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1、全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选Module 4 Unit 1 Everyone will study at home教案设计教案背景:1、面向学生: 中学 小学 2、学科:英语2、课时:13、学生课前准备:一、百度互联网上搜索有关未来生活的资料一、学生自己查找并了解有关一般将来时的语法内容 二、学生预习词汇并按照音标朗读,小组解决自己不会拼读的词汇三、预习教材对话,找出对话中表达将来生活的句子教学课题:Unit 1 everyone will study at home教学目标:知识目标: 1.掌握本单元单词: cable TV, calculator, cell phone

2、, email, Internet, chalk,no one, everyone2.学习一般将来时,掌握一般将来时的结构will + V原形能力目标:能听懂谈论未来的简短对话,能有will结构谈论对未来的想象情感目标:通过对美好未来的憧憬,培养学生乐观向上的精神。了解高科技与文化之间的关系,在享受高科技带来的便利的同时,能注意民族文化的传承。教材分析:本节课是外研社新标准英语七年级下册Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Every one will study at home.以学校为题材,贴近学生的生活经历,在此基础上引入到谈论将来生活这个话题上,这是学生

3、很熟悉也是较感兴趣的。七年级的学生富于幻想,在教师设计的任务中,引导学生在交际中动态生成,乐于合作分享。给学生充分自由想象的空间,鼓励他们描述想象中未来的学校,这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。教学重难点:重点:学习“will+动词原形”结构描述将来要做的事。难点:熟练准确地运用“will+动词原形”结构谈论将来的生活。 教学方法:采用小组合作学习和任务型教学方法1设计不同层次的听说练习,训练学生的听力、口语表达和交流合作。2设计任务对词汇及短语巩固练习,提高学生对知识运用能力。教学过程:一、课前延伸 布置学生预习词汇并按照音标朗读,小组解决自己不会拼读的词汇

4、:life in the future blackboard cable TV calculator cell phone chalk computer dictionary email Internet paper pen pencil ruler satellite TV radio二、课内探究Step1 检查词汇(小组竞赛)T:You have learned the words by yourselves, lets have a check. Look at the pictures and say the words quickly.(教师展示图片,学生根据图片快速说出单词)【百度

5、搜索】:T:Which words can you use to discribe our classroom? (学生小组活动用上这些单词描述自己的教室,教师提问几名学生。)【百度搜索】:om=rec&pos=4&weight=9&lastweight=9&count=5设计意图:通过该活动的设计,建立意义与所指之间的直接联系,为输出活动做准备。利用百度图片,增强单词学习的形象性。Step2 Free talk.T:We are having an English class now. Can you tell me what do you use to study English? (教师

6、提问两名学生做示范)S1:I use a dictionary to study English.S2:I use a pen to study English.T:Work in groups, ask and answer “What do we use to study English?”Then give us a report, use the sentence: Everyone uses No one uses.(结合新单词,学生小组讨论并展示句型。)设计意图:本活动呈开放性,通过让学生自由发挥,激发学生参与的积极性,有利于激活背景知识词汇。Step3 新课导入A.Lets wa

7、tch a video together. After watching, you should tell me what it is about.(教师播放有关未来生活的一段视频,由此导入本节课的功能话题。)【百度搜索】c0MzI=.htmlSs:Its about life in the future.T: How can describe our life in the future? This class well learn the structure:Will +动词原形。(教师板书:一般将来时 Will+V原形)【百度搜索】了解8ad7b14e852458fb5715.htmlB

8、.专项练习(1)利用图片强化will的疑问句及回答,肯定句与否定句的变化。(2)小组讨论未来学习与教室的样子,为听力练习奠定基础。Everyone will study at home. The teachers wont write on the blackboard. -Will students go to school in the future?-Yes,they will. / No, they wont.There wont be schools in the future.Step4听力训练T:“Do you what to know what Daming and Betty

9、 think about the schools in the future?Lets listen to the recorder and check the true sentences for them.(activity 4)(教师播放录音,学生听后,小组讨论并回答。然后再听一遍核对正确的句子)Betty Daming 1 Everyone will study at home in the future.2 Everyone will send their homework to the teacher by email.3 There will be a computer on e

10、very desk in the future.4 Everyone will use paper, pens and pencils.【百度搜索】设计意图:训练学生细节听力技巧,利用课件中的声音素材,提高声音效果。利用课件的动画效果,使答案呈现更直观。Step5 对话处理1.读前听Listen and choose the right answers1)Will students go to school in the future? A.Yes,they will. B. No, they wont.2)Will there be teachers? A. Yes, there will.

11、 B. No, there wont.3)Will they study at home? A. Yes, they will. B.No, they wont.(在听力训练的基础上,要求学生读听结合,初识对话)【百度搜索】设计意图:本活动目的是进行听力与口语训练,音频效果较好,多器官结合,提高学生知识接受力。2.听后读Read the conversation and choose the best answer to each question.(Activity6)1.Will they study at home? Yes, they will./ No, they won.2.Wil

12、l there be teachers? Yes, there will./ No, there wont.3.Will we read books in the future? Yes, we will./ No, we wont.4.Will teachers use a blackboard and chalk? Yes, they will./ No, they wont.5.Will students use paper, pencils and pens? Yes, they will./ No, they wont(学生阅读课文,然后小组讨论,回答问题)设计意图:本活动是对听力信

13、息的再次处理,展示will的各种句型。3.读后说 (1)Act out the conversation in your groups. (学生在小组内进行角色扮演和对话活动。)(2)show the conversation in front of the class.(学生到讲台前表演对话)Step6 释难解惑(一)、疑难探究1、I think that everyone will study at home and will use computer.think 引导宾语从句,否定必须前置e.g.I dont think you are right to do so. (不用I thin

14、k you arent right to do so.)2、with (使用有形的工具或器官)e.g. We work with our hands(二)语法在线本节课我们学校了一般将来时的用法,下面来集中突破:【百度搜索】:Step7巩固练习一、单项选择1、 Everyone _ English hard in our class .A. study B. studys C. studies D. studying 2、-Will there be schools in the future ? -No , there _ . A. isnt B. wont be C. wont D. will be not 3、-Will they send their homework _ the teacher _ email ? -Yes , they will . A. for ; by B. at ;with C. to ; by D. by ; to 4、- _ there any fruit in the fridge ? - No , there isnt . A. will B. will be C. Is D. Are5、 Do you think there _ no st



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