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1、英美诗歌选读课程教案第十一讲首页学生专业 班级学时数教学目的教学内容教学重点教学难点教学进程教学方法教具课后总结作 业备注:教学进程一栏可根据教学内容的多少自定页数。第十一讲 田园短诗、田园牧歌第一节 田园短诗田园短诗(Idyll)是描写乡村生活中平静、如画的风景和事件的诗歌。如华兹华斯的写于三月:The cock is crowing,The stream is flowing,The small birds twitter,The Lake doth glitter,The green field sleeps in the sun;The oldest and youngestAre a

2、t work with the strongest;The cattle are grating,Their heads never raising;There are forty feeding like one!Like an army defeatedThe snow hath retreated,And now doth fare ill,On the top of the bare hill,The ploughboy is whooping: anon-anon;There s joy in the mountains;There s life in the fountains;S

3、mall sky prevailing;The rain is over and gone! 公鸡正在高唱, / 溪水不住流淌, / 小鸟正在啼鸣, / 湖面满是星星, / 沉睡着的绿野沐着阳光; / 不管 年轻年老, / 都随壮汉操劳; / 牛群正在进食, / 脑袋始终低着; / 四十头牛吃草一个样! / 积雪已经消融 / 像败军的阵容, / 在秃山的峰巅, / 它正处境为难; / 庄稼汉在叫喊:快啦!快啦; / 山被欢乐充满; / 泉中生意盎然; / 云朵悠然飘荡, / 蓝天渐渐开朗; / 雨已经停住,雨已经不下! (黄杲炘 译)(William Wordsworth: Written i

4、n March at Brothers Water)诗歌中对湖水、溪水、泉水、绿野、蓝天、山顶、积雪等与雄鸡、小鸟、牛群以及劳作的男 女老少相交辉映,构成了一幅美丽自然山水图。这首诗的押韵格式很有特点,一般而言,押 双行韵的双行都紧挨在一起,这里押双行韵的第五行和第十行却被另外两对双行分开了。叶芝的茵尼斯弗利岛描写的就是一个世外桃源:I will rise and go now, and go to Innisfree,And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:Nine bean-rows will I have there

5、, a hive for the honeybee,And live alone in the bee-loud glade.And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;There midnights all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,And evening full of the linnets wings.I will rise an

6、d go now, for always night and day,I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,I hear it in the dee p hearts core. 我要起身走了,去茵尼斯弗利岛, / 去那里建座小房,泥土和柳条的小房: / 我要有九排云豆架,一个蜜 蜂巢, / 独居于幽处,在林间听群蜂高唱。 / 于是我会有安宁,安宁慢慢来临, / 从晨曦的面纱到蟋蟀歌 唱的地方; / 午夜一片闪光,

7、中午燃烧得紫红, / 暮色里,到处飞舞着红雀的翅膀。 / 我要起身走了,因 为我总是听到, / 听到湖水日夜低低拍打着湖滨; / 我站在公路,或在灰色的人行道上, / 在内心深出听到 那水声。(裘小龙 译)( W.B.Yeats: The Lake Isle of Innisfree )弥尔顿在失乐园第四卷中描绘了伊甸园的田园胜景:A happy rural seat of various view:Groves whose rich trees wept odorous gums and balm;Others whose fruit, burnished with golden rind,

8、Hung amiable Hesperian fables true,If true, here only and of delicious taste.meanwhile murmuring waters fallDown the slope hills, dispersed, or in a lake,That to the fringe d bank with myrtle crownedHer crystal mirror holds, unite their streams,The birds their quire apply; airs, vernal airs,Breathin

9、g the smell of field and grove. 这里是如此气象万千的田园景象: / 森林中丰茂珍木沁出灵脂妙液, / 芬芳四溢,有的结出金色鲜润的 / 果子悬在枝头,亮晶晶,真可爱。 / 赫斯珀里得斯的寓言,如果是真的, / 只有在这里可以证实,美味无比。 / 这边的泉水淙淙,顺着山坡 / 泻下,散开,或汇集在一湖中, / 周围盛饰着山桃花的湖岸 / 捧着一 面晶莹的明镜,注入河流。 / 各色的鸟儿应和着合唱,和风, / 春天的和风,飘着野地山林的芳馨。 (朱维 之、胡家峦 译)(John Milton, Paradise Lost, IV, Lines 247265)这些诗行

10、中,视觉上有“金色的”(golden )、“晶莹的”(crystal),嗅觉上有“芳香四溢的”(odorous)、“芳馨”(smell),听觉上有流水的“淙淙”(murmuring),鸟儿的“合唱”(quire=choir), 味觉上有果子的“美味无比” (delicious taste) ,伊甸园的美景通过这四种感觉被人类始祖所 感知。诗人没有在这里提到触觉,这或许是因为伊甸园中那棵致命的知识树上的禁果是不可 以随意触摸的缘故。第二节 田园牧歌田园牧歌( pastoral poetry )就是牧人所唱的歌,或关于牧人的诗,在欧洲具有悠久传统, 可追溯到古希腊诗人特奥克里托斯 (Theocri

11、tus, 310?250?BC )和古罗马诗人维吉尔 (Virgil,70 19BC) 。到了文艺复兴时期,牧歌已经发展成为一种被普遍采用的形式。斯宾塞的牧人月历(The Shepheardes Calender包括十二首牧歌,除头尾两首,均用 对话写成,前面有序诗,后面有一小节尾声。月历形式被用作诗的框架,十二首牧歌每首都 与一年的某个月份相应,每个月份既有各自不同的劳作和娱乐,又符合季节的特征和环境氛 围,同时也暗示特定的宗教节日。牧歌的中心人物叫柯林克劳特,他是牧人,也是牧人世界 的歌唱家,他歌唱自己钟爱的农家姑娘罗莎琳,渴望获得她的爱情。以其中的十月( October )开始卡狄和皮尔

12、斯的对话为例,卡狄道:Piers, I have pyp ed erst so long with payne,That all mine Oten reeds bene rent and wore:And my poore Muse hath spent her spar ed store,Yet little good hath got, and much lesse gayne.Such pleassaunce makes the Grashopper so poore,And ligge so layd, when Winter doth her straine.The dapper

13、ditties, that I wont devise,To feede youths fancie, and the flocking fry,Delighten much: what I the bett for thy?They han the pleasure, I a sclender prise.I beate the bush, the byrds to them doe flye:What good thereof to Cuddie can arise? 皮尔斯,我过去长期地卖力吹笛, / 以致我所有的牧笛都破旧不堪: / 我可怜的缪斯把她的存货耗完, / 却 没有得到好处,

14、更不曾获利。 / 这样的欢乐使蚱蜢极其可怜, / 虚弱无力地躺着,为冬天所压抑。 / 美妙 动听的小曲,我经常编出, / 以投合青年人的心意,使成群的鱼秧 / 欢天喜地:我怎能因此而更强? / 他 们乐滋滋,我却获奖赏不足。 / 我敲打灌丛, 鸟儿朝他们飞翔: / 这对于卡狄又能有什么好处? (胡家峦 译)皮尔斯回答道:Cuddie, the prayse is better, then the price,The glory eke much greater then the gayne:O what an honour is it, to restraineThe lust of lawl

15、esse youth with good advice:Or pricke them forth with pleassaunce of thy vaineWhereto thou list their trayn ed willes entice.Soone as thou gynst to sette thy notes in frame,O how the rurall routes to thee doe cleave: Seemeth thou dost their soule of sence bereave,All as the shepheard, that did fetch his dameFrom Plutoes balefull bowre withouten leave:His musicks might the hellish hound did tame. 皮尔斯:卡狄,受赞扬要比获奖赏更好, / 荣耀比起利益来,也要大得多: / 多么光荣啊,把青年不羁的 欲火 / 加以约束,给他们以忠言相告: / 或驱策他们前进,以诗情的欢乐, / 把他们受到感染的欲念诱导。 / 一旦你编好了你的曲调音韵, / 乡民们是怎样依恋在你的四周: / 你像


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