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1、分类号: 密级: 专 业 学 位 研 究 生 学 位 论 文论文题目(中文)甘肃HY变压器有限公司方案营销模式研究论文题目(外文)Study on marketing model of transformer Co., Ltd. Gansu HY研究生姓名丁维军学位类别工商管理硕士专业学位领域学位级别硕 士校内导师姓名、职称崔 明 教授校外导师单位、姓名论文工作起止年月 2010年10月至2011年3月论文提交日期 2011年3月论文答辩日期 2011年11月学位授予日期校址:甘肃省兰州市原 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。学位论文中

2、凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明出处。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。对本文的研究成果做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。论文作者签名: 日 期: 关于学位论文使用授权的声明本人在导师指导下所完成的论文及相关的职务作品,知识产权归属兰州大学。本人完全了解兰州大学有关保存、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保存或向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的纸质版和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅;本人授权兰州大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用任何复制手段保存和汇编本学

3、位论文。本人离校后发表、使用学位论文或与该论文直接相关的学术论文或成果时,第一署名单位仍然为兰州大学。本学位论文研究内容:可以公开不易公开,已在学位办公室办理保密申请,解密后适用本授权书。(请在以上选项内选择其中一项打“”)论文作者签名: 导师签名: 日 期: 日 期: MBA学位论文 x丁维军 甘肃HY变压器有限公司方案营销模式研究摘 要甘肃HY变压器有限公司是由原兰州变压器厂改制成立的股份制企业,主要生产电压等级110kV及以下,单台容量120000kVA及以下的油浸电力变压器;35kV及以下,单台容量20000kVA及以下的干式电力变压器及各种特种变压器;电压等级35kV及以下,单台容量



6、法和文献研究方法。关键词:变压器;HY变压器公司;营销模式;方案营销IABSTRACTGansu Lanzhou HY Transformer Co., Ltd. is the former transformer plant restructuring to set up joint-stock enterprises, mainly producing the voltage level of 110kV and below, a single volume 120000kVA and below oil-immersed power transformers; 35kV and belo

7、w, a single volume and the following dry 20000kVA power transformers and special transformers; voltage 35kV and below, a single volume 6300kVA and below wound core transformers, amorphous alloy transformers, combined transformers, wind power transformers, American box changes, box type transformer s

8、ubstation, the mobile substation , unmanned substation (integrated automation box changes) and other sets of power distribution equipment. Transformer is the power transmission and distribution systems necessary and important equipment. Power generation equipment for each additional 10,000 kW capaci

9、ty to be increased by about 80,000 kVA transformer configuration, the development of Chinas power industry in recent years, the high speed, power output increased rapidly, the new transformer in great demand. As Chinas power grid construction and transformation of the continuous deepening of the tra

10、nsformer industry has been considerable development. In this context, thesis, Gansu HY mode transformer to start marketing the companys analysis in theory and practice will have the following meaning and value. First, the thesis research project background and significance are analyzed, then the rel

11、evant literature and theory are analyzed on the basis of the existing marketing companies HY transformer model, proposes Marketing patterns of HY is necessary to build The. Then HYs thesis analyzes internal and external environment, including the PEST analysis, STP analysis etc.; On this basis, subj

12、ect to the companys marketing model HY transformers were designed, the last paper on the HY transformer implementation of the marketing model the countermeasures. Overall, research projects, both in theory and practice has a strong value and significance. In theory, the current marketing theory at h

13、ome and abroad are very much theoretical results of scientific research. However, after the outbreak of the financial crisis, all countries in the world have invested heavily in the stimulus to revive the economy, while China has taken a four-trillion of investment planning, and early in the second

14、Five Year Plan, the electric power grid construction and transformation of large background for the companys marketing Gansu HY transformer model theory is bound to the marketing theory of the transformer has some additional value and significance, while for the other power industry also has good ma

15、rketing theory to supplement and reference. In practice, Gansu HY transformer to adapt the companys marketing model in the new period and new technologies there are still some deficiencies in the relevant areas that need improvement. Especially in the second Five Year Plan of the great opportunities, Chinas power industry will usher in a period of rapid growth and development of transformer-based company is also a rare, so in the f



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