 通常译为“正如”。5.确定定语从句的关系词选择的步骤是:(1)先找_,确定它指人还是指物。(2)分析定语从句的_, 看缺何种句子成分。(3)据_的基本用法选用正确的引导词。Step3 Practice1.Enjoy an English song and appreciate the lyrics especially the attributive clauses in it.2.Translate the following English proverbs into Chinese and then underline the attribut

6、ive clauses.(1) God helps those who help themselves .(2) He who laughs last laughs best .(3) He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man .(4) He who is content (满足) is always happy.3.高考链接:阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的关系词(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Though I cant remember everything_1_happened during the time in u

7、niversity, I still remember some people and things _2_ were related to Alice Brown, _3_ used to be monitress in our class. Here is a story that 4 (make )me remember Alice Brown until now. One afternoon, she and I arrived in New York, _5_ we met some old friends. Then we went to the biggest bookshop

8、in _6_ there are different kinds of books to be sold. She advised me to read every grammar book _7_ could help me learn grammar and buy a dictionary _8_ I could look up new words in .She also bought some books. Just when we left the bookshop and were ready to go back to our university, a big man _9_

9、 (stop) me and robbed me of my money. Ill never forget that time_10_ Miss Brown tried her best to help me and lost one of her hands.4.写一写,吟一吟I loveI love myself _I love my family _I love my classmates _I love my teachers _ I love my school _I love everybody and everything _Oh, I love this world and I enjoy living in the world. Step 4 Homework1.Finish writing “I love”2.Share a picture of your family with your partner and write down 5 sentences which contain attributive clauses to introduce your family members.Eg. The woman who looks thin and tall is my mother. 教学总结与反思: 3



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