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1、DO NOT PRINT THIS PAGE. You must click the Continue button below and then print the form to complete the process. Please do not click the Continue button more than once. Your answers must be in English and must use English characters.窗体顶端U.S. Department of StateNONIMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATIONApproved

2、OMB 1405-0018Expires 09/30/2007Estimated Burden 1 hourSee Page 2PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW EACH ITEM1. Passport Number2. Place of Issuance:CityCountryState/ProvinceDO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE3. Issuing Country4. Issuance Date (dd-month-yyyy)daymonthyear5. Expiration

3、 Date (dd-month-yyyy)daymonthyear6. Surnames (As in Passport)7. First and Middle Names (As in Passport)8. Other Surnames Used (Maiden, Religious, Professional, Aliases)9. Other First and Middle Names Used10. Date of Birth (dd-month-yyyy)daymonthyear11. Place of Birth CityCountryState/Province12. Nat

4、ionality13. SexMaleFemale14. National Identification Number (If applicable)15. Home Address (Include apartment number, street, city, state or province, postal zone and country)Street Address Line 1Street Address Line 2CityState/ProvincePostal CodeCountry16. Home Telephone NumberBusiness Phone Number

5、Mobile/Cell NumberFax NumberBusiness Fax NumberPager Number17. Marital StatusMarried Single (Never Married)Widowed Divorced Separated18. Spouses Full Name(Even if divorced or separated. Include maiden name.)19. Spouses DOB (dd-month-yyyy)daymonthyear20. Name and Address of Present Employer or School

6、 Name:Address:21. Present Occupation(If retired, write retired. If student, write student.)22. When Do You Intend To Arrive In The U.S.?(Provide specific date if known) daymonthyear23. E-Mail Address24. At What Address Will You Stay in The U.S.?Street Address Line 1Street Address Line 2CityState/Pro

7、vincePostal CodeBarcode25. Name and Telephone Numbers of Person in U.S. Who You Will Be Staying With or Visiting for Tourism or BusinessNameHome PhoneBusiness PhoneCell PhoneDO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE|50mm X 50 mm|PHOTO|Staple or glue photo here.|26. How Long Do You Intend To Stay in The U.S.?27. Wh

8、at is The Purpose of Your Trip?28. Who Will Pay For Your Trip?29. Have You Ever Been in The U.S.? Yes NoWHEN?(Most Recent)daymonthyearFOR HOW LONG?Enter Additional Visits to the U.S. Here:DS-15603-2006PREVIOUS EDITIONS OBSOLETEPage 1 of 230. Have You Ever Been Issued a U.S. Visa? Yes NoWHEN?(Most Re

9、cent)daymonthyearWHERE? WHAT TYPE OF VISA? Enter Additional Visa Issuances Here:31. Have You Ever Been Refused a U.S. Visa? Yes NoWHEN?(Most Recent)daymonthyearWHERE? WHAT TYPE OF VISA? Enter Additional Visa Refusals Here:32. Do You Intend To Work in The U.S.? Yes No(If YES, give the name and comple

10、te address of U.S. employer.)33. Do You Intend To Study in The U.S.? Yes No(If YES, give the name and complete address of the school.)34. Names and Relationships of Persons Traveling With You35. Has Your U.S. Visa Ever Been Cancelled or Revoked? Yes No36. Has Anyone Ever Filed an Immigrant Visa Peti

11、tion on Your Behalf?Yes No If Yes, Who? 37. Are Any of The Following Persons in The U.S., or Do They Have U.S. Legal Permanent Residence or U.S. Citizenship?Mark YES or NO and indicate that persons status in the U.S. (i.e., U.S. legal permanent resident, U.S. citizen, visiting, studying, working, et

12、c.).Yes NoHusband/WifeYes NoFiance/FianceeYes NoYes NoFather/MotherYes NoSon/DaughterBrother/Sister38. IMPORTANT: ALL APPLICANTS MUST READ AND CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX FOR EACH ITEM.A visa may not be issued to persons who are within specific categories defined by law as inadmissible to the United S

13、tates (except when a waiver is obtained in advance). Is any of the following applicable to you? Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime, even though subject of a pardon, amnesty or other similar legal action? Have you ever unlawfully distributed or sold a controlled substan

14、ce(drug), or been a prostitute or procurer for prostitutes?Yes No Have you ever been refused admission to the U.S., or been the subject of a deportation hearing or sought to obtain or assist others to obtain a visa, entry into the U.S., or any other U.S. immigration benefit by fraud or willful misrepresentation or other unlawful means? Have you attended a U.S. public elementary school on student (F) status or a public secondary school after November 30, 1996 without reimbursing the school?Yes No Do you seek to enter the United States t



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