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1、九年级英语讲学稿课题:9A Unit 2Welcome to the unit 课时:1 主备人:王道中 教学目标:1听懂Eddie和Hobo间的对话。2学习一些表示色彩的单词3能结合表示色彩的七个词,用恰当的句式进行对话,谈论彩虹。并能结合色彩和性别的关系,谈一谈自己的观点。教学内容:词组: would rather than “宁愿做而不愿”. look on sb.; lookin + 颜色 句型: Theres nothing wrong with . “没有出毛病”教学准备:录音机教学过程:课前预习:一、根据课文内容填空。Eddie wants to _ clothes. Hobo

2、brings him two clothes, one is _, another is _. Eddie thinks he _ _ wear _ than _ because _ is girls colour. Hobo says there is _ wrong _ pink and helps Eddie put on a blue _. Eddie feels shame ,but Hobo says blue _ good _ him.二、讨论并回答问题。1) Is pink a boys colour?2) Which colour does Eddie like to wea

3、r?3) Whats the meaning of the sentence “The shirt looks good on you”?4)Have you ever seen a rainbow?5)When can we usually see a rainbow?6)How many colours are there in a rainbow? What are they?课堂讲解:1.would rather than “宁愿做而不愿”.I would rather come tomorrow than today.我宁愿明天来,也不愿今天来。He _ to school _a b

4、us . Would rather (not) do sth“宁愿不做”I would rather not tell you that thing .2. Theres nothing wrong with pink “没有出毛病”Theres nothing wrong with my new bike .Theres something wrong with the computer.3. wear/ dress/ put on /have on/ have inwear 表示穿的状态。 She wears a red dress today.dress 表示穿的动作。 be dress

5、ed in 表示穿的状态。Jim isnt old enough to dress himself.Mrs King is dressing her son.He was dressed in a black T-shirt .put on 表示穿的动作,如:Please put on your sweater, its cold outside.have on sth/ in + 颜色She has on a red blouse.Who is the girl in red blouse.Sth look good on sb 某物穿在某人身上很好看Sb look good in sth

6、某人穿某物很好看Red looks good on Kitty.红色穿在基蒂身上很好看。Kitty looks good in red. 基蒂穿红色很好看。课后巩固:一、Translation:1. 红色的花 2.蓝色的大海 _ 3.绿色的田野 4. 黄色的柠檬 _ 5. 黑色的长裤 _6. 白色的墙 _ 7.宁愿而不愿 8.向窗外看 9.充满色彩的世界 10. 橙色的桔子 11.昨天我宁愿呆在家里也不愿意到外面去.I _at home _outside yesterday.12.橘色穿在你身上很好看 13.天空中一点云也没有。 二、选择;( ) 1. -Do you know how man

7、y colours in a rainbow?A. are there B.there is C. there are D.is there( )2.-What about playing football this afternoon,Sam? - I would rather at home than football.Its too hot outside.A.stay ;play B. stay ;playing C,to stay; to play D.to stay; play( )3.I must buy a new pen .because theres wrong with

8、the old one.A.nothing B.something C.anying D.everying( )4.This pair of trousers looks nice Sandy because she looks very nice blue.A.on;in B.in;on C,for;on D.in;for ( )5.-Excuse me,which is your father? -The one over there a black suit.A.is wearing B.in C.who dress D.who put on 九年级英语讲学稿课题:9A Unit 2 R

9、eading 课时:2 主备人:王道中 教学目标:1、掌握有关情感的词汇。 2、解释颜色能做什么和它们所代表的特性。 3、理解并运用本课的知识点。教学内容:单词:mood sleepy represent relaxed sadness calm satisfied climate remind difficulty growth 短语:anything interesting feel relaxed/stressed/sleepy be good for prefer to do sth cheer sb up remind sb of/ to do represent purity /s

10、adness /joy 教学准备:录音机 多媒体或投影仪课前预习:预习课文,回答下面的问题。Questions: 1) How many kinds of colours can youknow from the passage ? 2) What are they ? 3) What do they represent ?课堂讲解:1. Do you know anything interesting about colours ? anything interesting 意为“任何有趣的东西”,形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词须放在不定代词的后面。如:There is something n

11、ew in todays newspaper.请选择: Did you see _ last night ? A. anything unusual B.something unusual C. unusual anything 2. Colours can change our moods and make us fell happy or sad ,energetic or sleepy . 1) make sb do sth 意为“使某人做某事”,make作使役动词时,须接省略to 的动词不定式短语作宾语补足语。如:The boss made the workers work for l

12、ong hours . 与此用法相同的动词还有let , have , see , watch , hear, fell , notice 等。 有关make的词组 make a living make a noise make a face make a mistake make a decision make trouble make friends with make room for make up ones mind be made of / from / in2)sleepy 形容词,“欲睡的;困倦的”。如:If you dont go to bed early , you wil

13、l feel sleepy next day . sleepy / asleep / sleeping这三个词中都有sleep ,但它们的词性及具体用法有区别。sleepy 指有睡意,但没有睡着,在句中作表语、宾语补足语和定语。如:Im sleepy . Id like to go to bed .asleep是形容词,意为“睡着的”,指处于睡眠这种状态,如:The boy is asleep . 那个男孩睡着了。sleeping意为“睡着的,供睡觉用的”,常作定语。如:He took the sleeping medicine just now . The sleeping man is my uncle .3.It could be beca


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