吸引力法则的利用实例 GRE词汇利用实例

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《吸引力法则的利用实例 GRE词汇利用实例》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《吸引力法则的利用实例 GRE词汇利用实例(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、吸引力法则的利用实例 GRE词汇利用实例 GRE网权威公布GRE词汇利用实例,更多GRE词汇利用实例相关信息请访问GRE留学外语考试网。在互联网上,有关新GRE考试,流传着这么一句话“GRE考试改革后将取消对于单词的考查,考生们在准备GRE考试的过程中最终能够不用背诵大量的单词了”。这句话是否客观正确,笔者先不做评论,让我们先看一道ETS官方公布的新GRE考试的样题:International financial issues are typically by the United States media because they are too technical to make snap

2、py headlines and too inaccessible to people who lack a background in economics.A. neglected 被忽略的B. slighted 被忽略的C. overrated 被高估的D. hidden 被隐藏的E. criticized 被批评的F. repudiated 被拒绝的本题要求考生从选项中选出两个正确选项,不但需要确保句意通顺,而且需要使句意相近。Sample Sentence Equivalence QuestionsDirections: Select the two answer choices th

3、at, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.尽管看似本题比现行GRE考试中的填空题目难度有所增减,但其实本题是现行GRE考试中填空题目标变体,是对基础词汇及完成简单逻辑关系的考察。面对这道新题,考生根据填空课上老师讲过的解题思绪,先看题目再选答案是能够顺利完成这些题目标。不过这种新题的备选答案,甚至上面所列出的英文的解题指导全部为我们解这些题目提供了更加好的路

4、径。实际上这种题目更偏重于对词汇的考查。对于这种题型的部分题目,词汇基础很好的同学是能够脱离给出的语言环境,直接选出选项中的一对近义词最为答案。此题答案为A和B。至此,我们能够发觉,新GRE考试取消的是类反,而并不是像网上谣传的那样取消了对单词的考察,在新的GRE考试中对于单词的考察仍然存在。假如一名考生单词背得很好,而且熟悉考试形式,在面对以上这道新题的时候,甚至能够直接从六个选项当中选择两个同义词,而这两个同义词也肯定是正确答案。下面我们在看一道样题中公布的阅读题对于词汇是怎样考查的:Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following reading

5、 passage.Scholarship on political newspapers and their editors is dominated by the view that as the United States grew, the increasing influence of the press led, ultimately, to the neutral reporting from which we benefit today. Pasley considers this view oversimplified, because neutrality was not a

6、 goal of early national newspaper editing, even when editors disingenuously stated that they aimed to tell all sides of a story. Rather, the intensely partisan ideologies represented in newspapers of the early republic led to a clear demarcation between traditional and republican values. The editors

7、 responsible for the papers content especially those with republican agendas began to see themselves as central figures in the development of political consciousness in the United States.10. In the context in which it appears, disingenuously most nearly meansA. insincerelyB. guilelesslyC. obliquelyD

8、. resolutelyE. pertinaciously在阅读中出现词汇题,这是GRE考试有史以来第一次。能够看出即使ETS取消了类比反义词的题目,不过并没有放弃对于词汇的考察。词汇题在这里的命题初衷是期望考生经过上下文的逻辑关系推断出单词的含义。不过对于词汇把握好的考生来说,完全能够脱离上下文快速选出答案。而且这道词汇题考查的单词不论是题干还是选项的词汇全部是词汇考试中的高频词。在现有的GRE词汇课上,我们给大家总结了大量“不老实”,“老实”和“倔强、顽固”的同义词,假如大家能把这些单词全全部记忆好,本题解起来仍然能够做到既快且准。本题答案为B。总而言之,新GRE考试降低了GRE词汇量,减轻了考生背诵单词的负担,不过却加大了考试的难度,因此考生们还是要记忆单词,打下良好的基础,用主动的态度面对新GRE考试。



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