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1、 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题2010-2011学年度第二学期小 学 六 年 级 英 语 科 期 中 成 长 评 估 题 学校: 班级: 姓名: 座号: 等级: 一、按词典的顺序重新排列下列单词,把它们的序号写在横线上。 10% A. boy B. clothes C. eggplant D. row E. door F. dumpling G. zebra H. week I. spoon J. October _二、根据句意及读音提示,补全单词,使句子完整、正确。 7% 1. A: How _ HevI are you? B: Guess! Im 2kg _ TInE _ DQn you

2、. 2. _ DeE is a _ BRIdZ over the _ RIvE . 3. Johns sister is an _ A:tIst , she likes drawing _ PIKtSEz . 4. A: Did you _ WXtS TV _ LA:st night? B: No, I _ wXz so _ tAIEd , so I went to sleep. 5. Larrys new _ ti:;SE:t is _ wAIt and red. Its nice.三、根据所给单词的首字母填入单词,使句子合理、通顺。 10%1. Whats the m_ with you?

3、 You l_ a_.2. H _ o _ is your brother? Hes seventeen.Hes 171cm tall. Hes 2cm t_ t_ me. 3. Sarahs hobby is c_ s_. 4. T_ is the third day of a week.四、根据中文意思填入所缺单词。 6% 1. 昨天我去了电影院。 I _ _ _ _ yesterday. 2. 你什么时候去杭州? 下个月。 A: _ _ you _ to Hangzhou? B: _ month. 3. 我们经常骑车上学。 We often _ a bike _ school. 4. 鸭

4、子会游泳。 _ can _.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 11% 1. Listen! Who _ ( play) the violin? 2. My favourite vegetable is _(potato). What about you? 3. I _(take) pictures in Beijing last summer. 4. Can you _(catch) _(butterfly)? Sure. 5. My mother _(work) for the bank. She _(go) to work on foot. 6. Lets _(clean) the clas

5、sroom after class.7. There _(be) a big board and two doors in the classroom. 8. We should _ (eat) breakfast every morning. 9. I have a toy car. He (have) a toy train.六、选择正确答案的编号填空。10%( ) 1. It _ a sunny day yesterday. A. was B. is C. looked( ) 2. Mr Brown _ England. A. come from B. comes from C. liv

6、es( ) 3. Go straight. Then you can see the bank _ the left. A. in B. at C. on( ) 4. Whats the date today? _ A. Its Friday. B. Its Apr. 10th. C. Its sunny.( ) 5. How to plant a tree? First, put the_ in the_. A. seed, soil B. soil, seed C. seed, sprout( ) 6. Linda often _ her mother _ housework.A. hel

7、pdo B. helpsdoesC. helpsdo( ) 7. John feels sick today. His tooth is _. A. toothache B. hurts C. sore( ) 8、Whose T-shirt is it? Its .A. Toms B. Tom C. Toms( ) 9、What would you like for lunch? .A. I like fish. B. Id like fish. C. I have fish.( ) 10. I am _ in Canada next month. A. going skiing B. goi

8、ng ski C. go skiing七、 连词成句。 6%1. tall, we, can, city, the, in, buildings, many, see, (.) 2. spring, white, green, is, and, is, winter, (.) 3. best, time, is, the, to, when, go, Beijing, to (?) _4. are, fish, any, there, the, in, lake (?) 八、根据实际情况回答问题。10%1. What day is it today? 2. Whos your favourit

9、e teacher? 3. What do you do? 4. Whats your father like? 5. Did you play football after school yesterday? 六、根据情景写句子。121.你想知道去新华书店的路怎么走,你问警察叔叔: 警察叔叔告诉你可以搭5路公共汽车: 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 2. 爸爸想给你买双鞋,但不知道你的鞋码,他问你: 3. 你告诉爸爸,妈妈正在厨房里做饭,你说: 4. John九月份生日,你告诉John,Sarah的生日也是在九月份,你说: 5.想知道奶奶生日在什么时候,你问妈妈: 八、阅读短文,完成文后各题。 10% Mark is an Englis


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