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1、九年级上期英语期末测试题姓名_学号_成绩:(全卷满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟)一、听力部分(共30分)(一)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. A. peasants B. presents C. parents D. parent( )2. A. past B. passed C. pass D. parts( )3. A. interested B. favorite C. different D. inportant( )4. A. look worried B. be worried C. feel worried D. worry about( )

2、5. A. June 16.,1986 B. July 8,1986 C. June 18,1986 D. July 16,1988(二)听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(每小题1分,共5分)( )6. A. Quite well. B. Id love to. C. Theyre busy.( )7. A. No, thanks. B. I want more dumplings. C. I dont like it at all.( )8. A. Yes, I know. B. Sorry, I dont know. C. The nearest post office is very big.

3、( )9. A. Ive just drunk it. B. I dont know. C. Ive just eaten it.( )10. A. Yes, please. B. Have a good time. C. Thats kind of you.(三)听对话和问题,选择最佳答案(每小题2分,共10分)( )11. A. She has gone to her hometown. B. She is returning from her hometown. C. She is leaving for her hometown.( )12. A. Yes, I can. B. No,

4、 I cant C. Yes, I do.( )13. A. Oliver. B. Tom C. Mike.( )14. A. At 6:35. B. At 5:55 C. At 5:45.( )15. A. Very good. B. Quite interesting. C. Not good.(四)听短文,选出最佳答案(每小题2分,共10分)16. How old was Mike ? A. Over ten. B. Less than ten. C. Ten. D. About ten.17. Did Mike like doing his homework ?( ) A. No, h

5、e didnt like doing it. B. Yes, he did it himself. C. Yes, and he did it well. D. Yes, he enjoyed doing it.18. Why was the teacher pleased and surprised ?( ) A. Mike made a lot of mistakes. B. Mike didnt do his homework at all. C. Mike didnt finish his homework. D. Mike did all his exercises right.19

6、. How did Mike do his homework this time? A. His father did it for him. B. His brother helped him do it. C. He did it by himselt. D. Hes mother helped him with it.20. Do you think Mikes father was good at maths ? A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasnt C. No, he was good at English. D. We have no idea.二、笔试部

7、分(一)根据句意及首字母提示填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)1. Can you p_ me with some books on science?2. Could you tell me how to p_ this word ?3. Everyone in my class w_ about the coming exam.4. You can find p_ telephones easily in our city now.5.That years Olympics were s_ because the games were coming back to the country wh

8、ere they started.6. The policemen have caught the thief who matches Mrs Lis d_ .7. Hong Kong has lots of great e_.8. I want to join the school v_ project.9. Its d_ to swim alone in the river.10. Whats wrong with the flowers ? Some of the l_ are turning yellow.(二)用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)1. Id like U

9、ncle Li _ (mend) my bicycle.2. Jim doesnt know how _(fix) up his TV.3. A cup is used for _(drink) water.4. By the time she got to the cinema, the movie _(begin).5. _ (luck) , I passed the examination.6. The TV play had a very happy _(end).7. Lin Tao would like to go (to) somewhere _ (relax).8. Id li

10、ke to stay at home, because I like _(peace) vacations.9. Mr Chen was surprised to see the fast _(develop) in China after his long absence from the country.10. Watch _(care), and you will find the differences between the two pictures.(三)单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) 1. It is reported that a small plane from South

11、 Africa crashed(坠毁)northwest of Changsha _ May 28,2004. A. on B. in C. to D. at2.Shall we call for a taxi? OK. Let me _ the phone number in Yellow Pages. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after.3. With the development of the society, parents _ more and more money on their childrens education

12、.A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend4. How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008? Its hard to say. _ people, I think.A. Million of B. Millions of C. Two millions of D. Two million of 5. Thanks for giving me _ I wanted. Youre welcome.A. the information B. an information C. the in

13、formations D. information6. There is not many differences between the two. I really dont know _.A. what should I choose B. which I should choose C. which should I choose D. what I should choose7. The television _. It doesnt work now.A. must repair B. was repairing C. must be repaired D. has repaired8. Lily took away my English book _ .A. for mistake B. by a mistake C. with mistake D. by mistake9. If he _ harder, he will catch up with us soon.A. study B. studies C. will study D. studied10. Our sports meeting has been _ till next



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