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1、2021年英语网考真题第一部分 交际英语(2021年4月网考)翻译版 1.Why didnt you e to my birthday party yesterday? - _. 昨天为什么不来参加我的生日晚会? 不好意思我太太出了个交通事故 A Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower B Fine, I never go to birthday parties C Well, I dont like birthday parties D Sorry, but my wife had a car accident 2.This box is too heav

2、y for me to carry upstairs. 这个盒子对我来说太重了搬不到楼上去 -_-让我帮你吧 A You may ask for help B Ill give you a hand C Please do me a favor D Id e to help 3. -Thats a beautiful dress you have on! 你穿的这件裙子很漂亮! - _.噢谢谢我昨天买的 A Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday B Sorry, its too cheap C You can have it D See you later 4. -Da

3、vid injured his leg playing football yesterday. 大卫昨天踢球时腿受伤了 -Really? _?真的吗?那怎么发生的啊? A Who did that B Whats wrong with him C How did that happen D Why was he so careless 5. -Hi, is Mary there, please?- _请问Mary在吗?-请别挂断我去叫她 A Hold on. Ill get her. B No, she isnt here. C Yes, she lives here. D Yes, what

4、 do you want? Key: DBACA 6. -Its rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? - _. 这里相当冷你介意我把窗关上吗? -不介意去关上吧。(问介意用YES表示介意或NO) A Yes, please B No, go ahead C Sure, please D I dont like it 7.-Medam,do all the buses go downtown?女士请问是不是所有的公交车都开往市区?- _. 对不起我也不是本地人 A Wow, you got the idea B No,

5、never mind C pretty well, I guess D Sorry, Im new here 8.-Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?我能和Don Watkins说话吗?- _ 我就是。(电话用语) A Im listening. B Oh, how are you? C Speaking ,please. D Im Don. 9.-Thanks for your help. - _.谢谢您的帮助 -这是我的荣幸。 A My pleasure B Never mind C Quite right D Dont thank me 10.-H

6、ello, Im Harry Potter. 你好我是Harry Potter. -Hello, my name is Charles Green, but _. 你好我叫Charles Green但是请叫我Charles。 A call my Charles B call me at Charles C call me Charles D call Charles me Key: BDCAC 11.-Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?打扰下你能告诉我最近的邮局怎么走吗? - _Oh yes! Two

7、 blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You cant miss it.噢对!从这里过两个街区在格林大街你不会错过 A I beg your pardon? B What do you mean? C Youre wele. D Mm, let me think. 12.-Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!难以置信!我的驾照考试又没通过! - . This is not the end of the world. 振作点。这不是世界末日。 A. Good luck B Chee

8、r up C Go ahead D No problem 13.-Could you help me with my physics, please?请问你能帮我做物理课作业吗?- .很抱歉不行。我马上要去开会。(表示歉意要婉转不能直接说NO 还应加理由) A. No, no way B No, I couldnt C No, I cant D Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now 14.Havent seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now?好几年不见了最近都在忙什么? - .我

9、现在在一家书店兼职。 A. I have the weather here B My hair is getting a bit longer C Yeah, thanks for ing D I am working part time in a bookshop, you know 15.How do you do? Glad to meet you.你好很高兴认识你。 - .你好我也很高兴认识你。 A. Fine. How are you? B How do you do? Glad to meet you, too. C How are you? Thank you! D Nice.

10、How are you? Key: DBDDB 16.Whos that speaking?/ Whos speaking?你是谁?-This is Tom .我是TOM (电话用语) A speaks B spoken C speaking D saying 17.How are you, Bob?你好吗鲍勃?- , Ted.我很好谢谢泰德。 A How are you? B Im fine. Thank you.C How do you do? D Nice to meet you. 18.-Paul,_?鲍那边在说话的人是谁? -Oh, thats my father! And besi

11、de him, my mother.哦那是我的爸爸在他旁边的是我妈妈。 A. what is the person over there. B. whos talking over there. C. what are they doing. D. which is that. 19.-How often do you go dancing?你多久去跳一次舞?-_. 每隔一天去一次。 A.I will go dancing tomorrow. B. Yesterday. C. Every other day. D. Ive been dancing for a year. 20.-Hello,

12、 may I talk to the director now?你好我现在可以和导演谈谈吗? -_.很抱歉他现在很忙。 A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B. No, you cant. C. Sorry, you cant. D.I dont know. Key: CBBCA 21.-Im sorry. I lost the key.对不起我的钥匙丢了。 -_.没关系 A. Well, its OK B. No, its all right C. You are wele D. You are wrong 22.-_?你爸爸是从事什么工作的? -He t

13、eaches physics in a school.他在一所学校教物理。 A. what does your father want to do B. who is your father C. what is your father D. where is your father now 23.-How was your trip to London, Jane?简你在伦敦的旅行如何啊? -_.哦真的好极了 A. Oh, wonderful indeed B.I went there alone C. The guide showed me the way D. By plane and

14、by bus 24.-Thank you for inviting me.感谢您的邀请。 -_谢谢光临 A.I really had a happy time. B. Oh, its too late. C. Thank you for ing. D. Oh, so slowly 25.-May I see your tickets, please?/ 此题要记答案Sure可以看一下你的票吗?_.当然可以。 A. No, they are mine B. No, you cant C. Sure D. Yes, you can Key: ACACC 26.-Please help yourself to the seafood.请吃点海鲜 -_.谢谢但我不喜欢吃海鲜。 A. No, I cant. B. Sorry, I cant help C. well, seafood dont suit for D. Thanks, but I dont like the seafood 27.-Hey, Tom, whats up?嗨汤姆你在忙什么?-_.哦没忙什么 A. Yes, definitely!B. Oh, not much. C. What is happening in your life? D. You a


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