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1、2016年湖南单招目录湖南司法警官职业学院单招模拟考试准则2016湖南单招录取准则i 2516湖南司法警官职业学院考试模拟题;内容声明:本湖南湖南司法警官职业学院单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站旦顺:IIII【和湖:利通湖模拟考试准则综合素质测试2016湖南单招录取原则内容声明:本湖南湖南司法警官职业学院单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站 和学校提20。内容年湖南司法警官职业学 院单招模拟题都能顺 利通过单招考上理想大满分! 100分) 选择题(每题4分,共100分):第 1 题: When I was nine years old, I used to go to the post off

2、ice with my mother, sending greeting cards to my aunt in Singapore. To me, these trips were really 21 memories. And receiv ing mail through a mailbox outside our gate was just as excit ing. My small hands could 22 get the mail without using a key! I always could nt wait to see how much I was 23 . Oh

3、, a letter! From Sin gapore! I would run back home and show it to my 24. When there was aletter for me, I would nt runI would ope n it right there. After my familymoved back to Sin gapore, I25 going to the post office. Years later, mycompa ny sent me to Shan ghai, and the post office found me aga in

4、. Two years ago I celebrated my 26 with five frie nds on top of the mountain in Lon gshe ng, Chi na. At sun rise we 27 up to a beautiful view from the mou ntai n top.Later in the after noon, as we were going 28 the mou ntain and returni ng from the sun rise view ing place, a 29shop caught our atte n

5、ti on .It only soldno odles, coffee and had a China 30 sig n. We asked the owner if she could really send mail. She happily said yes. It seemed hard to believe, 31 we were at the highest top of the mountain. I picked one postcard out and asked my frie nds to write32 a birthday no te. We bought a sta

6、mp, wrote some no tesand gave the shop owner the postcard. Three weeks later, I arrived home and 33 my mailbox: Hello, postcard! I broke into a big smile.That birthday postcard attracted me aga in to the post office and all its delights. I had 34 the post office all these years. Today I 35 send post

7、cards to frie nds. And every time I am at the post office buy ing stamps, I cannot help but smile how onepostcard will make its way across the world and brighte n up some on es day.A. badB. poorC. goodD. short【正确答案】C讲解:联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是这些旅程对我来说是不错的记忆。故选C,好的,不错的。第 2 题:A. partyB. meetingC. shopD.hotel【正

8、确答案】A 讲解:由下文可知,被邀请参加的是聚会。选A第 3 题:The best title of the passage is.A. Escaping from the WindowsB. Save Yourself in the Burning HouseC. Knowledge on FireD. Waiting for Help【正确答案】B讲解:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了当遇到火灾时,我们该如何自救。选B第4题:下列词语字形有误的一项是()A.婉转悠扬 古墓荒冢 翠锦斑斓明灭闪烁B.饱经苍桑 雄伟瑰丽 浮想联翩层峦叠障C.养尊处优 浩浩荡荡 荒诞不经飞流急湍D.命途多舛 寥寥无几

9、促膝谈心 云蒸霞蔚【正确答案】B讲解:此类题目主要考查音近(同)字、形似(近)等正确书写,容易混淆,把握不准的可以 用排除法进行筛选。B饱经沧桑;层峦叠嶂。第 5 题:A. OtherB. EveryC. AnyD.Ano ther【正确答案】D讲解:an other +单数表示另一个。选D第 6 题: What do you want to do after youschoolA. graduate fromB. begi nC. reach D.arrived at【正确答案】A讲解:句义:毕业后你想干什么?选 A第 7 题: Speaker A: Would you like to ha

10、ve dinner with me this SaturdaySpeaker B:【正确答案】B讲解:你想这周六和我共进晚餐吗?回答要注意礼貌。拒绝需要委婉。选B第 8 题:The patient shouldto the hospital at on ce.A. sendB. be sendC. be sentD. is sent【正确答案】B讲解:【解析】被动语态。选B第 9 题:How far is it It isfrom here.A.twe nty min utes, walkB.twe nty min utes walkC.a twentymi nutes, walk D.twe

11、 nty mi nute walk【正确答案】A讲解:从这步行大概20分钟。考查名词所有格。20分钟的步行,选 A第 10 题: When she was reading, her mother was.A. beside her B. not in her room C. speak ing to some on eD. crying in the liv ingroom【正确答案】B讲解:第一段结尾 At once she called her mother, who was in the kitchen.选 B第 11 题:A. daughterB. wifeC. motherD. si

12、ster【正确答案】B讲解:【解析】wife名词找重复,这里重复再后面,刚做的时候放一放,第五段的第一句岀现了 marriage,表示他们俩曾经有一段,那么选老婆这个选项。第12题:选文主要的论证方法是()A.引用论证举例论证B比喻论证比较论证 C 引用论证 类比论证D.举例论证归纳论证【正确答案】A讲解:从文段选用大量诗句可以看岀。第 13 题:A. her B. them C. they D. she【正确答案】B讲解:【解析】代词 them指代上面的vegetables选B第14题:关于阅读方法的表述正确的是()A.文章的主旨比较复杂,领会主旨要顾及文章内容的各个方面,避免简单化、片面化

13、、浅表 化。B.查辞书,要掌握使用方法,还要注意细心分辨、酌情抉择,根据所阅读的文本内容作 岀合情合理的解释,不可生搬硬套,更不能张冠李戴。C.引申式心得是因原文而得的启发、收获,重在对原文思想内容的解释、阐发,发掘原文蕴含的意义、感情等。D.圈点的符写以线条简洁、醒目为宜。至于用什么符号表示什么意思,有严格的规定。【正确答案】B 讲解:查辞书也是一门学问,要逐渐掌握其精髓。第15题:对下列各句表达方式的判断正确的一项是()小粒的种子,如马尾松、云杉主要靠风播,借助风力落到 100 300米远的土壤中。而带翅膀的、披着绒毛的种子,如柳树、桦 树种可飞散到 1 2公里之远。跟着这种有威势的喊声,

14、充满了汗臭、粪臭和湿气的空气里, 很快地就像被搅动了的蜂窝一般骚动起来。1927 年夏,25岁尚未结婚的海森堡当了德国莱比锡大学理论物理系主任。他喜欢打乒乓球,而且极好胜。要诊治这三种流行的毛病,唯一 的方剂是扩大眼界,加深知解。A.说明 记叙记叙议论 B.议论描写抒情记叙C.说明 描写记叙议论 D.议论记叙抒情说明【正确答案】C讲解:各种表达方式要明确其特点。第16题:下列各项中,作品、文体、作者及其国籍对应错误的一项是()A.致橡树诗歌 舒婷中国B.世间最美的坟墓散文 茨威格俄国C.老人与海小说 海明威美国D.哈姆莱特剧本莎士比亚英国【正确答案】B讲解:B项国籍为奥地利第 17 题:A.

15、littleB. sickC. fin gerD. right【正确答案】D讲解:【解析】划线部分为发音分别为A.iB.iC.i D.ai选D第 18 题: Youd better go and find a person you can trust and.A. know what happe ns B. lear n from them C. ask for help D. make them Ion ely【正确答案】C讲解: You should find a person you can trust, and tell them. After you tellsome one, you will get some support and feel some relief(解脱 ).选 C第 19 题: Open the window so thatif the building is on fire.A. you


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