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1、上海工程技术大学毕业设计(论文) 德朗公司出口营销策略研究摘 要最近几年中,市场营销中4C的概念被提出,甚至有些人认为4P这个现代市场的概念中逐渐会被淘汰。4C将会全面替代4P。然而我们还是相信在发展中的经济环境以及发展中的企业中4P理论有更重要的价值。这个理论在基础市场策略应用中还是非常重要的。因此本文还是用了4P理论来做分析。产品分析互联网使得全球的客户都能聚集在一起。公司能够从互联网中发出产品和服务,客户同样可以从互联网的帮助下得到产品和服务。所以我们需要通过互联网了解关于客户更多的信息,客户的需求以及客户的爱好等等。需要注意的是全球的竞争越来越激烈,产品更新越来越快,产品的功能性越来越

2、集中。因此企业需要依据如下点来分析产品。(1) 邀请客户参与产品的设计。在合作过程中,企业开发新产品,需要直接与客户对话,了解他们的需求,让客户直接参与到产品的设计、改善、生产以及其他中,这样可以让厂家生产出来的产品更容易被客户接受。(2) 在互联网上显示产品。这样做的主要目的是通过互联网让客户了解到产品以及服务。通过互联网可以对产品的描述更加详细,并且也可以有照片等等。工厂可以创造一个可视的展馆,建立一个完美的导航系统。允许客户快速得找到产品。同时他们还可以使用互联网以及多媒体技术以增加产品的真实性。(3) 客户才是产品和服务的中心。根据客户的需求,企业可以将产品和服务区分开。这可以使客户在

3、对的时间和地点买到对的产品。因此要根据客户的需求生产产品。通过这个方法可以使企业和客户之间的距离缩短。从另一方面来说增加了生意的弹性,企业可以根据市场不同的需求调整策略。(4) 加强与客户之间的沟通。一方面这个可以通过建立网上沟通或者论坛来实现。通过论坛上客户的表现公司可以了解到客户期望的产品和服务,了解部分客户的需求,帮助改善产品和服务。另一方面,由企业决定沟通方式,企业可以通过网络建立一个网站,然后经常发出训问,网上论坛,聊天室,实时沟通等方法及时了解客户需求。(5) 建立一个自动服务系统。企业通过建立一个语音市场数据系统-客户中心-可以及时得自动得答复客户要求的产品,服务以及潜在的需求。

4、例如客户在不适当的时间内买了产品,这个就需要指出客户的问题。根据客户的个性提供相关的服务如采购生日礼物等。关键词:4PS,销售策略,产品分析,互联网An application analysis on marketing strategy under the e-commerce EnvironmentABSTRACTIn recent years, it is concerned about the marketing mix 4C, and even some people think that the 4P marketing mix has been unable to adapt t

5、o modern business and face elimination, 4C will completely replace the 4P.However, we believe, on the actual development environment and enterprise development in practical terms,4P marketing mix is still a more important value, the position as the basic marketing strategy by its work carried out fo

6、r corporate is still very important. Therefore, the paper remains to 4P marketing mix as the application focus for analysis.Product StrategyInternet connects the global business with customers together. Companies can get products and services via the Internet market feedback, and customer can also c

7、ustomize the needed products and services via Internet. So for businesses, need to use Internet technology understand the customer information more fully, in particular the needs of customers, customer preferences, etc. It should also be noted that the increasingly fierce global competition, faster

8、product updates, product increasing homogenization of the core functions, these factors are affecting sales. Therefore, enterprises should optimize product strategy as the following aspects:(1)Invite customers to participate in product design .In the course of business, enterprises apply the modern

9、information technology developed, regularly communicate with consumers directly, understand the needs of customers intent, let the customers actively participate in product design, improvement, production and other activities, then enable the manufactured products easily for customers to accept.(2)

10、In the corporation website to display products. It is a main purpose to access to the corporate website to get their products and services for customers, corporate website should provide detailed information on products and services, including product and service descriptions, photo flexible ways to

11、 search, etc.They can create a virtual exhibition hall, and establish a perfect navigation system, that allows customers to quickly find the information easily. They can also use the network and multimedia technologies to increase the realism of products.(3)The center of products and services are cu

12、stomers.According to the requirements of customers, enterprises can timely product and serve, which makes the customer needs are met across time and space, then to achieve customized production of the marketing process according to customer demand. Through this direct reflection it reduced the dista

13、nce between enterprises and customers, on the one hand improved customer satisfaction, on the other hand increased business flexibility, and enterprises can adjust business strategy according to market the flexible change.(4)Strengthen the communication with customers. The one hand, the corporate ca

14、n set up online communities or forums in its web site. Business through customer performance at the Forum to help companies understand the customer perception of products and services, understanding the potential needs of customers, help products and services improvements; the other hand, leave the

15、communication methods in the enterprise site. Enterprises through the establishment of the website frequently asked questions, online forms, chat rooms, real-time question and answer section to answer customer inquiries in a timely manner.(5)Establish an automatic service system. Enterprises through

16、 the establishment of a sound marketing database system, customer-centric, based on the products and services customer needed and potential required, automatically and timely service .Example, customers buy products in different time frame, to remind customers to note the problem; according to the customer characteristics to provide related services such as birthday gifts.B. pricing strategyUnder e-commerce environment, the fa



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