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1、九年级英语集体备课教案 执笔: 日期: 单元与标 题 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.教材分析 本单元话题涉及谈论过去的性格、外貌、特点以喜好等,借此来学习used to这一特有的用来表达过去经历和习惯的语言结构。Section A通过对任务特点和相貌的今昔对比让学生感知新语言内容的结构特征、体会其用法。这一阶段的教学任务结束时,学生应当重点掌握并能够正确运用的内容包括:功能及句型结构方面:用used to 描述同学曾经的性格特点和相貌词汇方面:学习表现性格和相貌的新词汇,旧词汇复现巩固语法:used to . 结构的陈述句、疑问句、简略答语活动1

2、a-1c一方面巩固和复习学生已学的有关性格和相貌的词汇,一方面通过听说活动导入used to .这一语言结构,并借助主题图创设的语境,模拟生活情景,引导学生开展初步的对话操练;活动2a-2d向学生介绍更多描述性格的形容词,并通过倾听关于人们今昔变化的对话,让学生体会used to在真实的日常交际中的运用,进而理解其功能意义;活动3a-3c则通过一位性格腼腆的亚裔女孩转变为流行歌星的故事,在拓展语言知识、发展技能及阅读策略的同时,向学生传递出关注自我发展和自我完善的重要性。语法部分突出学习used to .句型结构,包括其肯定、否定和疑问句结构及其答语。“Grammar Focus”部分对语言点

3、呈现明确,便于学生自我探索及归纳总结。相关的语法练习活动层次明确,4a侧重语句构建训练,旨在帮助学生强化语言结构;4b借助任务过去、现在变化的对比,引导学生对比性地使用语言,反馈学生对重点语言学习内容的掌握情况;4c突出个性化的语言交际,以填表活动为学生创设运用所学语言结构进行交流、获取信息的平台。Section B 部分在Section A的话题基础上延伸和拓展,由描述人物性格、外貌变化转向讨论人物行为习惯、爱好的改变;在语言上,该部分除了进一步巩固Section A所学的语言重点外,还复习了有关行为习惯和爱好的短语,同时还通过语篇呈现其他词汇;从技能上看,该部分由听说转向综合性的听、读、写

4、训练;从学习策略上看,教材侧重训练学生利用上下文线索进行推导判断、确认语句为止及解读词语含义的阅读策略及能力。另外,本部分的阅读介绍了一位乡村少年的成长故事,题材引人深省,目的在于唤起学生们的关爱他人之心,懂得体会亲情的可贵、理解父母的责任,并在成长的道路上注重心理健康成长。Self Check 部分的两个活动主要是对本单元词汇及语句结构进行检测和反馈,将安排为课外作业,以便于节省课堂时间。单元目标知识目标重点词汇humorous,silent,helpful, Asian,European, African, British, proud, absent, general, score, b

5、ackground, ton, guard, speech, public, ant, examination, pride, instruction, interview, dare, require, influence, fail, seldom, exactly重点句型1. I used to be short.2. I didnt use to be popular.3. Paula used to be really quiet.4. She didnt use to like tests.5.-You used to be short, didnt you ? Yes, I di

6、d. / No, I didnt.6.-Did he use to wear glasses? Yes, he did./No, he didnt.重点语法能正确使用used to 的陈述句、疑问句结构描述或询问过去的情况。能力目标1.能正确使用本单元的新词汇。2.能正确使用本单元出现的常用表达。3.能根据上下文语境推测生词或短语的含义。4.能灵活运用used to 的陈述句、疑问句结构描述或询问过去的情况。情感目标1.让学生明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,培养学生积极向上的心态。2.懂得体会亲情的可贵、理解父母的责任,并在成长的道路上注重心理健康成长。单元重点能正确使用used to 的陈

7、述句、疑问句结构描述或询问过去的情况。单元难点能正确使用used to 的陈述句、疑问句结构描述或询问过去的情况。教材重组与课时分配Period 1 Section A 1a-1cPeriod 2 Section A 2a-2dPeriod 3 Section A 3a-3cPeriod 4 Grammar FocusPeriod 5 Section B 1a-1ePeriod 6 Section B 2a-2fPeriod 7 Section B 3a,3b, Self check教学步骤与方法课时Period 1 Section A 1a-1cTeachingProceduresandwa

8、ys教学过程与方式. Lead in 1. Show a picture of one student at the age of ten, and ask him to stand beside the white board. Get other Ss to compare and describe like this:Ming used to., but now he.In this way, lead in to the new contents: Unit 2 I used to be afraid of dark. . Words presentation1. Have Ss lo

9、ok at the chart in 1a, then discuss with group mates. Try to fill in the chart with words scribe people.2. Let some Ss say their answers. Let other Ss add more. 3. Learn the new words with the Ss: humorous, silent, helpful, from time to time, score. Presentation Read the picture, compare them:Mario

10、used to ,now he Amy used to, now sheTina used to, now she . Listening 1. Play the recording for the Ss to listen. 2. Ss listen and try to fill in the blanks with the right words. 3. Play the recording again. Let Ss check their answers. . Pair work 1.Have Ss talk about each other, using the pictures

11、they have already prepared before class. Show them an example:A: You used to be very heavy, didnt you?B: Yes , you are right! And you(If some developing students cant make up new conversations, they can read the conversation on page137.)2. Ask some pairs to act out the conversations. VI.HomeworkWrit

12、e down the conversation they have made in class, then hand it in.补充注释课时Period 2 Section A 2a-2dTeachingProceduresandways教学过程与方式I. Listening Work on 2a: Say, Paula has changed a lot in the past few years. Do you want to know what she used to be? 1.Get Ss to look at the words in 2a. Let some Ss read t

13、he words aloud. Make sure all the Ss know the meaning of the words.2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and check the words they hear. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Work on 2b: 1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know w

14、hat to do. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to fill in the blanks with the right words. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. 4. Play the recording once more and answer the questions. 1) What class were they?2) What was Paula never brave to do in class?3) What subjects were Paula good at

15、?4) What is Paula interested in now?II. Pair work 1. Tell Ss to make conversations about Paula using the information in 2a. 2. Let some pairs act out their conversations before the class. III. Role-play 1. Read the conversation and Let Ss read after the teacher. 2. Read the conversation again and complete the blanks. Bill has changed so much! He u



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