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1、毕 业 论 文题目:荧幕上的咖啡文化传播: 美国电影中的星巴克 系 别: 英语学院 国际新闻与传播系专 业: 新闻学 Communicating Coffee Culture through the Big Screen: Starbucks in American MoviesA Paper Presented toThe Department of International Journalism and Communication The School of English and International StudiesBeijing Foreign Studies Universi

2、tyIn Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree ofBachelor of ArtsAcknowledgementsI would like to thank the following persons for their help and support during my research and writing of the thesis. First of all, I want to thank Professor Fu Meirong, my thesis advisor. She has talked wit

3、h me several times during the whole thesis-writing process, discussing my research ideas and approaches and giving me advice on how to conduct the research and present it on paper. Secondly, I want to thank the faculty of the School of English and International Studies, under whose care I have studi

4、ed and lived four years during my university life. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their consistent support and help for my studies. Especially my mother, who took me on a trip that triggered my initial thoughts on this thesis.AbstractCoffee culture changes in different contexts and ph

5、ases. American coffee culture, represented now primarily by the popular Starbucks phenomenon, has been dramatically reshaped over the years. On the one hand, popular media, movies in particular, have a great influence in transmitting cultural messages. On the other, product placement has long been o

6、ne of Starbucks most successful brand promotion tools. Thus, movies are the best medium to study. In the meantime, the audiences ideologies and behavior patterns are in a large part influenced by the stereotyped images in advertisements. Therefore it is important and necessary to study the coffee im

7、ages portrayed by Starbucks and the coffee culture it strives to create. This thesis examines the images of Starbucks coffee in American movies. The portrait of Starbucks coffee in popular movies not only serves as a promotional means, but also as a way of communicating coffee culture through the bi

8、g screen. Content analysis and semiotic approach are employed to examine the coffee culture communicated through American movies. A sample of seven American movies from 1998 to 2008 with scenes of Starbucks coffee is included in the content analysis while semiotic theories are applied to the 1998 fi

9、lm Youve Got Mail. The content analysis includes variations such as movie settings and environments, demographics of the main characters, time and length of the incidents, etc. The findings of the study suggest that through the movies, Starbucks attempts to establish the image of an upscale cosmopol

10、itan coffee chain and a coffee culture that represents vigorous American middle class lifestyle. First of all, Starbucks coffee constitutes a large proportion in movies with coffee scenes. It has a relatively high status in the American society and the coffee industry. Secondly, the image of Starbuc

11、ks coffee shop dramatically changed the image of previous European and American coffeehouses. The unique small town coffeehouse culture flooded with thoughts from all classes is replaced by the identical coffee chain featuring cosmopolitan white-collar lifestyle. Thirdly, Starbucks are connected wit

12、h the spirit of a number of middle-class aspirants in pursuit their dream. Lastly, Starbucks attempts to create the unique “Starbucks experience”, even though it represents the monotonous giant corporate chain culture. This is an experience that enables consumers to find their own space and self, bo

13、th literally and metaphorically, in the fast changing society. In conclusion, the Starbucks stereotype in movies promotes a coffee culture representing the cosmopolitan middle-class in American society. Key Words: Starbucks coffee culture American movies product placements摘 要咖啡文化在不同背景时代下有着不同的含义。美国的咖


15、间长短、出现频率等。并进一步应用符号学对1998年的电影电子情书进行了分析。本研究得出以下结论:首先,星巴克咖啡在美国电影中的曝光频率较高,在同类的咖啡产品中有着举足轻重的地位。其次,星巴克咖啡的品牌形象改变了以往欧洲甚至美国咖啡馆的形象。以往小巧别致、风格独特、充斥着不同阶级思想文化的小城咖啡馆形象如今已经变为代表着时尚大都市白领文化的星巴克连锁。再次,在电影中的星巴克咖啡是美国中产阶级生活态度以及积极进取精神的一个缩影。最后,不论是在电影中还是在现实中星巴克都营造了一种与众不同的“星巴克体验”:温馨的环境,多种类的咖啡选择,轻松的氛围。顾客不仅仅是在品味咖啡,同时还能在复杂多变的社会中获得属于自己的空间和归属,找到自身生活的意义。总之,星巴克在美国电影中咖啡文化的刻板印象宣传了代表着美国大都市中中产阶级文化的咖啡文化。通过电影情节、场景、人物等的设置,星巴克提升了自身的形象,营造了电影中的咖啡形象,并通过大荧幕传播了咖啡文化。关键词: 星巴克 咖啡文化 美国电影 插入式广告Contents. Introduction8A. Starbucks and Coffee Culture8B. Starbucks and Its Promotional Strategies: Product Placement9. Li


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