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1、广州市白云区成龙中学2015学年第一学期牛津版八年级上册英语教案Unit 4 InventionsPeriod 1教学内容:Getting ready, Reading, Vocabulary 教学目标:语言知识:1. 认读和理解单词 :wheel,comfortable,carriage,passenger,century,intent,practical,since,distance,mobile,phone,anytime,develop,lamp,candle,daytime以及短语since then,keep in touch with,in the daytime等;2. 认知一

2、些有关人名的专有名词:Alexander Graham Bell,Thomas Edison等;3. 了解车轮、电话和电灯三项伟大发明的发明者、发明时间以及对人类历史的推动作用。语言技能:1. 能通过上下文或语境判断出新单词的意思;2. 能够用正确的方法来介绍一项发明。情感态度:了解国内外重要发明对人类社会发展的巨大作用。教学重点:认读和理解本单元的词汇。教学难点:根据上下文语境猜测词义。Teaching procedures:Step 1 Pre-reading 1. Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.(1) What is Hi do

3、ing?(2) What is the book about?(3) What does Hi ask Lo?(4) What does Lo think the most important invention in the world?2. Background information(1) Which the most important invention to you?Why?(2) Inventions change our way of life. Look at the photos below. Write the name of each invention in the

4、blanks.(page 50)(3) How do these inventions help us in our daily lives? In groups, discuss this with your classmates.Step 2 While-reading 1.First reading(Skimming)Look at the photos, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article on page 51. Then answer the questions below.1. What t

5、hree inventions will the article talk about? _2. Which invention do you think is the greatest invention? Why? _2. Second readingD1 Read the article on page 51 and complete the table below.Step 2 Post-reading(Vocabulary)C1 Find words from the article on page 51 that have similar meanings to the words

6、 in italics below.1. My new shoes felt nice and soft. (line 7) 2. This modern city was only a small village a hundred years ago. (line 10) 3. All the people on the bus got excited when they arrived at the Great Wall. (line 11) 4. The company produced a new camera last year. (line 24) 5. The swimming

7、 pool is open during the day. (line 29) C2 Complete the conversation below with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary. Step 4 Homework1. 抄写单词和短语:telephone,wheel,comfortable,carriage,century,passenger,invent,practical,since,distance,mobile phone,anytime,develop,lamp,candle,daytime,s

8、ince then,keep in touch with,in the daytime等。2.思考:How do the wheel, the telephone and the light bulb help people live a better life? Unit 4 InventionsPeriod 2教学内容: Reading, language points教学目标:语言知识:1. 深入学习课文中的语言知识;2.能够用中文译出文章的意思。语言技能:1.能够灵活运用所学的语言知识;2.能够有感情的流利地朗诵课文。情感态度:培养积极参加学校课外活动的兴趣和体会课外活动的快乐。教学重

9、点:深入学习课文中的语言知识。教学难点:能够灵活运用所学的语言知识。Teaching procedures:Step 1 Review the words1. Read the words together.2. What inventions are described in the following sentences? (1) We can use it to communicate with people over long distances. (2) We can make phone calls with it anytime, anywhere. (3) It is perh

10、aps one of the most practical inventions in the 20th century. Now people use it for both work and play. (4) After its invention, we no longer needed to use the stairs. (5) It cools or warms rooms to make them more comfortable for people to stay in.(6) Passengers who use this for transportation no lo

11、nger need to worry about traffic jams.(7) The Wright brothers invented the first machine-powered model of it.Step 2 Translate the reading1. Listen to radio part by part. The wheel The telephone The light bulb2. Read the reading part by part. The wheel The telephone The light bulb3. Ask student trans

12、late the reading part by part.Step 3 Learn the language points1. They help people live a better life.它帮助人们过上更好的生活。 help sb. do sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”,do sth. 是不带to 的不定式短语,作宾语补足。sb. 是不定式短语的逻辑主语。如:Radios and televisions can help people learn about the world.Live a good/rich/poor life 意为“过好的、富裕的、贫穷的生活”。bette

13、r 是good 的比较级。如:Farmers used to live a poor life , but now they live a good life.2. The following are three of the most important inventions in history. 下面是历史上最重要的发明中的三项。following 在此句中作名词使用,意为“下面的人或事物”,单复数同形,要与定冠词the用。其作主语时,如果指的是单数,谓语动词要用单数形式,如果指的是复数,谓语动词则用复数形式。例如:全文如下。 The following is the full text

14、. 下面的同学们来自2班。 The following are from Class Two.3. After its invention, travelling became faster and more comfortable.发明车轮后,旅行变得更加迅捷、更加舒适。after its invention是介宾短语结构,在句中作时间状语,相当于一个时间状语从句,即:after people invented the wheel.下文的Before the invention of the light bulb 也是类似用法。Travelling 是动名词,在句中作主语。After for 3 hours ,they had a rest.工作了3个小时后,他们休息了一会。4. In the early 19th century, the first trains began to carry passengers.在20世纪初,最早的火车开始载客。In the early 19th century意为“20世纪初”;“20世纪中叶”可以说成“in the mid-19th century 或in the middle of the 19th century”;“20世纪末”可以说成at the end of the 19th century


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