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1、 摘 要模具是工业中非常重要的加工装备,担负着加工几乎所有工用农用的机械零部件的重要使命,比如飞机,汽车,仪表电器,塑料,玻璃等都离不开模具。模具应用的范围相当广泛,作用也十分巨大,它直接影响到企业在市场中的竞争力。传统的模具制作工艺落后,精度很低,制造周期长,直接影响了模具的制造精度和生产效率。在进入21世纪后,比如汽车行业,产品更新换代比较快,所以模具就要适应这一趋势,提出了高精度、高效率、高寿命三高模具来顺应小批量、多品种这种发展趋势。自从80年代末出现了快速原型技术以后,快速制模技术得到了长足的发展,解决了传统模具样模制造精度低周期长的瓶颈问题,能够较快制造出各种复杂形状的模具,从而顺


3、要求,很好地解决了电弧喷涂制造钢模的顾虑。本次试验就是从现有的电弧喷涂钢丝中选择出成本相对较低、并有可能达到要求的3Cr13、65Mn、70#和82B钢丝,将它们按照所测试的性能要求喷涂出来,对它们进行了组织分析、硬度、耐磨性、抗拉强度和冲击韧性方面性能的测试,并将它们同模具Cr12钢进行了比较,从中选择出性能较好的丝材完成电弧喷涂制造钢基模具。关键词:电弧喷涂,钢基模具,快速制造,硬度,耐磨性The Property Study of Steel Mould Shaped Material by Arc SprayingAbstractThe mould is the very import

4、ant manufacturing machineryof the industry which shoulderimportant mission for almost all the accessories of farm and industry,including aircraft,automobile,electric instrument and apparatus,plastic and glass. The field of application is very abroad and its action is very large. It directly affects

5、the enterprises competitive power in the market. The traditional mould manufacturingtechnology is very under-developed whose precision is low and manufacturing cycle is very long,so it directly affect the mould precision and production efficiency. When entering 21 century,for example the automobile

6、industry,productions are upgraded frequently,so for the sake of adapting to the trend of development,bringing forward such mould have high precision and high efficiency as well as high longevity.Since the advent of RP by the late 1980s,the rapid tooling technology has made remarkable progress,solvin

7、g the bottleneck problem that the conventional mould whose precision is low and manufacturing cycle is very long,and can manufacturing mould who has all kinds of complex shape,adapting to the trend of development and adding the enterprises competitive power in the market. The rapid tooling technolog

8、y includes direct rapid tooling and indirect rapid tooling. Indirect rapid tooling application is very mature and abroad. Arc spraying technology on tooling is one of indirect rapid tooling,in china we use it to manufacture some plastic mould whose melting point is low. But its report that some over

9、seas enterprises have used this method to manufacture steel mould. Steel mould has high hardness and high wear resistance. But in china,for the reason that the equipment and the technology,applying arc spraying to manufacture the steel mould is not abroad,for the residual stress problem is not well

10、settled,so the mould precision cannot be ensured. If we can choose some spraying steel materialwhich has low the residual stress and high hardness as well as high wear resistance to spray the steel mould. Such method can save the cost and can satisfy the operating requirement,well settled the worry

11、of applying arc spraying to spray the steel mould.In the experiment,the such as 3Cr13,65Mn, 70# and 82B steel wire which has low lost and probably satisfy the requirement to spray according to the property testing requirement,and carried out metallographic phase,hardness,abrasion performance,tensile

12、 strength and impact ductility studies as well as compared with Cr12 to choose the best steel wire to manufacture the steel mould by arc spraying.Key Words:Arc Spraying;Steel Mould;Rapid Manufacturing;Hardness;Wear Resistance第一章 绪论1.1 基于快速原型的快速制模技术研究进展1.1.1 快速原型技术的原理及分类(1)快速原型技术的原理快速原型技术是将计算机辅助设计(CA

13、D)、计算机辅助制造(CAM)、计算机数字控制(CNC)、精密伺服驱动和新材料等先进技术集于一体,将复杂的三维加工分解成简单的二维加工的组合,可以采用固、液、气、粉未几种形态的材料来制造产品1。原型产品的制造过程是:首先在计算机上构成产品的三维模型,然后对其进行分层切片,接下来计算机根据模型各层轮廓的信息,控制材料在工作台上一层一层地堆积,逐层叠加就最终形成了三维产品。快速原型技术的具体过程如下(如图1.1所示):1) 产品三维模型的构造首先在计算机上构造产品的三维模型。利用计算机辅助设计软件(如PRO/ENGINEER、IDEAS、UG等),根据产品的要求构造出它的三维模型2;或对产品实体进

14、行激光扫描或CT断层扫描,得到各层轮廓扫描数据,再利用三维建模软件构造出三维模型。2) 产品三维模型的表达在快速成型系统中,需要使用一系列的小三角形平面来近似表达三维模型表面(单元表达法),三维模型经过这样的处理后就形成了STL格式的文件。STL格式用于快速成型技术,有ASCII码和二进制码两种输出形式,二进制码输出形式所占用的文件空间比ASCII码输出形式的文件空间小得多,但ASCII码输出形式可以阅读并能进行直观检查。3) 三维模型的切片处理根据模型特征选择适当的角度,在高度方向每隔一定的间隔进行切片,拾取截面轮廓信息。间隔一般取0.050.1mm左右,间隔越小,成型精度越高,但成型花费时

15、间就越长,效率就越低,反之则精度低,但效率高。4)原型产品的制造模型切片处理后,就可以输入到各类成型机系统中成型了3。在计算机的控制下,相应的成型头(激光头或喷头)按各截面轮廓信息做扫描运动,在工作台上一层一层地堆积材料,就得到了原型产品4-5。图1.1 快速原型的成型过程Fig.1.1 Molding progress of RP(2)快速原型技术的分类1)光固化立体造型技术SL(Stereolithgraphy)这种方法是最早出现、应用最为广泛的一种快速原型技术,它的工作过程如图1.2所示:首先在计算机上用三维CAD系统构成产品的三维实体模型(见图a),然后生成并输出STL文件格式的模型(



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