6月大学英语六级专家押题与答案解析 附听力MP3

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1、大学英语六级专家押题与答案解析 附听力MP3Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Retirement Age Be Raised? You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below.1. 有人赞成提高退休年龄2. 有人则反对3. 你的看法Should Retirement Age Be Raised

2、?_Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-

3、10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.12 Things Ive Learned From Traveling Around the World for Three YearsOn March 13, 2007, I handed over the keys to my house, put my possessions in storage and headed out to travel around the world with nothing but a backpack, my lap

4、top and a camera. Three and a half years and 70 countries later, Ive gotten the equivalent of a Ph.D in general knowledge about the people and places of Planet Earth. Here are some of the things Ive learned:1) People are generally good.Many people are afraid of the world beyond their door, yet the v

5、ast majority of humans are not thieves, murderers or rapists. They are people just like you and me who are trying to get by, to help their families and go about living their lives. There is no race, religion or nationality that is exempt from this rule. How they go about living their lives might be

6、different, but their general goals are the same.2) The media lies.If you only learned about other countries from the news, youd think the world was a horrible place. The media will always sensationalize and simplify a story. I was in East Timor when the assassination attempts on President Jos Ramos-

7、Horta, and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmo in 2008. The stories in the news the next day were filed from Jakarta or Kuala Lumpur, not Dili. It was all secondhand news. I was in Bangkok during the political protests this year, but youd never have any idea they were taking places if you were not in the im

8、mediate area where the protests were taking place. The media makes us scared of the rest of the world, and we shouldnt be.3) The world is boring.If there isnt a natural disaster or an armed conflict, most places will never even be mentioned in the news. When is the last time youve heard Laos or Oman

9、 mentioned in a news story? What makes for good news are exceptional events, not ordinary events. Most of the world, just like your neighborhood, is pretty boring. It can be amazingly interesting, but to the locals, they just go about living their lives.4) Americans dont travel.This stereotype is tr

10、ue. Americans dont travel overseas as much as Brits, Dutch, Germans, Canadians or Scandinavians. There are some good reasons for this (big country, short vacation time) and bad ones (fear and ignorance). We dont have a gap year culture like they have in the UK and we dont tend to take vacations long

11、er than a week. I cant think of a single place I visited where I met Americans in numbers anywhere close to our relative population.5) The rest of the world isnt full of germs.Many people travel with their own supply of water and an industrial vat of hand sanitizer (消毒剂). I can say in full honestly that I have never used hand sanitizer or gone out of my way to avoid contact with germs during my travels. It is true that in many places yo


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