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1、500升/小时净水处理系统500 l / h pure water treatment system使用说明书Manual北京海德能科技有限公司Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Hyde电话:086-010-52335860Phone :086-010-52335860公司地址:北京市通州区次渠镇经海七路一号光联工业园区二区二号Address: Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing views the Drainage Road No. 7 by the sea oflight district on the 2nd Joint

2、 Industrial Park IICONTENTS一、系统说明l. the system shows3二、 安装说明4Second. Installation instructions4三、 操作说明6third. instructions6四、 系统常见故障排除15fourth. the system common trouble shooting10五、 水处理设备污染紧急清洗12fifth. Water Treatment Equipment Pollution Emergency cleaning12六、 水处理设备的停运保护17sixth.water treatment equi

3、pment outage protection17七、 设备参数19seventh, device parameters719八、 设备随机配件单20Eighth Equipment accessories Random20一、系统说明System本系统是以江河、湖泊、地下水作为水源(水源应无明显浑浊物),采用多级 膜法处理。标准产水量500升/小时。The system is based on rivers, lakes, groundwater as a source of water (no water turbid material), multi-stage membrane tre

4、atment. Standard Production Capacity 500 l / hour.按每人/每天需要3升水计算,标准产水量每天可满足4000-5000人的需求。 精滤系统在正常工作状态下做为反渗透系统的前处理,用于保护反渗透膜,提高 设备使用寿命。Per person 3 liters of water every day to calculate the normal production of water per day can meet4000-5000 population. Ultrafiltration system as the pre-treatment of

5、reverse osmosis system in normal working conditions, used to protect the reverse osmosis and enhance equipment life.反渗透系统出水水质达到国标饮用净水水质标准(CJ94-2005)理化指标。water quality of Reverse osmosis systems : the national standard, Drinking Water Qual ity St andards (CJ94-2005) physical.系统流程:System process:原水通过原

6、水泵进入粗滤过滤器,过滤精度20pm,过滤出大颗粒杂质、泥砂、 悬浮物;再输送到一级精密过滤器,过滤精度10呵,过滤出小颗粒杂质、絮状物、 胶体等;经过一级精密滤器的水进入二级精密滤器,过滤精度lp m,过滤更小的 杂质,病菌,胶体,铁锈及大分子有机物等物质;经过净化的水通过高压泵加压 进入反渗透系统,生产出纯净水。filtration accuracy filter of Rough filtration is of p0m, to filter out large particle impurities, sediment, suspended solids;then go to firs

7、t class ultrafilter, filter rating 10 p m, the little particle impurity, colloid will be filt ered out; after firs t class filter t hen come into second ultrafilter, filter rating 1p m, filt less colloid,germina,colloid,rust and big par ti cles organic matt er, etc. water after purified go t hrough

8、high pressure pump go into RO system, produce pure water.二、安装说明Second Installation instructions1、选择水源地附近较平整的空地,将设备主机固定,关闭万向轮开关。1, select the water source near the ground than the flat, the device host fixed, shutdownThe Moxianglun switch.2、在主机附近选择一个稍高平台(若无平台可以放置一张桌子代替平台)放置 自升式纯水箱(便于灌装取水)。2Put the ja

9、ck-up pure water container on the a little higher platform close to main machine, its easy to take water. ( a t able can ins tead of the platform if there is no platform )3、将取水接口后放入自升式原水箱中,将原水箱出口与原水泵接口 C2连接(注意:1英寸管,长为2米,两头带快接);连接废水接口 C4 (注意:1英寸管 长为5米,不带快接),要求排水通畅;将纯水出口 C3与纯水箱进口连接(注意: 1/2英寸管,长为3米,两头带

10、快接)将灌装口与纯水箱出口连接注意:(1/2英 寸管,长为2米,带快接和阀门)。put the taking water mouth into the jack-up raw water container, then connect raw water box outlet with raw waterpump interface C2(caution:1 inch pipe, 2 meters length, quick union in two ends ); connect waste water interface C4(caution: 1 inch pipe, 5 meters

11、length, without quick union), require drain fluently, connect pure water outlet C3 with pure water box inle t( cautio n:1/2 inch pipe, 3 met ers leng th, with quick union in 2 ends); connect fill water mouth with pure water box outlet(caution: 1/2 inch pipe,2 meters length, with quick union and valv

12、e)4、检查所有管路连接处是否密封,所有接触点是否连接牢固。4、Check all pipe joints are sealed, all the contacts are securely connected.5、打开配电箱,检査所有连接点是否牢固,将380V,50Hz电源连接到接口 11、12、13、N;连接地线D5。5,open the distribution box, check all connections are solid, the 380V, 50Hz power supply connec ted to the int erface, 11,12,13, N, conne

13、c ting ground D56、反渗透膜元件的装入RO membrance module load在膜元件装入压力容器之前,准备好必要的工具、材料和防护用品,如活扳 手、内六角扳手,一字螺丝刀、甘油、橡皮锤、手套等。按用户光盘的方法取下 压力容器顶端的端板,将压力容器清洗、擦拭干净,并用毛巾或海绵浸甘油均匀 涂抹压力容器内壁,使内壁润滑,便于膜元件的装入。Before load RO module, get necessary tools, material, and protective articles ready, for example, clyburn spanner, sock

14、et head wrench, Straight Screwdriver, Glycerin, rubber mallet, glove and so on. Take down end plate on the top of pressure vessel according to user CD, wash pressure vessel, wipe it clean, and use towel or sponge wipe inner of pressure vessel and make it lubricate easy to load membrane module.(1)反渗透

15、膜组件安装前的准备:Preparation of RO loading 清除供水管内的垃圾、油、金属粉可根据需要进行配管系统内的药品清洗或注 入清洗剂(设备出厂前以做初步清理)。Make clear of rubbish, oil, metal powder based on requirement of cleaner( equiptment did basic cleansing before leaving plant) 供给水质的确认:至少要对压力容器通水30min,确认反渗透膜的供给水是否 符合要求。对于聚酰胺复合膜,要确认无残留游离氯存在。Supply water quality

16、confirmation: watering no less than 30min for pressure vessel, confirm if RO supply water fulfill requirement. Make sure there is no Dissociation chlorine to Gathers the amide compound membrane. 必要零部件的准备:从纸板箱内的附件盒里将零部件取出。先确认膜元件的附 属零部件及必要数量,见下表:Necessary spare parts: take out spare sparts in box from pure wooden crate.Confi



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