Unit 5 Canada — “The True North”(设计与反思)

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Unit 5 Canada — “The True North”(设计与反思)_第1页
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《Unit 5 Canada — “The True North”(设计与反思)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 5 Canada — “The True North”(设计与反思)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Book 3 Unit 5 Canada “The True North” 教学设计一、 学情分析经过高一上学期两个模块的学习,有了明确的学习动机和较强的自主学习意识。他们能用英语进行思维和表达,能就给出的话题展开讨论,发表自己的看法,逐渐提高了用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。但这个班有一部分学生的英语基础不好,所以本节课采用了小组合作形式结合简单的任务型阅读,使学生能够积极主动的参与到课堂中来,成为课堂的主体,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,提高了自主学习的能力。二、 教材分析本单元通过叙述两位女孩李黛予与刘倩的加拿大之旅,向我们展示了加拿大的一些基本概况,包括它的地理环境、主要

2、城市、风土人情以及它的多元文化。“阅读” Reading部分是一篇游记,记述了李黛予与刘倩去加拿大看望表兄妹的旅途见闻。沿着从西向东的旅游路线向我们介绍了加拿大的面积、地貌、主要城市、人口、生态环境等。两位女孩在旅途中看到了自然美景及野生动物,文章还介绍了加拿大的自然资源,让学生对加拿大的美丽、富饶、幅员辽阔、地广人稀有了更深的了解。三、教学方法1 采用了常见的任务型教学法,启发式教学法,师生互动,生生互动的形式步步深入学习。2 指导学生采用预测、略读、寻读、精读等多种阅读方法获取有关加拿大概况的信息。四、教学目标1使学生通过采取不同的阅读方法,了解加拿大的一些地理人文概况和文化风俗。2指导学

3、生阅读加拿大地图,找到加拿大的首都、主要城市、湖泊、落基山脉、太平洋、大西洋等。3 画出主人公在加拿大旅游的路线图,学会按时空顺序叙事。五、教学重点及难点教学重点:1.引导学生对课文内容从整体把握,理解主旨大意和文段的基本逻辑结构。2.提高学生组织语言、运用语言的能力。教学难点:1.帮助学生从细节上理解课文信息并对信息进行重组或概括。2. 理解文章标题的含义以及文章的中心思想。六、教学策略本节课的教学以学生为中心,以问题为出发点,使课堂教学过程成为学生自主地进行个人探究、互动交流、协作探究和讨论的过程。教师在教学过程中则适时介入,引导、启发、组织、帮助、促进。 采用多媒体教学,展示给学生一些加

4、拿大地理、主要城市、湖泊、山脉的精美图片,营造出异国文化氛围,激发起学生的兴趣。引导学生观察课文标题和插图对文章内容进行预测,通过略读从整体上把握课文的内容、结构和特色。指导学生查读,积极获取加拿大概况的信息,进一步细读深入理解课文内容。学习用英语归纳以及复述,促进学生语言实际运用能力的提高。七、教学过程 步骤一 导入Lead-in 1.引入本单元的话题:加拿大。首先展示给学生白求恩和大山的照片,然后提问:T: Please look at this man. Who is he? (Dr Bethune )Please look at the young man. Who is he? (D

5、ashan) Which country were they born in? Ss: Canada. T: Which continent is Canada in?Ss: It is in North America.2.给学生展示一些他们非常熟悉的加拿大相关的图片。设计意图:从学生熟悉的加拿大国旗、加拿大人物(白求恩、大山)、熟悉的代表物(比如红枫叶、多伦多国家电视塔)、自然美景(比如尼亚加拉大瀑布)等入手,能很快调动学生的学习积极性,激发起学习兴趣,加强学习动机。步骤二 热身Warming up How much do you know about Canada? Work in pa

6、irs and answer this quiz. 1.学生两人一组,完成课堂小测验,检测自己对加拿大的了解程度。2.小组之间讨论答案,然后教师公布正确答案。3.为答对4道题目以上的小组鼓掌表示祝贺。设计意图:做加拿大知识小测验,可以激起学生的学习兴趣,激活学生的已有的背景知识以及求知的热情。同时便于教师了解学生对加拿大文化背景知识的掌握情况。步骤三 读前Pre-reading 在阅读课文之前,教师先引入旅游话题然后组织学生讨论几个问题:Do you like traveling?Look at the map on the right and discuss in pairs:1. If y

7、ou take a trip to Canada, what do you expect to see?2.What three words would you use to describe Canada?。设计意图:激活学生旅游经历,让他们设身处地想象旅游的过程,预想在加拿大旅游可能看到的情景,从而在阅读过程中能更好地理解文章描述的加拿大之行,同时也能培养学生预测文章内容的能力。步骤四 阅读 Reading一、先预测后略读:Prediction and SkimmingLook at the title of the passage and picture. Predict what th

8、e passage is about. Then skim the passage to see if you were right.让学生快速阅读的同时思考:文章标题中“the True North”的含义是什么?What is “the True North” in the title? 学生通过阅读可能把握标题中的两层含义:字面含义以及在文章中的含义。至于文化含义,教师可以展示加拿大国歌的歌词并放加拿大国歌,让学生感受其中蕴含的民族精神。参考答案:1. Canada is located in the northern North America.2. It is the name of

9、 a train.3. It is named after a line from the Canadian National Anthem.设计意图:通过观察文章标题和插图预测文章内容,引导学生从整体上把握课文的主旨大意。让学生重视文章标题,思考题目的含义,从而更好地把握文章内容和情感,发散学生思维,从多个角度思考问题。二、 寻读 scanningSkimming ( 略读)Skim the passage and then answer the following questions:1) What is the passage mainly about? It is about _ of

10、 two girls; and it tells us some information about _.2) What is “The True North”?The True North is a name of _.Reading-ScanningRead the text quickly and match the main idea of each part .Para 1 A. The brief introduction to Canada and the city Vancouver .(part1)Para 2 : B. Calgary and its Stampede.(p

11、art2) Para 3 : C. Some information of Canadas population and the city Thunder Bay.(part3)Paras 4-5 D. They made a decision that they were to travel across Canada on (part4) E. a train from west to east 设计意图:指导学生运用寻读的阅读技巧,抓住关键词查找文章相关信息,可以了解加拿大的地理人文概况以及重要城市。 三、 仔细阅读 Careful-reading分段阅读,加深对课文的理解。Read P

12、ara.1 carefully and answer the following questions.1.Who were on a trip to Canada?2.How did they go to Montreal?Read Para.2 carefully and tell me which one is true and which one is false.1. Montreal is described as the most beautiful city in Canada?2.Vancouver is the warmest part in Canada.3.It is s

13、o wet in Vancouver that the trees are tall.Read Para.3 and fill in the blanks.PlaceInformationThe Rocky MountainsThe cousins and their friend managed to _ some mountain goats, a grizzly bear and an eagle.CalgaryIt is famous for _.Many cowboys _riding horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes

14、.Read Paras45 while listening and then choose the best answers.1. Why did they begin to realize two days later that Canada is quite empty? A. Because they found nobody on their way. B. Because there are only thirty million people living on such a huge land and most of them live within the areas of t

15、he USA border. C. There are too many lakes in Canada. D. Because Canada is surrounded by Oceans on three sides.2. What are some of Canadas greatest natural resourcesA. Wheat B. fresh water C. mountain goats D. grizzly bears1.画主人公的旅游路线图。 Read the passage carefully and look at the map on Page33. Draw the traveling route of the two girls on the map. 认真阅读文章,然后把主人公的旅游经过的地方写出来,并在33页地图上做标记。 1. China 2. Vancouver 3. Rocky Mountains 4. Calgary


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