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1、唐代佛教植物装饰纹样研究 唐代佛教植物装饰纹样研究 【摘要】 佛教植物纹样装饰艺术是印度佛教在传播过程中逐渐形成的一种重要文化现象,并在印度佛教进入中国之后不断发展演变,到唐代时达到鼎盛,成为佛教中国化的有机组成部分,从而既在佛教文化历史上留下浓厚的一笔,也在中印文化交往进程中占有不可忽视的地位,值得认真研究。本文通过历史学、宗教学、考古学、艺术学等方法,对唐代佛教植物装饰纹样的转型、特征及其历史渊源与后世影响等问题进行分析,试图把握唐代佛教植物纹样装饰艺术的演变进程、文化内涵与历史作用,为揭示佛教艺术与社会以及与哲学思想、宗教解脱、文明交往等诸多关系提供有益的借鉴。本文第一章借助遗留在犍陀罗




5、、流变性以及文明交往中的对话与融合等多种重要特性。【Abstract】 Decorative arts of plant patterns in Buddhism are important cultural phenomenon which gradually formed during the process of Indian Buddhisms dissemination, undergoing continuous development and evolution Buddhism after Indian Buddhism entered in China, reaching i

6、ts peak in the Tang Dynasty, and became an integral part of the Sinicization of Buddhism. This way, while it not only has an important affection in the buddhist culture history, but also shares the process of status in the cultural exchanges between China and India, which can not be ignored. So it i

7、s worth studying.In this paper, the author analyzed the transformation, characteristics and historical origins of decorative patterns of plants in Buddhism in Tang Dynasty through the methods of history, religion, archeology, and art etc, trying to grasp the evolution process, the role of cultural a

8、nd historical connotations of decorative arts of plant patterns in Buddhism in Tang Dynasty, in order to provide useful references for revealing relations between buddhist art and society, philosophy, religion free, civilization contact and so on.In the first chapter, the author studied the traditio

9、nal decorative patterns of plants and analyzed unique aesthetic tendency of the Indian nation in the field of decoration as well as its different embodiment in Buddhism and Hinduism through the typical relics of decorative patterns of plants in Buddhism left in all different parts of Gandhara, Mathu

10、ra, Amaravati of different period in ancient India, such as the Phoenician Dynasty, Kushan Dynasty, Sunda kingdom Galerkin, Gupta period and so on, which is the exotic origin of decorative patterns of plants in Buddhism in Tang Dynasty.In the second chapter, the author illustrated the basic characte

11、ristics of decorative arts of plant patterns in Buddhism of China before the Tang Dynasty, and revealed the basic characteristics in the civilization contact between China and foreign countries, through describing traditional decorative patterns in China before Buddhism was introduced in East territ

12、ory and decorative patterns of plants in Buddhism after Buddhism was introduced, before the Tang Dynasty, especially Honeysuckle and lotus pattern in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the two typical of decorative plant patterns in Buddhism, which is to say that Indian decorative arts is a parent

13、 cell body, and profound Chinese civilization is a hotbed nurturing and shaping some kind of new arts, this configuration of civilization contact between China and India determines the basic historical process and the cultural personality of decorative arts of plant patterns in Buddhism before the T

14、ang Dynasty.In the third chapter, the author focused on the analysis of the transition and characteristics of decorative patterns of plants in Buddhism in Tang Dynasty. Firstly, the author described the social and cultural background for the transition of decorative patterns of plants in Buddhism in

15、 Tang Dynasty, that are sroll design and Po-phase pattern; secondly, the author studied the emergence and application of the typical patterns decorative patterns of plants in Buddhism in Tang Dynasty, then divided the period of transformation of decorative patterns of plants in Buddhism in Tang Dyna

16、sty into three stages: imitation, combined and innovation, finally, the author grasped the basic characteristics of decorative patterns of plants in Buddhism in Tang Dynasty, summed up the features such as the diversity of subject, the realism of modeling, rich and flexible of style, etc.In the forth chapter, the author analyzed the affection of decorative arts of plant patterns in Buddhism in Tang Dynasty Buddhist on the theory of artistic creation, creative skills, an


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