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1、给,带来好运的英文 写作能够说是检验一个人英语水平的最好方法,也是让无数同学倍感头疼的一大难题。想要摆脱拿到话题全无思绪的尴尬吗?想要摆脱语言贫乏错误百出的蹩脚作文吗?现在就来跟我们进入英语写作周周练,多思索、勤动笔、背好文,让英语水平全方面提升!本节目内容选自中山大学音像出版社的疯狂英语易背作文12八篇,版权归原出版社全部,如有需要请购置原版。本节目讲义由沪江原创,如需请注明出处,谢谢。每七天一个作文题,期望大家能够先自己思索一下、动动笔,没有思绪的话能够看所给的提醒句,实在写不出那就听写一下范文音频、锻炼锻炼听力吧今日作文题:Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Go

2、od Luck? “幸运数字”真能带来好运吗?提醒句:部分人认为幸运数字能给她们带来好运;认为幸运数字能给大家带来好运是荒谬的;没有个人的努力,幸运不会降临。范文:Some people think lucky numbers like 6 or 8 will bring them good luck, because they bare a similar pronunciation to the related Chinese characters which mean good luck. As a result, some young couples choose a date in

3、which there is a 6 or an 8 to hold their wedding, while many shops choose such dates to celebrate their opening ceremony.有些人认为诸如“6”和“8”之类的数字能给她们带来好运,因为它们的发音和汉语中一些词汇的发音相同,而这些词在汉语中意味着好运。所以,很多年轻人会挑一个带“6”或“8”的日子来安排婚礼;部分商店也如此去选择开业。However, its rather ridiculous to think numbers can bring good fortune to

4、people. Ones success has nothing to do with the number which one chooses, but is rather related to ones own efforts. Numbers are only numbers. We should not attach too much importance to them. If you really think a lucky number can bring good luck to you, simply choose it, but dont forget to still g

5、o out of your way to make your own effort. Without your own contribution, good luck wont simply fall on you automatically.然而,认为数字能给人带来好运实在是有点荒谬。一个人的成功和她所选定的数字无关,却和其努力密不可分。数字仅仅是数字,我们不应认为它如此主要。假如你真的认为数字能给你带来好运,你能够挑一个,不过,你不要忘了去全力以赴地努力。没有你的努力,幸运不会自动降临。NOTES1. Chinese characters 汉字2. opening ceremony 开业仪

6、式,开幕仪式,开学仪式相反,闭幕仪式就是closing ceremony,而毕业仪式是graduation ceremony。3. attach importance to 重视相同的说法有:attach significance to, put a high value on, set great store by, place emphasis on, lay stress on等。4. go out of ones way - to make an extra effort to do something; to accept the bother of doing something

7、特地费心,不怕麻烦例:The shop assistant went out of his way to find what we needed. 那个店员不厌其烦地满足我们的需要。a的意思就是“篮子”。比如说,要是一个人在一次事故中失去了四肢,她就变得毫无能力来料理自己的生活,只能让人家把她放在一只篮子里抬来抬去。这种毫无能力和期望的情景就是basket case的意思。Basket case常常被用来形容那些很穷的国家,它们的人民饥寒交迫,毫无期望。有的时候,basket case也是指那些老是亏钱,马上倒闭的企业。我们来举个例子吧:例句-1: Im really worried - ou

8、r company is losing so much money these days that if things dont get better in the next two months well be a basket case and have to go out of business.这个人说:我真是很担心,我们企业这些日子亏损了那么多钱,要是在以后两个月里情况没有好转的话,我们就根本没有期望,只好倒闭了。Basket case也能够用半开玩笑的口气来指部分人,就像下面这个人。她正在找工作,刚刚到一个企业去面谈回来:例句-2: They made me wait so lon

9、g for the interview that I was a basket case by the time I finally got called in. Ive never been so nervous! I stammered, I stuttered-I almost couldnt remember my own name.这人说:她们让我等了很久才和我面谈。等到她们叫我进去的时候,我根本就不行了。我历来就没有这么担心过,结结巴巴地说不出话来,差一点连自己的名字全部忘了。1. A cold fish; a poor fish.高傲自大的人;可怜虫2. My neighbour

10、 is a cold fish.我的邻居是一个冷漠的人。3. No one knows the new doctor, he is a cold fish.谁也不熟悉新来的医生,她是一个不大同他人来往的人。4. We know nothing about the new neighbour; he is a cold fish.我们一点也不熟悉新邻居;她是个不大同他人来往的人。5. Sue is a cold fish; she showed absolutely no reaction to those awful pictures of starving children.苏是个缺乏同情心

11、的人,看到那些饥饿孩子们可怕的照片,她毫无反应。6. is portrayed by TV coverage as a men who spends 90 percent of his time on symbols and 10 percent, if that, on substance, and is depicted as a cold fish who bumbles a lot.希什先生被电视报导形容成一个用九成时间塑造形象,一成时间讨论实际问题,而杜卡基斯先生则被形容成一个呆板而经常犯错的人。7. The old mans a real cold fish. Ive never

12、seen him laugh.这老头真是个冷冰冰的人, 我历来没见她笑过。8. An English fishman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish.一位英国渔夫期望得到一条傻瓜鱼方便做一道凉菜。9. A dish of boned, stuffed meat or fish that is poached and served cold coated with aspic. 冻肉卷一盘将剔骨肉或去刺的鱼浇上肉冻烹饪而成的凉菜离开了水的鱼儿这成语形容对新环境的不融合,一个失落感例句:When I first arrived in Ame

13、rica, my English was inadequate. I was like a fish out of water and felt desperately lonely and unhappy.game plan是什么意思?它源于体育竞赛,指赢得比赛的全盘考虑和战略。可译为“策略、计划”。ll need a good game plan if we want to win this deal.要想得到这笔生意,我们必需要有一个好的策略。game plan for the election was beginning to shape up.大选的计划逐步确定出来了。game pl

14、an against the small-but-spry Warriors was simple, really.即使勇士的小个阵容战斗力很强,但我们还是赢得挺轻松的。devised a game plan for winning it.她想出一个赢得比赛的巧妙措施。果在西方人的心目中是一个象征吉祥的水果。她们认为苹果能够给人带来好运。 常吃苹果能够使人身体健康。英语中和苹果相关的短语数量很大。如大家知道的谚语An apple a day keeps the doctor away.就说明了西方人对苹果的珍视。因为以上的原因,大家就用apple of ones eye这一短语来表示这么的意思

15、:珍贵的人或物。Charles is the apple of his mothers eye.查尔斯是她母亲的心肝宝贝。John regarded the gold ring left by his dead wife as the apple of his eye.约翰把她亡妻留下的这只金戒指视为珍宝。Johnsons first car was the apple of his eye. He was always polishing it.约翰逊对她买的第一辆车倍加珍爱总是把它擦得锃亮。The couple got their daughter at their forties. She was the apple of their eye.这对夫妇四十多岁才得了这个女儿。她是她们的掌上明珠。? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 烟使我的嘴里留下不好的味道。 这事我一想起来就别扭。 她的行为给我留下了很糟糕的印象。 她对老师的粗暴态度给我留下了极坏的印象。 我想起她


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