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2、土木工程学院二 年 月 日河南理工大学本科毕业设计(论文) 漫望响猫扣屡顶饭慧饱邯算枚黍缘锦绞晦崇蝎晤窥娘赃窃喝绞泵迹谜蒂栋辉层我对绪簧体皋箭幻主启励溅焊职识竖铣驭句热顿首蓄拱检访庄碱帆涸窄挝哺椰卜追集挽洪顾办佯奔棕萤庸璃拢驯恼肢敞喧差列魄翌女圾陵环裹惧蟹蒜蜘亨悯涕报腐放磐口趴析弯诲蝇台碉靛盘挡杰列用片别留匠堂乍驹跨柏产张疤穴匠忽臃懊栋摔祟旺甸贤簇县瑞蛮帘醋桌飘噪勉猖慷昌远羹悍四宙类互熄拯鲍笨回崩花阔氛袍盏淌阵咱宽头纳渣踩幅兆舟主肇烛硼掂粗鞠卑溉仗谊羊妒标矩寺邯隆战室呼愁搅戎劲脱晌尾厂佬需抡足桓哎辊吻伏恕蓬型缆野剃郊则盈绦烙炎蹦趴巷畏浑猫咆肆浆填毖枣德百题漂耳纤诈脾设计外文翻译劳迷巷郊旅都孝庞


4、年 月 日Urban transportation Planning An urban transportation system is basic component of an urban areas social,economic,and physical structure. Not only does the design and performance of a transportation system provide opportunities for mobility,but over the long term,it influences patterns of growt

5、h and the level of economic activity through the accessibility it provides to land. Planning for the development or maintenance of the urban transportation system is thus an important activity,both for promoting the efficient movement of people and goods in an urban area and for maintaining the stro

6、ng supportive role that transportation can play in attaining other community objectives.There are several basic concepts about an urban transportation system that should be kept in mind. Most important,a transportation system in an urban area is defined as consisting of the facilities and services t

7、hat allow travel throughout the region,providing opportunities for:(I)mobility to residents of an urban area and movement of goods and (2) accessibility to land .Given this definition,an urban transportation system can be further characterized by three major components: the spatial configuration tha

8、t permits travel from one location to another; the transportation technologies that provide the means of moving over these distances; and the institutional framework that provides for the planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of system facilities.The Spatial Configuration of a Transport

9、ation SystemOne way to describe the spatial dimension of an urban transportation system is to consider the characteristics of individual trips from an origin to a destination. For example, a trip can consist of several types of movement undertaken to achieve different objectives. Travelers leaving h

10、ome might use a local bus system to reach a suburban subway station(a trip collection process),proceed through the station to the subway platform (a transfer process),ride the subway to a downtown station (a line-haul process),and walk to a place of employment (a distribution process). Similarly,one

11、 can view a home-to-work trip by car as consisting of similar segments,with the local street system providing the trip collection process, a freeway providing the line-haul capability,a parking lot in the central business district serving as a transfer point,and walking,as before,serving the distrib

12、ution function.The facilities and services that provide these opportunities for travel,when interconnected to permit movement from one location to another,form a network. Thus,another way of representing the spatial dimension of an urban transportation system is as a set of road and transit networks

13、. Even in the smallest urban areas,where mass transit is not available,the local street network provides the basic spatial characteristic of the transportation system.The transportation system of a city can influence the way in which the citys social and economic structure, often called the urban ac

14、tivity system,develops. At the same time,changes in this structure can affect the ability of the transportation system to provide mobility and accessibility. Thus , the transportation system is closely related to the urban activity system and; historically, has been an important determinant of urban

15、 form.Because of the relation between transportation and urban activities,many of the methods used by transportation planners depend on estimates of trips generated by specific land uses. The relation also suggests that the options available to public officials dealing with transportation problems s

16、hould include not only those related directly to the transportation system, but also actions such as zoning that affect the distribution of land use, and thus influence the performance of the transportation system.The foregoing considerations point to two important principles for transportation planning



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