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1、arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization construction, to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to promote the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. (E) enrich and per

2、fect the partys construction overall requirements of strengthening and improving party building, the party became the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristicsStrong core of leadership of the party and the new national cause from victory to victory the fundamental guarantee. Under the new situati

3、on, ruling party faces test, the reform and opening up and developing the market economy test, the external environment is a long-term, complex, serious, spirit slothful danger danger, insufficient capacity, divorced from the masses risk, passive corruption risks more sharply in front of the party.

4、Constantly improving the partys leading and ruling level and improve the ability to resist corruption and risk, is a consolidation of the partys ruling status, achieving the Mission of power must resolve a major issue. Outline of new Constitution in part on strengthening and improving party building

5、 put forward a series of new demands, stressed the need to strengthen the partys governing capacity-building, the construction of the advanced nature and purity, promoting the partys ideological building, organizational building, a building style, anti-corruption, institutional building and improvin

6、g party construction more scientific level, learning, service and innovation of Marxism party in power. Basic requirements of party building, emphasizing the whole party with Deng Xiaoping theory and the three represents important thought and scientific view of development and the basic line of the

7、party unity, unified action further emphasizes the pragmatic, emancipate the mind, and seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the tied for second as the partys construction of the basic requirements; increased wrote respect for party members, strengthen the supervision of major leading cadres. New

8、 Constitution on party of construction General requirements full of these new content, concentrated reflected has strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced and purity construction this article mainline, reflect has party of 17 big yilai party of construction made of major the

9、ory innovation results and important practice experience, reflected has we party on Marx doctrine ruling party construction law awareness of deepening, conducive to further strengthening and improved party of construction, should party faced of test and risk, effective improve party of ruling capaci

10、ty, keep and Development Party of advanced, and purity, With the spirit of reform and innovation to promote the new great project of party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat effectiveness. (F) on the absorption of some of the provisions have been amended as appr

11、opriate summarizing successful experience in recent years, party building, and links up with a part master changes叙永县岩头上景观挡土墙工程观景亭至拦河坝段高横重式毛石混凝土挡土墙专项施工方案编制人: 审核人: 审批人: 中铁二十局集团有限公司日期: 年 月 日目 录一、编制依据11、规范规程12、图纸依据1二、工程概况11、挡土墙规模12、挡土墙各专项工程的做法特点及要求2三、施工部署21、 项目组织机构22、岗位职责分工23、流水段划分3四、施工进度计划3五、分项工程施工方法3

12、1、混凝土挡土墙地基开挖32、模板工程33、混凝土工程54、施工缝与泄水孔的留置和处理65、土方回填6六、质量保证措施71、质量目标72、质量管理体系73、质量保证措施7七、安全保证措施81、安全目标82、安全管理体系83、安全保证措施10观景亭至拦河坝段高衡重式毛石砼挡土墙施工方案一、编制依据1、建筑结构工程施工工艺标准 QCJJT-JS02-20042、混凝土模板用胶合板 GB/T 17656-19993、混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 GB50204-2002;4、建筑施工钢管脚手架安全技术规程;5、建筑工程质量统一验收标准 GB 503002001 6、国家建筑标准设计图集 04J00

13、87、设计变更单,编号2007第CQ08-G-1138、现场实际情况二、工程概况 1、挡土墙形式本工程为叙永县岩头上景观挡土墙,采用C20毛石混凝土大体积挡土墙,设计选用国家建筑标准设计图集04J008第74页HJB11,地面到顶面高度为713.00米,基础埋深1米,外侧为1:0.1斜面,内侧呈1:0.2斜坡形,顶宽1200,挡墙底宽度37504625,基本形式见下面附图: 衡重式毛石混凝土挡土墙基本断面形式2、挡土墙各分项工程的做法特点及要求挡土墙地基开挖及处理:中风化或强风化地基,开挖过程出现局部风化而造成基础不平整,设计采用砂卵石换填至设计标高(由设计根据开挖后现场的实际地质条件进行决定


15、m,需要放坡较大。挡墙基槽三分之二处于河水中且是淤泥河和普坚石施工困难。 毛石混凝土挡土墙墙体较高,施工操作难度较大,施工工期短。三、施工部署1、 项目组织机构1.1 本工程将全面实行项目部管理施工,工程项目管理是以高效率地实现项目目标为目的,以项目经理负责制为核心,以项目合同和成本核算制为主要内容,并对工程项目进行全过程、全方位的计划、组织、协调、控制的管理制度。1.2 项目经理部将依据建设单位要求和公司对项目的规划和决策,具体制定和实施总体方针目标,包括工期、质量、安全等。项目经理部将受公司的方针目标考核,同时项目经理部还将接受建设单位和社会各方的监督和检查,最终为项目实现目标管理提供保障。1.3 按照公司项目管理组织条例,本项目经理部将在公司总部的控制和协调下进行本工程的施工管理。1.4 充分发挥我单位的优势,积极为用户服好务,保证干出一个重合同守信用,让业主满意的工程。2、岗位职责分工项目经理部主要管理人员配备如下:序号职务职责范围1项目经理项目负责人2项目技术负责人现场施工负责人3安全员现场施工安全负责人4施工员现场施


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