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1、浅析英语语言中的性别歧视The Analysis of Sexism in English LanguageContentsAbstract.1Key words.1I. Introduction. 2II. Causes of Sexism in English Language.21. Religious reason.32. Physiology factor.33. Social factor.4III. Sexism in English Language.41. From morphologic aspect.42. From semantic aspect.63. Sexism

2、in proverbs.8IV. The Ways to Reduce Sexism in English.91. The linguistic approach.102. The social efforts to achieve equality11V. Conclusion.12References13Abstract: Language plays an important role in our society. As a phenomenon of society, language reflects all the sides of human society naturally

3、. Language is not only a guide, it is a mirror that reflects the sexism in social reality, and at the same time, it makes people see social reality more clearly. Sexism is a phenomenon that takes a male-as-norm attitude; trivializing, degrading and devaluing female can be located everywhere. To star

4、t with, the thesis traces the reasons for the occurrence of sexism in English from the religious, social and physiology perspectives. In nature, sexism in English language reflects sexism in society. The two are closely related. Then the thesis analyses sexism from the angles of morphology, semantic

5、, proverb. Finally, a large part of the thesis is contributed to how to change and avoid sexism in English. Along with the Womens liberation Movement in 1960s, it has aroused peoples awareness of the inequality between women and men. It is more important to eliminate the ideology of prejudice to wom

6、en in peoples mind. Eliminating sexism also depends on women themselves, women should work hard to improve social status. Key words: English language; sexism; society; equality摘 要: 语言是人类社会发展的产物,它源于社会又反映着社会观念。性别歧视是一种社会现象,不仅反映在社会生活中,也反映在语言和语言的使用中,由此形成了语言性别歧视,主要表现在诋毁女性贬低女性、将女性置于一种男性附属地位的言语行为。本文首先从宗教,社会

7、等角度剖析英语语言中性别歧视的根源; 然后从构词、语义、谚语等不同角度分析英语语言中性别歧视现象;最后提出了如何避免使用英语性别歧视语。随着时代的发展,语言中的性别歧视现象逐渐引起广大女性,尤其是语言学家的重视。社会变革是语言变革的基础,语言变革推动着整个社会的发展,二者相互作用。关键词: 英语语言; 性别歧视; 社会; 平等 I. Introduction Sexism is an unreasonable social phenomenon, which is a kind of discrimination against women because of the gender. Sex

8、ism, According to The extended fourth of Oxford Advanced learners English-Chinese Dictionary means “prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex”. Language is an important window through which one can understand the culture and society of the people, becau

9、se peoples social-cultural behaviors and thoughts are reflected in their use of the language. Language itself is not sexist, but the society is. Language is the carrier and container of culture; it is the mirror of the society, reflecting the customs and values of society. Historically and sociologi

10、cally, our society is man-oriented and man-centered. Women are regarded as a weaker gender in society, subordinated and dominated by men for a long time. Naturally, this kind of phenomenon has been reflected in language. With the development of society, the status of women improves a lot. Women play

11、 an important role in our society. Along with the Womens liberation Movement in 1960s, more and more people began to pay attention to sexism in English language.This thesis will try to explore the phenomena of sexism in English, its causes and discuss the methods to avoid it. This thesis is divided

12、into five parts. Firstly, in the introduction part, illustrating the background of the thesis, giving the definition of sexism and explaining the relationship between language and society.Secondly, trace the causes of sexism in English in terms of religious reason, physiology factor, and social fact

13、or.Thirdly, analyze linguistic features of sexism in English language in terms of (1) morphologic aspect; (2) semantic; (3) sexism in proverbs.Then, discuss the ways to reduce sexism in English in the following fields (1) the linguistic approach; (2) the social efforts to achieve equality.Finally, g

14、o to the conclusion of the thesis.II. Causes of Sexism in English LanguageSexism in English was not formed in one day, but it built up in the long period of the development of the language. With regard to the causes of sexism in English language, it is believed that there are three predominant facto

15、rs attributing to that: religious reason, social factor and physiology factor. To the religious reason, I look at the influential classics that are the vehicle of gender ideology the Bible in order to acquire a good understanding of how sexism is constructed. However, the sexist gender orientation is after all rooted in social reality, i.e. the immediate


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