绩效管理《新经理人手册澳大利亚学院提高业绩手册》(doc 8页)

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《绩效管理《新经理人手册澳大利亚学院提高业绩手册》(doc 8页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《绩效管理《新经理人手册澳大利亚学院提高业绩手册》(doc 8页)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ATTITUDE 态度A SMALL THING THAT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE影响巨大的小事The Australian Institute Handbook for Enhancing Performance澳大利亚学院提高业绩手册n Give feedback 给予反馈n Make the best of bad news 充分利用坏消息n Delegate 代表n Pick the brains of departing workers 挖掘离店员工的想法n Review performance regularly 定期回顾工作表现n Decide and de

2、liver 决定与传达n Exert “praise motivation” 发挥“表扬的促动作用”n Plan your meetings 设计你的会议n Listen more 多听n Think strategically 战略构思n Build alliances 建立联盟n Get Feedback 获得反馈n Give great instructions 给予很好的指导n Speak with power 说话有力n Win over cynics 争取玩世不恭者n Prepare for change 为变化做好准备n Muzzle your mouth 闭住你的嘴n Pose

3、 penetrating questions 提出尖锐的问题n Lift poor and mediocre performance 提升糟糕、平庸的工作表现n Regale your audience 款待你的听众n Criticise without criticism 没有批评的批评n Beat the clock n Impress your boss 给你的老板留下深刻印象n Mix and mingle 混和Make the best of bad news 充分利用坏消息n Display “ego strength” “展示自我的力量”Show that your ego is

4、nt threatened by the bad news. Use non-defensive language such as, “I take responsibility for contributing to this state of affair, and I take responsibility for leading us out of this”. 要表现出坏消息并没有威胁到你。要使用非自卫性的语言,如“我承担此事的责任,并有责任带领我们走出困境”。n Set the context 调整来龙去脉Tie a specific piece of bad news to la

5、rger organisational goals. Say “This adds to our challenge, but we can overcome this”. 把一条具体的坏消息与更大的组织目标联系起来,说“这增加了对我们的挑战,但是,我们能战胜它”。n Get to the point 切中要点Stay on track and dont waste words. State the most important news up front. Then add facts, evidence or other supporting information. 别跑题,别费口舌。先

6、说最重要的消息,然后加上事实、证据或其它有关的信息。Exert “praise motivation” 发挥表扬的促动作用n Catch employees at their best 抓住员工最好的一面Look for examples of stellar work. Set high standards and never miss a chance to congratulate someone for exceeding them. 寻找出色工作的范例,制定高标准,不要错过任何机会祝贺某人的出色表现。n Acknowledge effort, not just results承认付出

7、的努力,不要只重结果Some employees will try and fail. Lets just shrug and say, “I like the way you tried so hard.” Dont just shrug and say, “Oh well, at least you tried” or “Maybe next time.” Recognise effort as praiseworthy in itself. 有的员工做了尝试,但失败了。让我们耸耸肩,对他说:“我很欣赏你工作这么努力!”不要只耸耸肩说:“啊,至少你努力了”或“也许下次行吧”。要承认员工的努

8、力,这种努力值得表扬。n Say it once with feeling 衷心地表扬一次 Praise loses its luster if you repeat yourself too often. Find traits, skills or actions to compliment. And once you say it, dont keep restating it until the employees face lights up. Some individuals dont react to praise with visible delight, but that d

9、oesnt mean they disregard it. 如重复多次,表扬就失去了光彩。发现值得赞美的品质、技能或行动,一旦你赞美了,就不要重复再说,直到员工喜形于色。有的人听了赞美不露声色,但这并不表示他不在乎别人的赞美。Prepare for change 为改变做好准备n Dangle rewards 炫示奖赏Explain to employees what goodies await those who are most adaptable to change. If they can secure a larger office, better eqipment or more

10、flexible hours, they might treat change more openly and lower their resistance. 向员工说明最适应变化的人会得到什么好处。如员工能获得更大的办公室、更好的设备或更灵活的工作时间,他会更易于接受变化并减少他对变化的抵触。n Anticipate multiple outcomes 预料多种结果Employees will want you to tell them the upshot of change: How will things be different? Answer by presenting a ran

11、ge of outcomes and specify what variables will determine how the change will develop. 员工会让你告诉他们变化的结果:事情会有何不同?回答时要说明可能的几种结果,并指出有何变数会决定变化的发展。n Withhold negative opinions 保留消极意见Present change in a positive or at least neutral light to employees. Dont dwell on your displeasure with it or theyll follow y

12、our lead and gripe even more. 向员工展示积极的、至少是中性的变化,不要伴随着你的不快,否则,你的不快会继续,你会抱怨更多。Lift poor and mediocre performance 提升糟糕、平庸的工作表现n Champion their strength even if they dont 支持他们的力量,即使他们自己不Emphasise what workers do right. Talk up their assets and make them realise how much more they can contribute by harne

13、ssing their full potential. 强调员工做什么是正确的,赞扬他们的才能,使他们明白如果充分利用他们的潜力,他们会做出更大的贡献。n Challenge them to improve in increments 使员工挑战自我,提高自身价值You cant turn slugs into stars overnight. Set short term goals that require slightly more effort and effectiveness. With each incremental gain, you lift workers onto a

14、higher level. 你不能一夜之间把懒汉变成明星。制定只需多一点努力和的高效的短期目标,每达到一个短期目标,你就把员工带到了更高的层次。n Be prepared to lead/do by example 准备领导或作出榜样Get your hands dirty and be prepared to physically walk the talk. 把手弄脏,身体力行,带头参与到工作当中。n Enlist peers as mentors 把同事作为良师益友Put your most driven, talented performers alongside your also-

15、rans. Weak employees often respond ell when theyre influenced by more successful, supportive co-workers. 让最有带动力、最有才能的员工同工作不好的员工一起工作。当工作不好的员工受到更成功的、支持他们的同事的影响时,他们的工作会有起色。Delegate 代表n Step back 后退Select tasks that employees can control and implement on their own. Make sure the individual can exercise judgment and autonomy. If you micromanage, delegating does more harm than good. 选择员工能自己控制和执行的任务,确保个人能锻炼其判断和自治的能力。如果你进行微观管理,它弊大于利。


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