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1、新版托福写作大写规则是重要细节汇编 智课网TOEFL备考资料托福写作大写规则是重要细节 1.直接引语中,句首字母要大写。例如:“Then,”I said,“You havebeen making a mistake,and the letter is not in the apartment.”“那么,”我说,“你准弄错了。这封信并不在那栋房子里。” 2.星期、月份名称的第一个字母要大写,但季节第一个字母不大写。例如:Sunday星期天,August八月,winter冬天,spring春天。 3.一些大型节日名称的第一个实词的第一字母都要大写。如:Childrens Day儿童节,Nation

2、al Day国庆节, Teachers Day教师节。 4.由普通名词构成的专有名词词组,除其中的冠词、较短的介词和连词外,每个词的第一字母都要大写。例如:the Great Wall长城,the UnitedStates美国。 5.大型会议、文件、条约名称的每个实词的第一个字母都要大写。书名、报刊名应大写首字母,文章标题中的每一个实词的第一个字母要大写。 如:China Daily中国日报,New York Times纽约时报,Their Class他们的班级,the Warsaw Treaty华沙条约, 实例:English Coaching Paper英语辅导报。 6.诗歌的每一行的第一

3、个单词的第一个字母要大写。 7. 表示称呼语或职务的词首字母要大写。实例:Mr Green格林先生, Dr Li李博士 8.大多数的缩略词要大写。实例:CCTV, ID, CD 10.句子开头的第一个字母要大写。“I”在句中任何位置都要大写。例如:Whats her name?Mary and I are teachers. 11.地名、国名和人名等专有名词第一个字母要大写。例如:Russia,Youyang,Chengdu,Jack。 12.一些亲属关系用作称呼语时第一个字母要大写。例如:Thank you,Granny.谢谢你,姥姥。 13.人名前的称呼或头衔第一个字母应大写。例如:Mr

4、Smith,Dr Wang,Miss Mary。 14.表示语种、民族的名词或形容词第一个字母要大写。例如:Russian俄语、俄罗斯人,Chinese汉语、中国人。 以上就是新 托福 写作备考时最容易被忽视考生的英语大写规则,大家在练习 新托福 写作的时候一定要注意拼写规则和语法运用。 相关推荐: 托福写作要注重词汇之间的关联性 如何应对托福写作的难点 托福写作否定句型汇总 托福写作考试四个核心问题 托福写作到底应该怎么写 相关字搜索: 托福 districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River

5、 North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often deployed at dawn, Mao Ta, Sheng Tang Hong Kong fringe areas, and sometimes invasive South of the River, atdistricts under the jurisd

6、iction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often deployed at dawn, Mao Ta, Sheng Tang Hong Kong fringe areas, and sometimes invasive

7、 South of the River, atdistricts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often deployed at dawn, Mao Ta, Sheng Tang Hong Kong fringe areas, and sometimes invasive South of the River, at


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