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1、新目标九年级上册英语期末试卷(考试时间:120分钟,满分为120分)听力部分(20分)I. 听句子,选出与句意相符的图画并按顺序排列,每个句子读两遍。(5分) A B C D E1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _II听句子,根据所听内容选择相应的答语,每个句子读两遍。(5分)( ) 6. A. Basketball. B. Swimming. C. The flying disk.( ) 7. A. Yes, I had. B. No, never. C. No, I didnt.( ) 8. A. For half a year. B. In one month. C. In

2、2000.( ) 9. A. It could mean “sorry”. B. It might mean “happy”. C. It might mean “worried”. ( ) 10. A. See a dentist. B. See a doctor. C. Call 110.III. 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,每段对话读两遍。(5分)( ) 11. A. Hang out on weekends. B. Choose her own clothes. C. Go out on school nights. ( ) 12. A. In the park. B. In t

3、he street. C. On the playground.( ) 13. A. By reading magazines. B. By reading comics. C. By watching movies.( ) 14. A. The boy should work harder. B. The boy should ask his friends for help. C. The teachers should tell the boy how to do.( ) 15. A. The Forbidden City. B. The Big Ben. C. The Eiffel T

4、ower. IV. 听短文,根据所听内容完成下列表格。短文读两遍。 (5分)Where Fred set up a student volunteer project16. _Who Fred with his friends visit17. _in a small villageWhat they did thereThey chatted with them, 18_and took some photos together.When they left the village19. At _Did they have a very interesting weekend?20. _ 笔

5、试部分(100分)I. 选择填空 (20分)( ) 21. My father used to _ me to concerts. But now, I have no time for concerts. A. take B. bring C. taking D. bringing( ) 22. If I _ you, I would say another student could do it better.A. was B. were C. were D. are( ) 23. The teacher asked me to _ the exercise books before we

6、 began to do our homework. A. put up B. give out C. hang out D. fix up( ) 24. Theyve got two machines, but _ works well. A. neither B. either C. all D. both( ) 25. - Look at the boy running on the ground. Is it David?- It _ be him. I saw him go to the teachers office just now.A. might B. could C. ca

7、nt D. mustnt( ) 26. I dont like eating chocolate. The taste is too _.A. crispy B. delicious C. salty D. sweet ( ) 27. In our city, _ college students want to work as a teacher in holidays.A. thousand B. thousands of C. thousand of D. two thousand of( ) 28. We have been friends for nearly twenty year

8、s. Nothing can break off our _. A. friendship B. pleasure C. decision D. experience( ) 29. -When _ the abacus _? - In the sixth century by the Chinese people. A. is, invented B. did, invent C. was, invented D. does, invent( ) 30. - Can we make this plan a week later? - No, we cant put off _ it becau

9、se the meeting is only two days from now. A. to make B. making C. make D. made ( ) 31. In Sweden, people dont need to _ too much money on presents, instead, making a meal is enough. A. spend B. take C. pay D. cost( ) 32. Tom realized that he _ his physics book at home when he reached school. A. left

10、 B. had left C. was leaving D. leaves( ) 33. Hold on to your dreams, _ they will come true one day. A. but B. and C. so D. or( ) 34. Her life _ a lot during the last three years. A. changed B. changing C. has changed D. will change( ) 35. This is the book _ I have read these years. A. who B. when C.

11、 where D. that( ) 36. - Would you mind carrying the box for me? - _ A. Thats right. B. What a pity! C. Not at all. D. Thank you.( ) 37. The girl is _ her mother in many ways. For example, they are both tall and thin. A. similar to B. kind to C. friendly to D. different from( ) 38. - Have you ever co

12、nsidered _ Paris some day? A. visit B. visiting C. visits D. visited( ) 39. Computers are so popular in our country that every pupil knows _ e-mails. A. how can he send B. how does he send C. how to send D. how sending( ) 40. - Your spoken English is much better now. - Thanks. Our English teacher often asks me _ English as _ as I can.A. to talk many B. to speakmuch C. to saymany D. to tellmuch II. 完形填空 (10分)Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say that their parents dont understand them. They of



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