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1、News Background 新闻背景维和行动是联合国的重要职能之一,联合国维和行动是指在联合国安理睬授权下使用非武力方式协助冲突各方维持和平,恢复和平并最后实现和平的一种行动。1948年以来联合国维和部队在全球各地总共执行了63次维和使命,为世界的和平与发展做出了卓越奉献。1988年,联合国维和人员荣获诺贝尔和平奖。然而,维和工作也面临内外的诸多挑战。正如联合国负责维和事务的副秘书长盖埃诺所说“需要做的事还诸多”。 News Transcript 新闻正文UN Marks 60 Years of InternationalPeacekeeping OperationsA wreath wa

2、s laid at U.N. headquartersThursday to mark the 60th anniversary anniversary n. 周年龄念 of its peacekeeping operations. The world body has more than 100,000 troops from more than 120 countries working to keep the peace in 20 conflict zones.U.N. peacekeeping operations began in 1948 with the deployment

3、deployment n. 配备,部署 of unarmed U.N. military observers in the Middle East to monitor the truce truce n. 停战, 停战协定, between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Since that first mission, peacekeepers wearing the distinctive blue helmet of the United Nations have conducted conduct v. 实行,进行,指挥,引导 63 other mis

4、sions. In 1988, U.N. peacekeepers won the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts.Jean-Marie Guhenno, the U.N. chief ofpeacekeeping operations, says today hisdepartment is at its highest-ever levels ofdeployment. “With 20 missions, 130,000 personnel authorized; 110,000 already deployed. Thats enormous,”

5、 he said.The importance of U.N. peacekeeping can be seen in its budget, which has risen to more than $6.5 billion this year for missions in countries such as Sudan, Chad, Georgia, Haiti and Lebanon.More than 40 percent of all peacekeepers come from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nigeria and Nepal, whi

6、le Japan and the United States are the largest financial financial adj. 财政的,金融的 contributors.But peacekeeping is dangerous work. Ninety peacekeepers lost their lives last year and more than 2,400 during the last six decades. On Wednesday, one more peacekeepers name was added to that list, when a Uga

7、ndan peacekeeper was killed in the Darfur region of Sudan. The U.N.s peacekeeping department has also encountered encounter v. 遭遇,遇到,相遇 other problems, notably, misconduct on the part of a small number of peacekeepers that has hurt their reputation.This week, British charity Save the Children issued

8、 a report saying some peacekeepers and international aid workers have sexually abused abuse v. 滥用,虐待,辱骂 young children in world trouble spots. Guhenno says this is one of the challenges of peacekeeping.“That kind of report is never happy reading,” he said. “But its a very useful report, because it p

9、uts the light on one of the challenges we have when you rotate rotate v. 使旋转,使循环,使轮流,使轮换 200,000 people every year. How do you make sure you have the full picture? How do you make sure misconduct is not under-reported? How do you make sure when there is misconduct it is effectively followed up?” Guh

10、enno says his department is working vigilantly to improve mechanisms mechanism n. 机构,机制 for reporting instances of misconduct and to educate peacekeepers, but concedes concede v.承认 more needs to be done.As the United Nations marks the 60th anniversary of its role as international peacekeeper, the 15

11、-member Security Council is about to go to Africa, where it will visitpeacekeeping missions it has authorized in Chad, Sudans Darfur region, the Congo and the Ivory Coast.Translation 参照译文联合国维和使命的回忆和现状星期四,联合国总部安放了一种花圈,纪念联合国维和使命实行60周年。联合国拥有来自120多种国家的十万以上的维和部队,负责在世界20个冲突地区的维和工作。联合国的维和使命始于1948年。当时,联合国差遣

12、了不携带武器的军事观测员到中东地区,观测以色列与其阿拉伯邻国之间的停火。从那后来,佩戴著非常有特色的蓝色贝雷帽的联合国维和部队,在全球各地总共执行了63次维和使命。1988年,联合国维和人员荣获诺贝尔和平奖。联合国负责维和事务的副秘书长盖埃诺说,目前派出的维和人员比以往任何时候都要多。她说,“目前正在进行的有20项维和使命,已经批准的维和人员为13万,其中11万已经被部署到各地, 人数非常多。”联合国维和部队的重要性可以从它的财政预算中看出来。今年,维和部队在苏丹、乍得、格鲁吉亚、海地、和黎巴嫩等国家的行动预算超过65亿美元。在维和部队当中,有40%以上的官兵来自巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、印度、尼日


14、轮换差遣二十万维和人员的过程中所遇到的多种挑战,涉及如何掌握全局、保证错误行为及时曝光、并且及时进行解决,等等。”盖埃诺说,她的部门正在努力改善揭发维和人员违法乱纪行为和加强对维和人员进行教育的机制,但是她承认,需要做的事还诸多。在联合国维和部队成立六十周年之际,联合国安理睬十五个成员国正准备派代表团前去非洲去,检查在乍得、苏丹达尔富尔地区以及刚果和科特迪瓦等地的维和工作。Listening Tips 技巧点拨1.本文是军事方向的听力材料,波及大量军事术语,在一定限度上影响了文章的理解。例如:operation军事行动,conflict zone冲突区,deployment军事部署,milit

15、ary observer 军事观测员,truce停战,ammunition 军火,launch attack发动攻打,commander指挥官, peacekeeper 维和人员Security Council安理睬等等。军事报道是VOA新闻中的常用话题,需要积累有关词汇。2. 本文中波及到某些地名,因此会导致一定的困难,在听音时可以不作为重点,只要抓住文章的重要意思就可以。3. 本文中浮现了某些数字信息,由于英文和中文体现方式的差别,在听音是会导致一定的障碍。因此,一方面要多留意、仔细听;另一方面平时要加强练习。4A wreath was layed at U.N. headquartersThursday to mark the 60th anniversary of its peacekeeping operations.文章开头这句话中“wreath”无疑是个生词,并且出目前文章开头,很影响听力练习者的信心。这就规定我们要采用合适的听力方略,也就是不要局限于单词层面的全面掌握,而要更侧重句子的理解。通过句中的核心词lay, mark, anniversary就能判断本句话传达的重要意思是“纪念联合国维和行动60周年”。5 “U.N. peacekeeping operations began in 1948 w



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