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1、Unit 1PART ONE: GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURESection AA. 1. staying. 2. laughing 3. working 4. writing, painting 5. coming 6. saving 7. being criticized 8. winning 9. being invited 10. leavingB. BCCCB DBADASection B(1) He looks tired.(2) This kind of cloth feels very soft.(3) This flower smells very sweet.(

2、4) She grew rich within a short time.(5) He became mad after that.(1) as if he had been there before(2) as if he had studied English in England.(3) as if he knew where she was(4) as if she had been turned to stone(5) as if she were ten years youngerPART TWO: VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSIONI.1. interaction

3、 2. social 3. significant 4. efficiency 5. skillful6. competence 7. acceptable 8. recognition 9. traditional 10. considerableII.1 fulfilled 2 probed 3 budgeted 4 account 5 appreciated6 distressed 7 elapsed 8 elbowed 9 alleviate 10 assessIII.1 behind 2 in 3 to 4 from 5 in6 out 7 to 8 to 9 with 10 asI

4、V.1-5. BADCA 6-10. DACBAV.1-5 DBACC6-10 BDACB11-15 CBADC 16-20 AACDBPART THREE: READING COMPREHENSIONI. Reading in DepthJ E B A F C I HII. Multiple Choice Questions.Passage 1 1-5. A AADBPassage 2 6-10. BADCDIII. Short Answer Questions1. Because he thought he already knew about people in other places

5、.2. They have different values in different cultures and the causes of their same feelings are alsodifferent.3. It is a very happy and important event.4. They will hold a big party with many guests for her and give her many gifts and respect her.5. Because American old people will not get honor or r

6、espect or attention.Part Four: Translation1. to stand still2. to be committed to3. to account for4. at hand5. in one s eyes6. to race through7. to be a slave to8. under pressure9. culture shock10. to adjust to11. 不得当地,不得体地12. 深刻感受到13. 大量投入(精力或金钱等)14. 更加重视一15. 被视为 ? 的标志16. 想使每分钟有意义17. 生活的节奏18. 随着时间流逝

7、19. 在允许的时间内20. 阻止,防止21. 你不应该把他对你计划的批评当作对你个人的攻击。22. 吃完晚餐,所有客人都回到了房间。23. 他学习差与其智力无关,但与其懒惰有很大关系。24. 对他们来说,问题越难就越不可能回答出来。25. 那辆小汽车从我买来以后尽给我添麻烦。26. 她总是意识到母亲不喜欢她所做的事这一事实。27. much less stay for dinner.28. worthy of your respect29. Given their inexperience30. go with money31. whereas some hate them32. Once

8、you get into a bad habitPart FiveI Sentence structure1. (1) The more he thought about it, the angrier he grew.(2) The more seriously the goal is pursued, the more likely positive attitudes towards science will be encouraged.2. (1) The child often turns a deaf ear to the people s care; much less do t

9、hey criticize and advise.2 2) She never seeks favor with others, much less does she submit herself to the service of others.3 .(1) One s life is finite, whereas oneis Mpaseion for life(2) To Americans, the success or failure in their business has no relation to feasts; whereas, to Chinese, no busine

10、ss can be made without frequent feasts.4. (1) It is considered impolite to speak loudly on the mobile phone in public places.(2) In many countries it is considered rude to spit in public.5.(1) Unless some of our guests get drunk at table, it seems to our minds / in our eyes as if we are not warm-hea

11、rted enough towards them.(2) Unless they provide everything within their power for their child, it seems in the eyes of Chinese parents as if they did not care enough for him / her.Unit 2PART 1: : GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURESection A1-20 ADCAA BABAB CBAAA BABAASection B:1 .像剃刀一样的尖锐2 .平静如常3 .完好如初4 .精神饱满的5

12、.象天鹅绒一样柔滑;软心肠,没骨气6 .像水晶一样明澈7 .俨如白昼8 .像石头一样没有生命。9 .其直如矢10 .坚如磐石PART 2: : VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSIONI.1. presence 2. amusing 3. woolen/woollen 4. unfair 5. patience6. thankful 7. competitive 8. participation 9. determination 10. confidenceII1 assert2 pursuing3 defy4 rebelled5 fatigues6 swore7 condemn8

13、persist9 stack10 stripIII1 into2 to3 at4 by5 out6 on7 to8 with9 in10 aboveIV .1-5. ADCBA 6-10. DBCDA V.1-5 CDACD6-10 BCBCB11-15 DBAAC16-20ABDCCPART THREE: READING COMPREHENSIONI. JAHC GKBIII. 1-5 DCDCB 6-10. CCCBCIII.1. crying.2. wasnt worth the trouble of saving.3. The old horse was upset!4. By sha

14、king off the dirt and stepping up.5. Positively.PART FOU:R TRANSLATION1. wedding anniversary2. sense of humor3. to be thankful for sth.4. to swear at sb.5. to work without rest6. to set a standardor 7. to reach for8. track and field9. to be indifferent to 10. long jump11. 把热情留给用12. 全国第四13. 挨着某人坐下14.

15、 与保持同步15. 感到十分疲倦16. 仅仅,只是17. 为了目的/好处18. 压低嗓门19. 100米短跑20. 终点线21. 近朱者赤;近墨者黑。22. 不论得志与否,人贵在有自知之明。23. 学校教学决不能脱离实践。24. 吉米来得正是时候,不早也不晚。25. 他习惯在午饭后打个盹儿。26. 我的话决不是谎言。27. despite the bad weather.28. nor could I29. in the presence of witnesses30. Though knowing English31. Reflecting on those nice days32. but the teacher took no notice of themPart FiveI Sentence structure1. (1) She refused to reply to his letters


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