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1、科教版六年级英语上学期单词拼写知识点综合练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图示,补全下列单词。1footb_ll 2k_ke3gl_e 4d_g5pian_ 6 br_sh7 wr_te 8 b_ll9 envel_pe 10l_f2. 按要求写单词。(1)see(同音词)_ (2)like (反义词)_(3)for(同音词)_ (4)where(同音词)_(5)dont(完全形式)_ (6)too(同音词)_(7)here(对应词)_ (8)kilogram(复数)_(9)my(主格)_ (10)animal(复数)_3. 根据首字母填空。1. We can e_our friends on

2、the computer.2. On the computer we can s_for a lot of things.3. I want to s_greetings to my parents.4. Peter was very e_. Because his father bought a computer for him.4. 在横线上写出与画线部分发音相同的词。(1)blue_ (2)room_(3)sugar_ (4)class_(5)arm_ (6)us_(7)son_ (8)Pear_(9)back_ (10)any_5. 补全单词。1. My grandpa likes B

3、eijing Opera(京剧). He often w_ CCTV 11.2. Lin Tan usually r_ a bike to school.3. Their h_ are different.4. Do you often w_ to your pen pal.5. My mother is a nurse. She w_ in a hospital.6. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。1.live_ 2.read_3.do_ 4.go_5.teach_ 6.watch_ 7.work_8.play_9.make_ 10.like_7. 根据给出的图片,把下列单词补充完整。8.

4、 排列顺序。(1)Thelioncaughtthemouse.(2)Thelionandthemousebecamegoodfriends.(3)Thelioncouldnotgetoutfromthenet.(4)Themousewokethelionup.(5)Thelionletthemousego.(6)Themousehelpedtheliongetout._9. 根据提示写出所缺单词。1、Whereareyougoingthis_?(oinmrgn)2、Imgoingtothe_.(bokoresot)3、Whatareyougoingto_?(yub)4、Imgoingtobuy

5、a_(micoc)book.5、Whatareyou_todo?(nigog)10. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Lucy _ (come) to China last month.2.She watches TV every evening. But she _ (not watch) TV last night.3.Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning.4.There _ (be) no one here yesterday.5.I _ (call) Mike this morning.6.I listened but _ (hear) noth

6、ing.7.Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.8.My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.11. 写单词。1. 公里_ 2. 明信片_3. 一千_ 4. 百万_5. 加拿大_12. 写出复数。I_ this_ watch_child_ photo_ day_13. 单词拼写。(1)响铃_ 潮湿的_(2)出故障的_ 挂断电话_(3)帮助_ 拥抱_14. 写出下列动词的过去式。catch-_ ask-_let-_ bite-_help-_ can-_wake-_ become-_eat-_ get-_15. 看图写单词。 h_ p_ c_ g_ t_页码 / 总页数


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