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1、牛津8A英语阶段复习测试卷(Unit4-Unit5).单项选择(15分)()1. Before you learn to do you must first carefullyA .new something : seeB .something new ; watchC.anvthing new ; lookD.some new things; read()2. Would you please the children with the snake?A . to ask: not to playB . ask; not to playC. ask: not playD . ask; dont

2、 play()3.There will be spacefor plants , animals and birds .A . 1ittle and littleB. 1ess and littleC. 1ittle and lessD. 1ess and less()4.The question is forhim to answer .A . easy enoughB . enough easyC. easily enoughD . enough easily()5. When are you going to leave?一 My train at six .A . leave B .

3、leaves C. left D . are to leave ()6. There is u and f in the word full.A.a; aB. an; anC.a; anD. an;a()7. We have tea at home, do we?A .little B . a littleC.FewD. a few()8. All the children like Mr White very much because he Often makes themA . laughed B . laugh C. laughing D . to laugh()9. Do you ne

4、ed more people you the vegetables?A . help; waterB. to help : waterC. help; to waterD. to help; watering()10. We found to sleep .A . difficult to get B. it difficult gettingC. it difficult to get D. that difficult go get ()11. What is your teacher like?A . He likes sports.B. He is friendly and helpf

5、ul .C. He is studying at schoo1 . D . He likes his father. ()12 . This kind of computer looks and sells in the shop .A . nice; well B. good; goodC. nicely; well D. good; nice ()13. This piano is too big . Can you make for it?A . a spaceB . some spacesC. some more rooms D. some space ()14. There are

6、many fish in the area, and the birds can catch food .A . it as B. them as C. them for D. they as()15. Japan is the east of China.A. it B. of C. on D. To.词汇(10分)A)根据句意和所给提示写出单词。1. 1 would like to become a b because I like birds very much .2. We havent seen this kind of animals because its very(very f

7、ew).3. We should do our best to protect(wild animals).4. The Chinese(govern)must do something to protect the giant pandas .5. Its(不必要)to wash your hair every-day .B)用所给词的适当形式完成句子。6. She is too(care). She always makes many mistakes in her homework .7. Our teacher always tells us( not be)late for clas

8、s .8. The giant panda was out of(dangerous)at last.9. I don t think clothes made of fur look(love)on women .10. The students hope the information call make people(take) action to protect wild animals at once .三 .单句改错(5分)()()()()1. If we continue build roads , animals won t have suitable home.ABCD2.

9、The students finished birdwateh at four that afternoon .A B C D3. When autumn comes, you can see many leafs on the tree.A BC D4. A camel is an useful animal in_China .AB C D5. The number of students in our school are more than 2 , 500.()AB CD四 .句型转换,每空一词 (10分)1. There are few red-cranes in the world

10、 .(改成反意疑问句)There are few red-cranes in the world ,?2. The restaurant is famous for its Beiiing Duck .(对画线部分提问)What the restaurant famous?3. They will take the plane back to their country .(改为同义句 )They will their country.4. I joined the Birdwatching Club two years ago .(改为同义句 )Ithe Birdwatching Club

11、two years ago .5. If you get up late , you will be late for schoo1 .(改为同义句 )If you get up, you be late for schoo1 .五 .根据所给中文完成句子翻译(15分)1 .我们必须给野生动物留下栖息处。We must.2 .玛丽作更多的运动来使自己更苗条。Mary does more exercise3 .如果我们不采取行动保护野生动物,世界上就再也没有野生生物了。If we. there weren t wild lives in the world any more .4 .老师对我非常

12、生气。The teacher.5 .江苏大丰是麋鹿的理想家园。Dafeng of Jiangsu is Milu deer6 .对我们来说保护环境是重要的。It s.7 .扎龙自然保护区为野生动物提供了食物和栖息地。The Zhalong Nature Reserve wild life8 .假如我能成为你们俱乐部的成员我将很高兴。I will be very happy9 .如果没有水,就没有生命。If there is10 .他们正在研究不同种类的鸟和它们数目的变化。六 .完形填空(10分)Every nation has its own1. So does Austlralia in h

13、er kangaroos. It is 2that there are about 20million kangaroos in Australia .It3 that there are4 kangaroos than people inAustralia . The totalpopulation of Australia is only 514 million . The 6living kangaroos are about twometers high . They canjump as 7 as two meters. Whenyou drive a car 8 the count

14、ry at dusk, it is9 to come acrossthem. Sometimes your car may be hit or even be damaged by . a big kangaroo . 10 that happens, nobody is angry with it .Now wild kangaroos can be found only in Australia . The kangaroo is one of the unique(独特的)animalsin the world , too .()1 . A . proudB. proundC. prid

15、eD. prides()2 . A. sayB. saysC. sayingD. said()3 . A . seemB. seemsC. seemedD. seeming()4 . A . moreB. muchC. manyD. most()5 . A. overB. underC. atD. with()6 . A . 1argeB. 1argerC. 1argestD. bigest()7. A. highB. higherC. highestD. highly(18. A. atB. inC. forD. through()9 . A. easyB. easilyC. easeD. east()10. A . WhatB. WhileC. WhoD . When七.阅读理解(20 分)It was in 1922 . Lenin lived o


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