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1、摘 要 马铃薯是一种世界性经济作物,是继小麦、水稻和玉米之后的第四位重要粮食作物。随着市场对马铃薯需求的不断增加,马铃薯的产业化,机械化种植、收获、深加工机械已经成为各国的重要课题。据统计2006年全世界马铃薯种植面积约为2000万hm2,其中我国的种植面积达501.53万hm2,随着我国马铃薯种植面积和总产量均跃升至世界首位,我国家也成为世界上马铃薯消费增长最快的国家之一。但是在我国大部分地区占生产总用工70%以上的马铃薯收获作业至今基本上还是停留在传统阶段(主要靠人畜力,小面积收获常采用铁锨或锄头人工挖掘,较大面积收获采用畜力挖掘犁)许多地区的机械化收获水平较低严重影响了马铃薯的规模生产,


3、和筛式分离装置在小型马铃薯收获机械上和中粘性土壤中使用的限制,提高了土薯分离效率。大大减小了劳动强度,提高了生产效率。 关键词:马铃薯;联合收获机;分离装置;分级装置;传动系统 Abstract With the market demand for potatoes continuously increased,its industrialization and mechanization planting,harvesting,deep processing mechanism become an important subject in different countries.Accord

4、ing to statistics,the worlds potatoes planting area is about 20 millionhm2 in 2006,in which our countries planting area reached 5.0153 million hm2,with the potatoes planting area and the total yield all jumped to the first place in the world,our country become one of the quickest growing potatos con

5、sumer in the world.But in the most areas of our country, there are more than 70%total work of the potatoes harvesting are basically stopped in the traditional artificial seeding cutting,digging,picking stage,the level of mechanization of harvest in some areas relatively low,its seriously influence t

6、he potatoes scale production and make it far not meet the demand of the market.In recent year,the research and extension of the potato harvest machinery has made a great development,but at present,our machine type mainly in small type,small mating power,simple structure and light.There is a big gap

7、between our country and foreign country about the technology level of the equipment research,the labor intensity is still great,they are seriously hold back the potatoes industrial development.So in order to adaptation the globe and international competition,through the comprehensive research on the

8、 present potatoes harvestmachinery at home and abroad,we improved the design of a new type single lined potatos combine harvest,which integrated the digging,separation,transportation,grading,cleaning selecting,bagging(boxing)in one machine.After improved the design of the potato combine harvester,wh

9、ich separating device used the arc round roller components.This device has simple structure and good separation,overcome the restriction of the jitter chain and screen type separation,that in small type potatoes harvest machine and the use in viscous soil,improve the separation efficiency.The gradin

10、g devices improve is mainly used the first order and the second order grading mechanism which composed of cylindrical roller and semi lunar groove had different space,realized the big,medium,small potatoes grading and transportation,greatly reduced the labor intensity and improved the product effici

11、ency.After determined the whole improving design scheme,using the CAXA software built the integral three-dimensional modeling and make the motion simulation to the grading deviceing the ADAMS software,analysis the all level potatoes simulated motion situation,verify the feasibility and reliability o

12、f the design and proposed the improving suggestion according to the simulation results.Keywords:potato;combine harvester;separating device;grading device;transmission syste目 录摘 要1Abstract2第1章 绪论6第1章 绪论61.1 前言61.1.1马铃薯种植概况61.1.2马铃薯机械化收获技术与收获机具71.2 国内外马铃薯收获机概况及发展现状71.2.1 国外马铃薯收获机的发展现状71.2.2 国内马铃薯收获机的发

13、展现状91.3 本课题研究的意义、内容及方法121.3.1 研究意义121.3.2 研究内容141.3.3 研究方法15第2章 马铃薯收获机的总体原理及挖掘部分设计162.1马铃薯的生长农艺特征及收获要求162.1.1 马铃薯的生长农业特征162.1.2 收获要求162.2马铃薯收获机的整机机构及工作原理162.3 辊式摘穗器原理及参数172.3.1 圆柱型摘穗辊抓取茎秆条件分析172.3.2 圆柱型摘穗辊不抓取果穗条件分析192.3.3 圆柱型摘穗辊直径的确定212.4 本章小节22第3章 损失实验台设计233.1 设计任务233.1.1 设计目的233.1.2 设计要求233.2 机构总体

14、方案233.2.1 机构传动方案233.2.2 总体布局243.3 实验台技术设计243.3.1 整机功率设计243.3.2 电机功率选择253.3.3 结构设计与强度校核263.4设备实物363.5本章小节37第4章 展望38结 论40参考文献41致 谢43附录144附录248 第1章 绪论1.1 前言1.1.1马铃薯种植概况马铃薯(Solanlum tuberosum L.)是一种一年生草本块茎植物,被称做土豆,洋芋,藩芋,山药蛋,荷兰薯等,在粮食产量排名中仅次于玉米、水稻和小麦而跃居第四位。我国马铃薯栽培始于明朝万历年间(15731620年),已有400多年的栽培历史,现已遍及全国,北起




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