8.5 英去年动物实验次数激增

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1、Experiments on animals rose to 3.2m last year英去年动物试验次数激增The rise is animal experiments is due to breeding of genetically modified mice and fish to test for genetic features of diseasesBy Nigel Morris, Home Affairs CorrespondentTuesday, 22 July 2008 1More than 3.2 million experiments on animals, incl

2、uding dogs, cats and monkeys, were carried out in UK last year the highest total since the early 1990s.1去年英国在包括狗、猫和猴子在内的动物身上实施了320万次试验,是自从上个世纪90年代初以来最多的年头。2Government figures showed it had presided over a steady rise in the number of animals used for research in the past 11 years, Ministers insisted

3、 the experiments were tightly controlled and essential for medical research but anti-vivisection groups accused the Government of reneging on promises to look for alternatives.2数据表明,英国用于研究的动物数量过去11年里稳步上升。政府部门坚持认为,这些实验受到严格控制,并且都是出于医疗研究需要而进行的。但反对活体解剖的组织指责政府出尔反尔,没有履行寻找替代品的承诺。3The number of experiments

4、went up by 190,000 to 3,202,000 last year, a rise of 6 per cent. The main reason for the rise was the growing practice of breeding genetically modified mice and fish for tests in which disease-causing genes are inserted or removed. About 1.15 million such procedures took place last year, an increase

5、 of 114,000. The Home Office also recorded the use of monkeys on almost 4,000 occasions but the number of tests was down by 6 per cent. 3去年,动物实验上升了19万次,增长的主要原因是用于实验的转基因老鼠和鱼类的培育数量增加,这些动物的身上被植入或去除了造成疾病的基因。去年这类实验进行了大约115万次,增加了11.4万次。应国内政部还使用猴子近4000次,但猴子试验数量下降了6%。4Meg Hillier, a Home Office minister, said: Advances with non-animal test methods continue to be made but at present licensed animal use remains essential to develop improved healthcare technologies. 4内真部官员梅格希利尔说:“非动物实验方式继续取得进展,但目前,获得许可的动物实验任然是提高医疗保健技术的必要手段。”


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