PEP小学六年级英语下册Grade 6 Recycle 1 Let’s Take a Trip教案

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《PEP小学六年级英语下册Grade 6 Recycle 1 Let’s Take a Trip教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP小学六年级英语下册Grade 6 Recycle 1 Let’s Take a Trip教案(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Grade 6 Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip一、教学内容 第一课时:Read and say。二、教学目标1、 能读懂 Readandsay 部分的对话,完成两项有关旅行日程安排的练习。2、能熟练掌握并运用be going to 句型询问并回答他人和自己的旅行安排。三、教学重难点本课时的教学重、难点是让学生在具体情景中熟练运用begoingto 句型询问和回答相关信息。四、教学准备中国地图和各地风景图、录音机、录音带、单词卡片等。五、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Sing a song: What Are You Going to Do?2. Play a

2、brainstorm game.PPT上的weekend一词,让学生看着尽可能多地用英语说出能想到的周末活动,如:do my homework, visit grandparents, go fishing等。2、Free talk用学生学过的句型“What are you going to do on the weekend?”提问。T: The weekend is coming. What are you going to do this weekend?S: Imgoing toStep 2 Presentation1.在学生了解彼此周末打算干什么以后,教师让学生猜测老师周末打算做什么

3、,自然地呈现更多本课的生词和重要短语。在师生交流的过程中,教师鼓励学生尽可能多地运用不同句型进行提问。如:T:Can you guess: What am I going to do this weekend?S1: I think you are going to S2: Are you going to .S3: Maybe you are going to(PPT 呈现教师周末打算做的事情)T: Yes, Im going to take a trip. Im going to Kunming.(手指PPT中的民族舞蹈、石林图片) Im going to see folk dances

4、and visit Stone Forest.(教师领读folk dances,Stone Forest。)Step 3:Read and say1.学生看动画,听录音,回答问题。T: Boys and girls, we are talking about our weekends. Zhang Peng and Mike are talking about their holidays. Please watch the cartoon, and try to fill in Mikes trip schedule.Where to go?What to do?When to go?How

5、 to get there?2.听完录音后,教师让学生分组讨论以上的问题3.学生自读课文,通过自主学习发现问题,并尝试解决问题。设计意图:此环节目的是培养学生自主学习的意识、发现问题的习惯,以及解决问题的能力,帮助学生摆脱依赖教师直接呈现语言点的传统学习方式。4.学生跟读录音。Step 4:Extension1、PPT呈现祖国各地风貌的图片,让学生初步感知各地自然风光、民俗风情及地名。给学生布置采访任务:T: Its a good season for a trip. Where are you going? What are you going to do? Please plan your

6、 holiday and interview your classmates.Where to go?What to do?When to go?How to get there?(教师鼓励学生根据表格的问题,进行小组问答。)2.写作教师要求学生根据采访的结果开展写作训练。My holidaySummer holiday is coming soon. Im going to 用实物投影学生所写的内容,并选2、3组展示。Step 5 Summary 引导学生总结。Step 6 Do some exercises.1. Listen to the passage and put the pict

7、ures in right order. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. Finish the sentences, choose the words and fill in the blanks.When Where What How Who1. _are you going to Beijing? Next Monday.2. _ are you going to Xinjiang? By train.3. _are you going with? Im going with my friend.4. _ are going to do there? Im going to eat g

8、ood food.5. _are you going ? Im going to Changsha.Step 7 AssessmentStep 8 Homework写一小段话,谈谈你和家人的假期计划。六、教学板书设计Recycle 1 Lets take a trip1.Read and say be going toStone Forestfolk dancesGrade 6 Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip复备人:一、教学内容第二课时:Read and answer, Listen and write, Good to know。二、教学目标1. 知识目标1 )能够理解

9、Read and answer 的对话。2 )能完成Listen and write的听力练习。3 )综合运用be going to 句型,there be结构和形容词比较级等语言。2. 能力目标1 ) 通过教学,培养学生观察、记忆、思维、创造的能力。2 ) 培养学生捕捉文字里的关键信息回答问题的能力,养成良好的阅读习惯。3. 情感、策略、文化等目标1 )情感态度:注重培养学生学习的愿望,鼓励学生参与实践活动。2 )学习策略:注重观察、交际功能、学会观察、提问等策略。3 )文化目标:了解机场基本设施及登机前的通告和旅游地区的文化。三、教学重难点 1. 本课时的教学重点和难点是综合运用be go

10、ing to 句型,there be 结构和形容词比较级等语言。 2. 让学生能够在抓住主要复习的语言点的同时,更多联系已经学过的语言。四、教学准备 1. 根据学生活泼好动,求知欲强,争强好胜的心理特征,因此在教学方法上我展示情景图,使设计情景更加形象直观,有趣味性,激发学生学习兴趣,使学生在乐中求学。 2. 通过小组活动,培养他们合作探究精神,解决问题的能力及相互沟通的能力。 3. 我还采用小组竞赛的游戏来辅助教学,根据Read and answer的内容,我分别用小白兔、小猴、小熊和小羊代表4个小组进行比赛,4个小动物各自带着backpack奋发前进,到本节课结束时,看哪组能以最快的速度到

11、达目的地就算赢。这样则可以调动学生的学习积极性和培养他们团结合作,奋发向上的精神。并激发学生之间良性的学习竞争意识,使学生更好的投入到教学的每个环节中。 4.通过自评、师评、小组互评,激发学生的学习积极性,有益于学生树立自信心,形成继续努力学习的动力。 5.为了更好地吸引学生的注意力,提高教学效果,我准备了录音机带、投影仪、图片等教具。五、教学过程Step 1 Leading in1、Sing a song “Im going to ”2、老师提供某些城市的相关信息,学生抢答城市名称如: the Great Wall Beijing Ocean Park Hong Kong Spring Ci

12、ty Kunming East Pearl Shanghai 根据学生的回答,教师将各城市名称贴到教师四周的墙上。3、Free talk 教师与学生根据提供的信息,进行对话 Where are you going ? Im going to ?Are we going to ?Yes, we are./ No, we arent.Step 2 Pre-task1、老师呈现情景图,旅游名胜古迹,风景优美,老师引导一些爱好旅游的学生上讲台为同学作介绍。2、图片呈现候机场对话情景,出示问题What are Kathy and Mike talk about? 学生带着问题看书和听录音。Step 3

13、While-task1、Ask the students to read the text again and tick or cross.( )1. Kunming is far from Beijing.( ) 2. Its very hot in Kunming.( ) 3. Kathy is going to buy some folk clothes in Kunming.( ) 4. Mikes backpack is bigger and heavier.2.Check the answers and then read after the tape.3. 教师把Read and

14、 answer中的重难点句子做成词卡,发给4个小组,请学生讨论后按正确顺序排列,看哪个小组完成得又对又快,先完成的小组能赢得前进的机会。 Kunming is three hours by plane. Kunming is known as “Spring City”, Its usually sunny and warm4、Check the answer5. 引导学生完成课本练习“Answer the questions.”5、教师出示对话情景片段,让学生模仿Read and answer 给它配音。6、Present “Group work”.T: Yin Yun is going on a big trip this summer holiday. Where is she going to ? Guess S:Guess教师让学生四人小组分别说出某人或自己讲要去哪里,将会以怎样的交通方式,将要干什么等,让其他三个同学猜猜。Step 4 Post task1、请各组代表上台表演,评出最佳拍档。2、Listen and write.3、Good to know .通过老师讲解和课件图示,让学生进一步了解机场基本设施及登机前的通告。Step 5 Do some exercises.1. Listen and tick o


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