Analysis of Symbolism in The Great Gats

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1、浅析了不起的盖茨比的象征主义Analysis of Symbolism in The Great GatsbyContentsAbstracti内容摘要iiIntroduction11. The Code of the Colors21.1 Green: life, hope, future21.2 White: innocence?31.3 Yellow or golden: wealth, money, and death31.4 Blue: illusion42. The Green Light43. The Valley of Ashes, West and East Egg54. T

2、he Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg65. Automobiles76. Time and Weather8Conclusion9Works Cited11Analysis of Symbolism in The Great GatsbyAbstractFrancis Scott Fitzgerald, one of the most prominent novelists in American literary history in the 1920s, has been regarded as “the singer of the jazz age”, and “C

3、hronicler” and “Poets Laureate”. His works give us an accurate picture of the social state of America in early twenties of last century. His works are regarded as symbolism and allegorical stories. And, among them, The Great Gatsby is the most successful one. Finished in 1925, The Great Gatsby wins

4、lots of favorable praise. Nowadays, people keep reading it, and many films have been adopted from it. Just as above said, The Great Gatsby is a symbolism story, in which, many symbols are used, for example, green light, the ash valley, automobiles and so on. This paper will analyze the novel by mean

5、s of the respective symbolism meanings of these symbols. Key words: Gatsby; symbolism; green light, symbol浅析了不起的盖茨比的象征主义内 容 摘 要美国著名象征主义代表作家弗朗西斯司各特菲茨杰拉德,20世纪20年代美国文坛最著名的作家之一,素有“爵士时代”代言人,“编年史家”和“桂冠诗人”的称号。菲茨杰拉德的作品准确地反映了美国上世纪20年代的社会状况。完成于1925年的了不起的盖茨比可以说是那个年代最伟大的文学作品之一,受到读者和评论界的一致好评,知道现在还有很多人愿意去读这部作品,并且

6、不断有人把这部小说改变成电影搬上银幕。值得注意的是现在仍然还有很多人从这部小说的写作手法,叙事视角和结构加以分析讨论。菲茨杰拉德在本书中运用了大量的象征手法在人物、色彩和意象等方面,描绘了美国年轻一代在第一次世界大战后的精神面貌和生活方式。象征主义也就成了这部小说的最大特点。本文意在通过对这部小说中最明显的一些象征的分析,来说明象征主义在这部小说中的重要性,即象征主义让这部小说不朽,从而成就了菲茨杰拉德在美国文学中的历史贡献,让更多读者发现这部小说的奥妙,对其有更全面的了解。关键词:盖茨比;象征;色彩;意象iAnalysis of Symbolism in The Great GatsbyIn

7、troductionFrancis Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest novelists in the 20th century in America. For his contribution to American literature, he is honored as “the singer of the jazz age”, and “Chronicler” and “Poets Laureate”. At the time of his death, Fitzgerald was considered as a failed liter

8、ary figure. But his literary reputation has risen steadily for people concentrated on the topics which emerged from his works. Today he is judged to be one of the major American prose writers in the last century. (Wu Weiren, 1990)During his short life, Fitzgerald had finished many great books, for i

9、nstance, This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night. Fitzgeralds works have been considered as a symbol for the “Jazz Age”, a time of wealth and promise. His stories not only inform us the backgrounds of the story, for example, the atmosphere of politic

10、s, how people felt and thought at that time and others, but also tell us the truths behind the story. Among these works, the greatest and most successful, in my opinion, is The Great Gatsby, which was finished in 1925. And its true that it is this book that has earned him a permanent place in Americ

11、an literature.In fact, The Great Gatsby has its own merits either on its literary techniques or its subject matter. Dos Passos, one of the American novelists, once declared that The Great Gatsby was “one of the few classical novels”. (Bruccoli, 1980, p.5) Many critics such as Malcolm Cowley, Edmund

12、Wilson, Dennis Hardy have acknowledged this novels classicality and its authors artistic achievement. Gilbert Seldes wrote in Dial in August in 1925: “Fitzgerald has more than matured, he has mastered his talents and gone soaring in a beautiful flight, leaving behind him everything dubious and trick

13、 in his earlier works, and leaving even further behind all the men of his generation and his elders.”(Byan, 1991, p.1016) In 1945, William Troy identified The Great Gatsby as Fitzgeralds only complete successful novel, and in 1946 John Berryman declared it a masterpiece. From those praise, we can se

14、e that this book is a sheer success. In this book, a lot of symbols were used by the author, and this is the reason The Great Gatsby has been considered as a symbolism and allegorical story by critics and readers. One of the most remarkable features of this book is to use lots of symbols to represen

15、t characters, background and details and to sublimate the story. So, it is acceptable to say that its symbolism that makes this story and Fitzgerald great. Symbolism, which used wildly in The Great Gatsby, is defined, by Wikipedia, as “using multiple symbols to present differentiated terms in a syst

16、em which conveys meaning.” Symbolism in literature was used from the “19th century to the early 20th century.” Symbol is “a thing, in literature, that refers or suggests more than its literal meaning”, it is “an object, animate or inanimate, which goes beyond the objective referent by evoking or suggesting to the reader a meaning another level, a meaning beyond itself.”(Yuan X



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