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1、-.2021年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试高起点英语本试卷分第一卷选择题和第二卷( 非选择题 ) 两局部,总分值150 分。考试时间120 分钟。第一卷选择题,共105 分一、语音知识:共 5 小题;每题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分。在以下每组单词中,有一个单词的划线局部与其他单词的划线局部的读音不同。找出这个词。1.A heatB cleanC breakD peace2.A. fatherB. thiefC. neitherD. thus3.A bearB wearC pearD. hear4.A. useB. excuseC. buttonD. music5.A. allowB powe

2、rC. brownD below二、词汇与语法知识:共15 小题;每题1.5 分,共 225 分。从每题的四个选择项中,选出最正确的一项。6. -Was the gentlemans name David?-No. I dont think so, but,go on,please.A. many thanksB. I d like toC. not at allD. never mine7. Our manager is not in right now. Can Ia message?A. leaveB. takeC. giveD. write8. George ought to have

3、 arrived this time.A. duringB. onC inD. by9. Once Johnny starts painting a picture, he wont stop until it .A had been finishedB. was finishedC is finishedD. will be finished10. The girl is waiting for her aunt onside of the road.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. one other11. I never seem to have any

4、timewith my parents.A to spendB spentC. having spenD spend12.-The story is too hard to understand-Yes,its short and there arent many new words in it.A. sInceB becauseC ifD. though13.-will John get to the company?-In three hoursA. How soonB How longC How oftenD. How fast-.-.14.They all looked so happ

5、y. Theyhave succeeded after so many failures.A. mustB wouldC shouldD could15. I came across this old book while Imy roomA. cleanB. will cleanC have cleanedD was cleaning16.Tom isthan George, but John is theof the threeA tallest: tallerB. taller: tallestC tall: tallerD. taller: tall17. The teacher as

6、ked all the students in the class to keep their eyesfor aminute.A. closeB. closedC to closeD. closing18. In the last five years the cityout rapidly in all directions.A has spreadB has been spreadC. was spreadD spread19. I think Vic feels surprised by the factI m smarter than he is.A. whyB whichC whe

7、nD. that20. A good teacher must betoo stricttoo weak.A. either: orB. neither: norC. not only; but alsoD. both;and三、完形填空共 15 小题;每题 2 分,共 30 分。通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处的最正确选项。In thepast, I alwaysthoughtthat being ateacher was aneasy job. ButI changedmy21 when I became a part-timeteacher. A

8、bout fouryears ago, Richardasked me22 I could help teach his students how to make a website about themselves.I23becausecomputer iswhat I do well and Ididntthinkteachingcomputerwould be that24 .But when ItaughtRichardsclass,someofthe students25withtheirfriendswhileIwas explaininghow to do something.A

9、tfirstI justgotangry with them,26Richardtaughtme tothinkwhy theywere doingthis.He saidthat ifhe was27alesson and the students were not listening, then he was angry with28for notmaking thelesson clearorinterestingforthem. Itoldhim thatI didnt29hisidea. He then asked me if I had ever30 the same thing.

10、 That made me stop. Ofcourse I had!If any of my past teachers are31this, I want to say sorry if I sometimesplayed around in the class32 you were teaching. I didnt think how that wouldmake you feel.I promise Iwilldo my bestto be a good33inthefuture.Pleasehelp us when we dont understand and most 34, d

11、ont be quick to be angry whenwe fail. 35 of us are perfect but with your help we can be successful.21. A. planB. decisionC. choiceD. mind22. A. whereB. whyC. whetherD. when23. A. agreedB. failedC. obeyedD. admitted-.-.24.A. dangerousB. wiseC. interestingD. hard25.A. performedB. workedC. chattedD. tr

12、avelled26.A. orB. ButC. forD. and27.A takingB teachingC. learningD. preparing28.A. itselfB. meC. themD. himself29.A exchangeB. likeC. knowD. receive30.A. acceptedB. saidC. doneD. thought31.A readingB. meaningC. writingD. saying32.A. whenB. untilC. afterD. since33.A workerB. studentC. businessmanD. e

13、ngineer34.A seriouslyB. probablyC. surprisinglyD. importantly35.A. NoneB. AnyC. MostD. All四、阅读理解:共 15 小题;每题 3 分,共 45 分。阅读以下短文,根据短文的内容从每题的四个选择项中选出最正确的一项。AWhenI was at school,our teachertoldthe classYouare what you eat.My friendsand Iwould laugh and calleach other “ hamburger( 汉堡 )and “ biscuits. Our teacherwas trying to show us the importance of eating th


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