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1、2023年竞聘英语演讲稿汇编6篇 竞聘英语演讲稿 篇1(997字)各位领导、老师们:首先感谢学校为老师搭建了能充分展示、参与竞争平台让每老师都能参与其中力求为学校辉煌明天尽一份心出一份力希望在我火热七月里每一位老师都能拥有这火一般热情。作为众多竞聘者中一员我觉得这是自我锻炼、自我展示机会我很珍惜、也很重视这次机会我既然参与了竞聘就力求把它做好我并不看重参与结果我重视是参与过程只要尽力而为又何来遗憾呢?我要用一颗平常人心来做好竞聘尽力做好每一步。_x毕业于南京航天航空大学外语系本科学历是沉稳、踏实、兢兢业业人认真对待工作关爱每学生团结每一位同事是我基本宗旨。这次竞聘是学校教研室主任一职我相信只要


3、年级教研计划要不断在中间过程中进行总结去粗取精扬长避短找出最好方案让老师们能积极参与其中出谋划策教 学活动中薄弱环节完善各学科、各年级教研从各教研计划中找到合适并充实它、完善它使老师能更好运用我还要让各位老师学习新课程标准学习怎样运用到实际中怎样与形势相适应。我还要积极地展一筹莫展调研活动使 教研计划、教研活动有科学性、实际性科学与实际相结合实距是检验科学唯一标准先要有科学性计划再在实际活动中进行检验使得能去伪存真保证科学性、实际性我还要积极与兄弟学校沟通向一小等学校学习学习它们长处好成功经验并把它运用到这里来与实际相结合形成特色风格使能与其它学校并驾齐驱并赶超它们希望能它们学习对象我想学校一

4、定会更好。我演讲完了最后我希望大家相信我选择我我不会让大家失望!竞聘英语演讲稿 篇2(4376字)Ladies and gentlemen:It is a great honor for me to talk about the topic with you all, my dear friends!As you all know, there is a flinty problem that many many fresh graduates can not find their jobs today. What is worse, it seems that we have fey ans

5、wer isabsolutely “ no”!Just think, my friends, why somebody suggest our fresh graduates go abroad? Are our markets for job seekers really saturated ? Are there really bags of jobs waiting for the jobless abroad? Can the migration really put the axe in the helve? It is unlikely, in my opinion.In some

6、 degree, It is a illusion thinking that there have been dead-alive on the labor market home. So many graduates say they can not find their jobs, so many parents worry about their young ones future, so many companies close the doors for job seeking How it just be a illusion ? Do I have a bee in my he

7、ad?First ,we should make it clear that what kind of jobs that our graduates want to take, and where they want to work? It goes without saying, only jobs providing high salary in big cities, for instance Beijing, can satisfy them. Unfortunately ,that kind of jobs are limited. Therefore, it is not tha

8、t our graduates can not find jobs but that they can not find the fictive jobs , as a matter of fact. No matter how flourish and how actively a city is, it can provide numbered positions for the job seekers. What theywant is perfect, but what they can gain in the end is another pair of shoes.In fact,

9、 in the country, in the undeveloped places, more and more persons with ability are needed. However, there are no theatres, there are no cafes, there are no KFC, and there are supermarkets As a result, no body like to work there.As we all know, developed countries usually have the same problem that l

10、arge numbers of person lost their work, which is even serious than china. Millions of people pageant nearly every day, speaking for a piece of work. So what we can do after we get there? How can we support ourselves?Not all emigrants live a happy life, in fact, most of them worry about their life fr

11、om time to time. Digesting the culture seems always difficult, the salary stays at a low level, and the miss to their motherland always followsHow about the developing country? Are there more jobs, higher wages and comfortable life? I am sorry ,the answer is still “no”! Plumplyspeaking, many develop

12、ing counties are disordered. You can not prosuppose when the terrorists may attack you, when the epidemic may come and how can you make a living?Now you can see, as I refered to, foreign countries are not the paradise, at least, to most of the people having gone abroad. In this case, why we still su

13、ggest our graduates go overseas? In addition, will that really be good for our country after number of fresh graduates entering overseas for their job seeking?As the matter of our family planning policy, the aged will become more and more, which is leading to a reasonably unfavourable situation. It

14、is said that we will not have enough work force in future. Please project yourself in that case, once it comes true, what will it happen? Factories is short of workers, hospitals lack doctors, offices are pressed for missionaries Now you can imagine, my dear friends, how terrible it is!Actions speak

15、 louder than words. Some worrying reality has already occurred. Large numbers of excellent graduates go abroad every year who are from many famous universities inland, like Beijing university. It means that we have been losing the most standout person. It means that we are cultivating person for oth

16、er countries for free!Isnt it woefully?Isnt it baffling?Why we still encourage our graduates to go abroad, since there are so many potential chances? why we stillencourage our graduates to go abroad, since there are not so many fantastic jobs actually? Why we still do that, since it does harm to us?So my dear friends, friends who have not find jobs, lets go to the west part of our m


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