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1、六年级英语Unit Four 、Unit Five人教四年制【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:Unit Four Lesson 2324 Fun Story Unit Five Lesson 2526二. 重点词语及表达:1. do bad things to 做对不利的(没有好处的,坏的)事情例:We should not do bad things to others . 我们不应当对别人做坏事。be bad for 对有害处例:Reading in bed is bad for your eyes . 躺床上看书对你的眼睛有害。2. keep (1)keep +物(人)+形容词,使某物

2、或某人处于某种状态,保持例:We must keep our classroom clean . 我们必须保持教室干净。Good food keeps you healthy . 良好的食物使你身体健康。(2)keep+物(人)+介词短语,使某物(人)处于某种状态。例:You must keep your hands behind your backs .你们必须把手放在背后。(3)keep +物(人)+现在分词例:Dont keep your mother waiting . 别让你妈妈等了。3. all kinds of 各种各样的There are all kinds of toys i

3、n the shop . 这家商店有各种各样的玩具。a kind of 一种I have a kind of new bag . 我有一款新式的书包。different kinds of Mr. Wang has many different kinds of stamps . 王先生有许多不同种类的各式邮票。 4. save拯救,节约,保护,储蓄例:We must save our planet . 我们必须保护我们的地球。He saved a girl from the fire last week . 他上星期从火中救出一个女孩。She saves money for use in th

4、e future . 她存钱以便将来用。We should save water . 我们应当节约水。 5. make +名词+形容词,使变得 Lets make our country more beautiful . 让我们把我们的国家变得更美丽。We shouldnt make the river dirty . 我们不应当把河水弄脏。 6. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 例:Please tell him to hand in his homework on time . 请告诉他按时交作业。tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人别做某事例:

5、We should tell people not to hunt wild animals .我们应当告诉人们不要猎杀野生动物。 7. too much和too many(1)too much后面接不可数名词例:We waste too much water . 我们浪费了太多的水。There was too much rain last year . 去年的雨水太多。Dont eat too much meat . 不要吃太多的肉。(2)too many后面接可数名词的复数例:We cut down too many trees . 我们砍伐了太多的树木。There were too ma

6、ny people in the park this morning . 今天上午公园里的人太多。He has too many books to read . 他有太多的书要看。 8. be good to 对和善,仁慈的,待好。例:The teacher is very good to us . 老师待我们很好。We should be good to wild animals . 我们应该善待野生动物。be good 后面还可以接其他介词:如:be good for 对有好处Walking is good for our health . 散步对我们健康有好处。be good at擅长于

7、Im good at football . 我擅长足球。 9. clear与clean (1)都当形容词讲时,试比较The river is very clear . 河水非常清澈(指清澈见底)The river is very clean . 河水很干净(指卫生洁净)(2)都当动词讲时,试比较Please clear the table . 请把桌子收拾干净(指把桌上的废物清理掉)Please clean the table . 请把桌子擦干净(指把桌面上的灰尘擦掉) 10. waste too much energy浪费太多的能源 11. clear too much land开垦太多的土

8、地 12. hunt too many wild animals猎杀太多的野生动物三. 课文学习:Lesson 23Li Yans parents will take her to the World Park to learn about the famous places in the world .李艳的父母将带她去世界公园了解世界名胜。Mum:Can you see Big Ben and Tower Bridge over there ? They are in London . 你能看到那边的大本钟和伦敦塔桥吗?它们位于伦敦。Li Yan:Wow , they are fantas

9、tic ! 哇,它们太奇异了!Dad:Heres America . The capital city is called Washington D.C. Im sure youll like Disneyland . It is one of the greatest theme parks in the world . 这里是美国。美国的首都叫华盛顿。我相信你会喜欢迪士尼乐园。它是世界上最棒的主题公园之一。Li Yan:Great , well go to Disneyland . What about New York ? 太好了,我们去迪士尼乐园吧。纽约在哪儿?Dad:Yes , yo

10、ull like New York . It is one of the biggest cities in America .Then we can go to Niagara Falls . Niagara Falls is in Canada .对,你会喜欢上纽约。它是美国最大城市之一。然后我们去看尼亚加拉瀑布。它在加拿大。Li Yan:Oh , its so interesting . Whats that , Dad ? 噢,它太有趣了。那是什么,爸爸?Dad:Thats the CN Tower in Toronto . It is the tallest tower in the

11、 world . 那是多伦多的CN塔。它是世界上最高的塔。Mum:Would you like to go to Australia ? Youll like the Sydney Opera House . 你想去澳大利亚吗?你将会喜欢悉尼歌剧院。Li Yan:Of course . I want to see all these famous places . 当然。我想去看所有的名胜。Dad:Well , Lets go to Disneyland , OK ? 好吧,让我们去迪士尼乐园,好吗?Li Yan:Yeah ! Super ! 太好了!Lesson 24 第二十四课I woul

12、d like to go to London . 我想去伦敦。Can we go on a trip to Canada ? 我们能去加拿大旅行吗?Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院Australia澳大利亚 Disneyland迪士尼乐园America美国Fun story1. The animals are having a meeting . They are talking about their holidays . They want to travel around the world . 动物们正在开会。他们正在讨论他们的假期,他们想去环游世界。2. The bea

13、r wants to see Big Ben . He is going to London by plane . 小熊想去看大本钟。他打算乘飞机去伦敦。3. The panda wants to enjoy herself at Disneyland . She is going to take a ship to America . 熊猫想去迪士尼乐园玩,她打算乘船去美国。4. The elephant and the rabbit want to go to Australia . They are going to see the Sydney Opera House . 大象和兔子想

14、去澳大利亚。他们打算去参观悉尼歌剧院。5. Mimi asks Micky , “ Where are we going ? ” Mickey answers , “ Lets go to Canada . ” 咪咪问米奇,“我们去哪儿?”米奇回答,“我们去加拿大。”6. Mimi asks Micky , “ How are we going there ? ” Micky says , “ Were going there by bike . Lets climb the TV tower in Toronto . ” Can they get there by bike ? 咪咪问米奇,

15、“我们怎么去?”米奇说,“我们骑车去。让我们去爬多伦多电视塔。”他们能骑车到达那里吗?Lesson 25Look at this blue planet . This is our home . There are plains , mountains , rivers , lakes and oceans on our planet . There are all kinds of trees , flowers and grass on our planet . There are all kinds of wild animals living together with us . Dont you want to keep our planet beautiful ? But sometimes we do bad things to it . We waste too much water . We cut down too many tree


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