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1、if引导的条件状语从句(讲义)状语用来表示行为发生的时间、地点、目的、方式、程度等,通常由副词或介 词短语充当,也可由一个句子充当。I slept at home yesterday because I had a bad cold.状语从句状语从句指句子作状语。根据其作用可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式等从句 状语从句一般由连词(从属连词)引导。I will go to school by bike tomorrow if it is sunny.Grammar focusI think I ll take the bus to the party.If you do,

2、you ll be late.If you take the bus to the party, you ll be late.I think I ll stay at home.If you do, you ll be sorry.If you stay at home, you ll besorry.What will happe n if they have the party today?If they have it today, half the class won t come.Should we ask people to bring food?If we ask people

3、 to bring food, they ll just bring potatochips and chocolate.1 if 在本单元句中意为“; ”,用于引导。即if引导的是一个完整的句子,所以一定要有主谓,成为从句,另一个句子则成为主句。If you go there, I ll go, too.We will go hiking if it doesn t rain tomorrow.If Bob leaves tomorrow, I will hold a party for him toni ght.2 if引导的条件状语从句既可以放在主句前,也可放在主句后。但是如果放在主句前

4、,即句首时,从句后面要用 与 主 句隔开。You will keep healthy if you do more exercise.If you do more exercise, you will keep healthy.3时态:if引导的条件状语从句用 表示将来,主句可以使用一般将来时,含有情态动词的句子或者祈使句。主将从现If you practice speak ing En glish more, you will like itbetter. If she goes to New York tomorrow, I will go there, too.My sister wil

5、l be very happy if our uncle comes n ext week.练习:If Na ncythe exam, she willgo to Australiafor Englishstudy.A. passB. passedC. passesD. will passIf the weatherweeke nd.fine, wehave a sports meeti ngn extA. will be; will主情从现B. is; willC. was; wouldD. was; willIf you get up at six tomorrow morning, yo

6、u can catch the first bus. If you go to study in America next year, you must learn En glish hard.主祈从现Let s go out for a walk if it doesn t raintomorrow. If you see a snake in the forest,don tmove!uni ess也可引导条件状语从句,表示“如果不,除非”Uni ess hecomes here in an hour, I will go there alone. If he doesn t come h

7、ere in an hour, I will go there alone.You will feel worse uni ess you go to see the doctor right now.You will feel worse if you don t go to see the doctor right now.练习:is.you read it, you can t imagine how interesting the storyA. Un lessB. BecauseC. AlthoughD. IfPlease give Alice the story bookyou s

8、ee her.All right.A. unlessB. orC. butD. ifExercises、单项选择you want to do well)1. Study ing in groups is n ecessaryin school.A. ifB. un tilC. uni essD. though#)2. Will you help me with the trouble?I wonyou tell me the truth.A. ifB. butC. afterD. uni ess)3. If Bobaway fromthe junk food,he will be in goo

9、dhealth.rain (A. stay)4. If TomA. win)5. weA. wonllB. will staythe game, we B. winsgo to the park if itrain B. dont)6. If yourainreC. staysll give him aC. wonD. stayedsurprise.D. wi nningtomorrow.C. does nt rain D.more careful, youmuch better.A. doB. will doC. are doingD. did)7. If thereno buyingand

10、 selli ng of ani mals.thereA. is; will beC. is; is)8. I m waiting formyfriend. Ifheno killing in nature.B. will be; will beD. will be; isswimmi ng alone.A. doesn t come; goC. won t come; will go二、翻译B. won t come; goD. doesn t come; will go9.如果明天不下雨,我会去看你的。If ittomorrow, Iyou.10.如果Mary不为考试做准备,她会不及格。I

11、f Mary the exam, shefailthe exam.11.如果你不告诉我原因,我会告诉妈妈这件事。12.我不会去医院的,除非你和我一起去那儿。众辜乐字众拿乐学:或咨询电话:400-811-6688【参考答案】Grammar focus1. 如果;假如;条件状语从句2. 逗号3. 一般现在时主将从现练习:C Buni ess练习:ADExercises一、单项选择1-5 ADCBC6-8 BAD二、翻译9. doesn t rain; will visit10. doesn t prepare for; will11. If you don t tell me the reason, I will tell mom thisthing.12. I won t go to the hospital uni ess you go there with me.#


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